Dannysharks Overeacting

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    As I've said I'm out, but he destroyed my home my things... Isint that ruining my experience if I lose everything? Again I'm not replying anymore @Mabzino > yes dawn you've said but take into consideration what i said as the staff are are suppose to help not "harras" @Blackened_Dawn no intention to disrupt or be arrogant , just this sever is great but people need to learn not to cross the line.

  3. @iiTzzJojooo As I've said I'm out, but he destroyed my home my things... Isint that ruining my experience if I lose everything? Again I'm not replying anymore @Mabzino > yes dawn you've said but take into consideration what i said as the staff are are suppose to help not "harras" @Blackened_Dawn no intention to disrupt or be arrogant , just this sever is great but people need to learn not to cross the line.

    That isn't harassment that's normal vanilla pvp playing.
    If you can't deal with that craftymynes isn't the place for you ultimately.

  4. @R4iscool1 urr entitled to your own opinion.. in my eyes, I was harassed and ridiculed.

  5. I think you mistake my mistrust of you with bias. As this is not the first time you've gone out of your way to pick on staff.

    Banned - 5/12/2015 11:36:46 - Asian_Smurf - Harassing and antagonizing staff.

  6. @iiTzzJojooo @R4iscool1 urr entitled to your own opinion.. in my eyes, I was harassed and ridiculed.

    Yes but objectively viewed it isn't.
    Nor is it the eyes of any of the staff.
    So ultimately it's only your bias.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    Griefing and raiding is allowed, as mentioned here

  8. cool I seen what I seen, u seen what u "heard" all forgotten lock this, discussion over before it gets out of hand, we are clearly outnumbered here and this is going nowhere. again no disruptive or arrogance in this post.

  9. You claim to have proof but yet I see no proof anywhere, so clearly this is just a waste of our time because some child got raided on a raiding, griefing and pvp server and is complaining because the helpers are allowed to raid

  10. Edited 8 years ago by ZenithW

    I don't particularly remember Danny doing these things.

    If you are accusing someone you better back it up with some evidence, which in this case, screenshots.

  11. *Cracks Knuckles*

    Let's write. Sorry if stuff has been said before, this took me a small while.

    But as we all know Danny has been promoted to helper a month or two back.

    And rightfully fucking so, huh mate?
    Anyway, let's carry on.

    Danny uses his position as staff to shut people up and threatening in the name of staff even tho sometimes they break no rules.

    Danny often responds to chat when controversy comes up, which is perfectly fine. A player does not have to break a given rule, they just have to be causing havoc in chat. Insert said rule:

    Staff reserve the right to make changes to the rules to cover these holes in order to keep the server a safe friendly place.

    Every single time I've seen Danny attempt to stop something, it's been very rightfully so. Whether or not it has to do with him is never a factor as I see it.

    And most of the times Danny turns the situation into his favor and call it an "argument" at which point his other helper friends or staff jump in and threaten the player/ players.

    Maybe his other "helper friends or staff" (helper friends are staff might I note) are jumping on his bandwagon are doing it because he's correct. I've noticed Cody trying to stop similar said arguments to Danny and having the same backup. Where's the hate towards him? You seem to be writing this with tunnel vision.

    Danny is the only helper that is generating these sorts of situations.

    "Danny is the only helper that has harmed me in any way." - Please make that edit, it seems to fit the situation. Staff try to stop these kinds of things all the time. I would go look in my logs but I'm afraid this thread will be closed too soon for me to do so.

    Please note that i will have proof uploaded soon to back up my observations.

    Again, I will look into my logs to disprove said accusations later IF the thread remains unlocked.

    So for example, i have been a victim and a few other players who themselves will have to vouch on their behalf.

    "I have been a victim an a few other players who have also been harmed in game by Danny and have high blood sodium levels as well"

    His response is very edgy and he demands that i stop talking or else if i continue "arguing" about the problem i will get consequences.

    Mr. Smurf, there is a large difference between "edgy" and being strict and stern with someone. You clearly display lacking judgement.

    So my conclusion is that, whenever Danny is upset or annoyed he wants everyone to shut up.

    Ok, the way I see it you are having tunnel vision. Danny probably did whatever he would do any other time, however this time he was trying to get you to stop arguing about the topic pertaining to him. You can easily frame him by cherrypicking logs, however I could find some logs of other staff members saying very similar things and players having no issue with it.

    Danny should be demoted and learn from the other helpers for a while and maybe take a different approach when moderating the chat.

    Danny is a great helper, who in my opinion needs a promotion for his effort and devotion to the server. Maybe, just maybe you should butt your damn head out of staff and stop spite-complaining because you were a "victim" of a staff member telling you firmly to stop an argument that just so happened to be about them.

    Comment if u were a victim to this. and provide example.

    "Please like, subscribe and comment if you found this video relatable af"

    @iiTzzJojooo - I would just like to point out that helpers are supposed to help players not make their minecraft experience Hell.

    I'm sure it's been said many a time before, but helpers are just allowed to PVP, raid and grief just as much as you are.

    i cant talk to people who are friends of danny's cuz they ill have a biased reflection

    I bet you that if you came to an admin with a real issue about Danny, and provided legit and valid proof pertaining to the issue, it would be dealt with accordingly. But since you don't, it can't be proven.

    Danny also threatened me that if i say another word i will have consequences and to bring it to forums.

    @JustADork - And rightfully fucking so, huh mate?

    Danny was "threatening" you because you were being asked to stop by staff, and you were very obviously not. He was simply doing his job as a helper, but again, because it was directed at you and was pertaining to him, you're all up in arms about it.

    Sorry this probably wasn't exactly the best counter post I've had, but I was rushing in fear of the thread being locked. I hope you can see my point, and get past this time wasting issue.

  12. and this is not convincing at all cause danny's been one of the nicest staffs to me.....

  13. @JustADork *Cracks Knuckles*

    Let's write. Sorry if stuff has been said before, this took me a small while.

    And rightfully fucking so, huh mate?
    Anyway, let's carry on.

    Danny often responds to chat when controversy comes up, which is perfectly fine. A player does not have to break a given rule, they just have to be causing havoc in chat. Insert said rule:

    Every single time I've seen Danny attempt to stop something, it's been very rightfully so. Whether or not it has to do with him is never a factor as I see it.

    Maybe his other "helper friends or staff" (helper friends are staff might I note) are jumping on his bandwagon are doing it because he's correct. I've noticed Cody trying to stop similar said arguments to Danny and having the same backup. Where's the hate towards him? You seem to be writing this with tunnel vision.

    "Danny is the only helper that has harmed me in any way." - Please make that edit, it seems to fit the situation. Staff try to stop these kinds of things all the time. I would go look in my logs but I'm afraid this thread will be closed too soon for me to do so.

    Again, I will look into my logs to disprove said accusations later IF the thread remains unlocked.

    "I have been a victim an a few other players who have also been harmed in game by Danny and have high blood sodium levels as well"

    Mr. Smurf, there is a large difference between "edgy" and being strict and stern with someone. You clearly display lacking judgement.

    Ok, the way I see it you are having tunnel vision. Danny probably did whatever he would do any other time, however this time he was trying to get you to stop arguing about the topic pertaining to him. You can easily frame him by cherrypicking logs, however I could find some logs of other staff members saying very similar things and players having no issue with it.

    Danny is a great helper, who in my opinion needs a promotion for his effort and devotion to the server. Maybe, just maybe you should butt your damn head out of staff and stop spite-complaining because you were a "victim" of a staff member telling you firmly to stop an argument that just so happened to be about them.

    "Please like, subscribe and comment if you found this video relatable af"

    I'm sure it's been said many a time before, but helpers are just allowed to PVP, raid and grief just as much as you are.

    I bet you that if you came to an admin with a real issue about Danny, and provided legit and valid proof pertaining to the issue, it would be dealt with accordingly. But since you don't, it can't be proven.

    Danny was "threatening" you because you were being asked to stop by staff, and you were very obviously not. He was simply doing his job as a helper, but again, because it was directed at you and was pertaining to him, you're all up in arms about it.

    Sorry this probably wasn't exactly the best counter post I've had, but I was rushing in fear of the thread being locked. I hope you can see my point, and get past this time wasting issue.

    ^ This! ^
    You need an award.

  14. Deleted 8 years ago by Nysic
  15. "Mah feerrings had been hurd dogdangnit" Seriously was this entire post a hit piece against Danny? With zero evidence? It's not even that you're facing a biased opposition. You're just stupid thinking "hurr derr, Imma make this poooost going BLLEEHEHEHEHEHEHEWHWW" is a great way to point out whatever Danny did?

  16. @Sub "Mah feerrings had been hurd dogdangnit" Seriously was this entire post a hit piece against Danny? With zero evidence? It's not even that you're facing a biased opposition. You're just stupid thinking "hurr derr, Imma make this poooost going BLLEEHEHEHEHEHEHEWHWW" is a great way to point out whatever Danny did?

    Exactly. Assertions for dayyys. This must be Oolfa's motivation every morning.

    It's too bad Plankton never taught Spongebob "citation needed!"

  17. Hi Danny. Cool name.

  18. Well, I can see this thread getting locked soon.
    As for Danny I can't really see anything wrong here. All I see is a salty player who doesn't like to be corrected on his shit. And the fact that you haven't posted proof up yet after these hours seems to justify the theory that your blowing smoke out of your ass.

    Im calling your bluff Oolfa, show me your "evidence" and prove me wrong.

  19. Danny's a great example of devotion and leadership. No one hates him except you two and maybe a few nutcases who think the world will end because of the staff here..

  20. Edited 8 years ago by iiTzZJojooo

    hold on,hate is a strong word, I never mentioned hatred towards danny at any point... @argonFiles

  21. Ok, thats enough, this thread is going nowhere good any time soon...


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