Bad Joke Contest! (not really a contest)

  1. 8 years ago

    Have you ever been bored in your life that you decided to make a forum thread about bad jokes at 12 o'clock at night?

    Well I have! (cringe)

    Don't be alarmed; although it says contest, you'll win nothing and there'll be no winner!

    As evident by the title, basically give your best shot at telling a bad joke. Good jokes are overrated so we need a bad joke so painfully horrible that it actually makes you exhales really fast making a psh sound.

    I'll give it my best shot:
    What is blue and smells like red paint?
    Blue paint.

    Horrible, ain't it? Bet you guys can top it because you guys got the sense of humor of a fucking cockroach.

  2. Why are there fences around a graveyard?
    Because people are dying to get in!
    Eh? eh?

    No? Okay.
    Here's another one!

    Why can't the dinosaur talk?
    Because it's dead...

  3. I tried to eat a clock once, but it was very time consuming.

  4. Time to bust out my chemisty shit!

    Two men walk into a bar, one asks for H2O the other asks for H2O too.
    The second man died.

    A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink.
    The bartender says "For you, no charge"

    It pains me to type these _-_

  5. how do you call a dog with no back legs and iron nuts?

  6. @jamlbon Time to bust out my chemisty shit!

    I agree!
    What should you say when you don't want sex?
    Nitric Oxide! [:D

  7. @BoneChi11er I agree!
    What should you say when you don't want sex?
    Nitric Oxide! [:D


    Are you made from copper and tellurium?
    Cos you are CuTe

  8. A dyslexic man walks into a bra


  9. 2 guys are out in a dog park. One of them has a dog and tells it to roll over. The othe guy says " Wow man, I guess your dog is on a roll" kill me

  10. Heres another bad joke...

  11. Standing in the park, I was wondering why a Frisbee gets larger the closer it gets.
    Then it hit me!

  12. I've got one!

  13. Js is this was a contest i think the server would win ahahaha

  14. A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

  15. Q: Suggest a method to store Cs in a laboratory.
    A: Store it under 10M HCl solution.

  16. What type of people are always in a hurry?


  17. M. Night Shyamalan's "The Last Airbender".

  18. Edited 8 years ago by FishW

    What batman tell robin before they got in the car?
    "Get in the car"

  19. (texting)
    Dad: where are you?
    Son: I'm in the car.
    Dad: oh, sorry "In the car" I was looking for my son.

  20. There is batman and robin, who is the bad one?

    The joke

  21. Newer ›

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