With all the huge giveaways and contests in the past few months (2Chill, Cepheid, BluePlague) I have decided to start my own lottery. This lottery is free to enter and to get onto the list you need to post a comment down below. The first 16 people to post will be entered into the contest. The way I will find out who wins is by using a randomized Bracket system with droppers. Winner will be posted on May 12th. I am not choosing the winner, so do not blame me for cheating if you do not win.
:P forgot the images
System I will use:
The wonderful podium on which the prize is displayed:
Who will win this goodiness?:
In the lotto:
- @Jordi223b Cyan wool
- @Rybye Orange wool
- @_Killer_Memestar White wool
- @Pimpcy Lime wool
- @MasaruCyri Magenta wool
- @carhadras Dark gray wool
- @OtherGreenGamer Dark blue wool
- @TopsNeverStops Dark green wool
- @adamblakely2 Sky blue wool
- @ghostassasin81 Yellow wool
- @kinkyboss Light gray wool
- @TheForgotten20 Purple wool
- @2Chill Red wool
- @Cankicker8 Pink wool
- @BlueSnoww Brown wool
- @OPtimusjag (U got lucky) Black wool
@Cileklim was 1 spot too late >:D@CraftyMyner (No, Just No)
The stuff in the background is from my redstone testing world
I will give daily updates on who has made it to the next round
Winners of the first round:
- @Jordi223b Cyan wool
- @_Killer_Memestar White wool
- @carhadras Dark gray wool
- @OtherGreenGamer Dark blue wool
- @adamblakely2 Sky blue wool
- @ghostassasin81 Yellow wool
- @TheForgotten20 Purple wool
- @Cankicker8 Pink wool
Winners of the second round:
- @_Killer_Memestar White wool
- @carhadras Dark gray wool
- @TheForgotten20 Purple wool
- @Cankicker8 Pink wool
:P i was having shitty FPS
Winners of the third round:
- @carhadras Dark gray wool
- @Cankicker8 Pink wool
Shitty FPS still stays
@Cankicker8 Pink wool