The Selfie Thread!!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @argonFiles I see your aussie and raise you....
    another aussie

  3. Edited 8 years ago by Cellexya

    Here's a better picture of her, she's middle one :D

  4. @argonFiles
    lmfao that didnt work

  5. @Beedobi but it did :D

  6. @Cellexya
    my first post of the pic just says -image- for me rip
    also I love german sheps! She's beautiful omg

  7. This is Molly's cousin Bella, I wanted to steal her so bad XD

  8. Deleted 3 years ago by Mabzino
  9. And more of this pupper bc Aussies are precious

  10. wow your aussie is precious but too monochrome fo' me <3

  11. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  12. All these dogs look like they don't give a shit lol

  13. @BoneChi11er yours looks like its the boss of not giving any shits at all

  14. youve lured me out with the dogs...



    why must dogs always lure me out like this

  15. -image-

    New York selfie

  16. So, from a selfie thread this turned into a dog selfie thread?


  17. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  18. @Nysic id post a new york selfie but i am on the less well known side of ny

    @ardoasms that dog is PRECIOUS

  19. Heres my sisters Black Lab mixed with German Shepard (iirc) and my Collie mixed with Pitbull
    you wouldn't know it from his size but my collie is f'n strong lol and somewhat vicious against other animals he's actually killed a few, nothing to big tho lol

  20. They are adorable as fuck!

  21. my dog's killed at least 6 chickens during her lifetime..our chickens, too. Then we got rid of the chickens, and everything was fine.

  22. Newer ›

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