Random Trivia Kahoot

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    @BaronBattleBread How many do you have so far?

    Two as of when I posted this.

  3. @Hijacked96 Two as of when I posted this.

    That is unacceptable...We need to fix it.

  4. @BaronBattleBread That is unacceptable...We need to fix it.

    Care to fill out the question forum with a question? That would help me out a lot.

  5. baron pressured me into submitting one :^)

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    Baron is telling us to entertain this yet this says absolutely nothing about this being about CraftyMynes, this is just your own project with unrelated trivia so I will ignore this by making a post.

    Hope you learned your lesson @BaronBattleBread; lay off the nyquil

  7. @Blackened_Dawn Baron is telling us to entertain this yet this says absolutely nothing about this being about CraftyMynes, this is just your own project with unrelated trivia do I will ignore this by making a post.

    Hope you learned your lesson @BaronBattleBread; lay off the nyquil

    Oh snap you're right, I just assumed it was CM-based trivia.

    Welp. Sorry @Hijacked96 , feel free to remove my answer, because no one outside CM would know.

  8. @NerdieBirdieYT Oh snap you're right, I just assumed it was CM-based trivia.

    Welp. Sorry @Hijacked96 , feel free to remove my answer, because no one outside CM would know.

    Just because it isn't CM-Based trivia doesn't mean that you can't submit CM-based questions. However, I do encourage everyone to make trivia questions outside of CraftyMynes.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    @Hijacked96 Just because it isn't CM-Based trivia doesn't mean that you can't submit CM-based questions. However, I do encourage everyone to make trivia questions outside of CraftyMynes.

    The title should be Random trivia, not CraftyMynes Random Trivia, because it implies it's about the server, which was my initial thought when I glazed it over real quick last night

    (ps-moved to off topic)

  10. @MistakeMade Unfortunately you can only fill out the form once.

    Try making more questions now.

  11. How many are currently submitted

  12. Edited 7 years ago by Hijacked96

    @MistakeMade How many are currently submitted

    Also: The reason why I made you confirm that you selected a correct answer was so that you would go back and say "correct" next to them. For all of the questions you put in, none of them said correct. Looks like I got a lot of rejected questions.

  13. @Hijacked96 I put correct on all my questions, you must be talking of someone else. I've only sent one I didn't send anymore yet.

  14. @MistakeMade @Hijacked96 I put correct on all my questions, you must be talking of someone else. I've only sent one I didn't send anymore yet.

    Is this you?

  15. @Hijacked96 No

  16. @MistakeMade Then I most likely didn't delete your questions since you claim that they all had one correct answer.

  17. doo doo dem doo doo dem

  18. what is a purple device? a: crash bandicoot

  19. 3 years ago

    I think this would be pretty cool. Lots of players have been around long enough to be knowledgeable about even obscure tidbits of information about CraftyMynes. Would let us come together as a community again!

  20. Are you going to release the kahoot on anything? Just wondering

  21. necro

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