Shaped, Stew & LiteConstants New Base

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi Guys,

    We are back after a 7 month hiatus and this time we are going for a surface base (digging out the massive cavern under the ocean was ALOT of grief). LiteConstants plan is for a series of sky islands. Not started yet - getting the basic economy sorted. Carrots, potatos, wheat & pumpkins are in, on the left is a sugar cane farm and on the far left is a pen for cows, pigs etc. (LiteConstant is really looking forward to Natalie Porkman IV - she loves the baby pigs - be warned anyone who gets between her and her pig ;-) The weird wooden structure is LifeLongStew7's artistic construction - not really sure of its purpose yet. All our stuff is just dumped in chests at the moment on the hill in the centre - I want to dig out the plans for the epic item sorter I had in the giant spruce tree, then there is the rainbow...lots to do...


  2. Oh...that is a simple iron golem farm at the back for villager breeding and getting all the iron I will need for the item sorter materials. Hoppers use sooo much iron.

  3. Awesome that you guys are back! Looking forward to seeing you all out there again

  4. noice :D

  5. that iron farm design is so slow you're better off mining it all xd

  6. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    @SharpSerac that iron farm design is so slow you're better off mining it all xd

    Is it because he's using 1 village? Really curious cause iron is kinda important to me too.
    Plus a slow trickle of iron still has value in the time it saves you overall.

  7. ya

  8. Welcome back, looks like a great start!

  9. @SharpSerac that iron farm design is so slow you're better off mining it all xd

    ... and what are you recommending instead? Multi village iron farms outside of spawn chunks are very time consuming to build. Expanding a single village farm to fully take advantage of the maximum spawning spaces doesn't give a very large increase in iron produced but could easily take twice as long to build.

  10. @pand1024 ... and what are you recommending instead? Multi village iron farms outside of spawn chunks are very time consuming to build. Expanding a single village farm to fully take advantage of the maximum spawning spaces doesn't give a very large increase in iron produced but could easily take twice as long to build.

    idk xd i was only saying that farm was extremely inefficient xdddd

  11. Thx guys.

    It is the simplest and slowest iron golem farm but it meets my needs. I AFK a lot. When i get time to do something a bit more involved i typically have the iron i need. Same with the sugar cane. I only have 70 plants. Vegetables on the other hand one cannot get enough of...though i need some farmers to trade with.

    I think the decision to not mess with the economy with special trades, a grinder in the Vip lounge etc. was a good call Crafty. It made it too easy to become super wealthy. The subtlest thing can unbalance an economy in the most unexpected ways.

    Enjoying getting started again.

  12. I AFKed a lot when I made my iron farm in (1.9-1.11) and only got 3 stacks of iron blocks overall. For 1.8, I did make one but only got to 1 stack of iron blocks since I didn't really make any effort to AFK or be around it. Take note that the iron farm was above my base and I have 3 running at the same time. I could have made more but iron farms aren't really that efficient. But yes, it'll get you iron in time and it's cool that you'll be getting iron without having to mine it.

    By the end of the 1.11 map, I ended up with 4 stacks of iron blocks. Now, with probably 1/10th of the ticks I had in the last map, I've got more than 20 stacks of iron blocks, excluding the ones I traded with villagers (I traded a lot).

    Man, as I write this, I think; who gives a fuck?

  13. @SharpSerac that iron farm design is so slow you're better off mining it all xd

    I can give ya some iron, I've got like 4 stacks rusting away in my echest

  14. I think it is just about what works for you. If you spend a lot of time away from base you are likely not to get a lot. It produces something around 35 ingots an hour so i think it is working ok. My main problem is Lifelongstew7 pillaging it!

  15. Can I 1v1 stew

  16. noice

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