An then built a dam over the
An then built a dam over the
the trading post so pidgeons could
@MasaruCyri the trading post so pidgeons could
not peck out Dawns's
giant stone and dirt...
Mansion that looks like trash because it
could not sustain the memes that
Richard Dawkins had created to
impress the ugly girls, especially
@TimmyBoyT impress the ugly girls, especially
@jordi223b who also coincidently
was trying to impress
2Chill by voting, but failed due to
2Chill being
such a unbiased guy
that kept failing at
Making more players vote
for other servers which caused...
him to send bolts of lightening upon
Himself to give Pimpcy his head
for free which was
a mistake because Pimpcy made a