I take the kill feed out of context like YouTubers take clips out of context to expose people
I take the kill feed out of context like YouTubers take clips out of context to expose people
She did the same thing to me when I first started too. How is she not demoted?
This is why I like Blackened Dawg, she a real Dawg yo =D
@BlueSnoww She did the same thing to me when I first started too. How is she not demoted?
Dawn does stuff like that lol
Were they hacking or what XD
No lol
We need to fight back this Admin aboose
And take their admin weapons
@iwarriiori *war flashbacks*
@Sofatroll chill dude, it's called a joke. God forbid admins joke around with the players, amirite
I would much prefer a server where staff has fun with members than one without any day!
I assume this thread was started for shits and giggles rather than for anything serious.
That moment when my post gets deleted because I posted a gif of a vibrating salt shaker :D
Just wanna say sorry in case I should have offended sb with that ^^
@Blackened_Dawn @Sofatroll chill dude, it's called a joke. God forbid admins joke around with the players, amirite
Lol, I remember freaking out over @CactusOwnage being invisible and placing indestructible blocks over Coverts and I's chests and punching us witha glowing cactus. I love having them screw with us, you are of course human.
@TheBosmerFalcon Lol, I remember freaking out over @CactusOwnage being invisible and placing indestructible blocks over Coverts and I's chests and punching us witha glowing cactus. I love having them screw with us, you are of course human.
... that was me. @CactusOwnage can't do that lmao
Oh.... that makes more sense xD @Blackened_Dawn I shouldn't have assumed just because of the cactus.
And i certainly didnt punch you with my cactus; you would've died :P