Change "TP Spawn" so that we go always right to the big spawn in overworld?

  1. 6 years ago

    Hi Crafty! =)

    Can you maybe please make that when we click "TP Spawn", we don’t go to the spawn in the same dimension anymore? Like that when we click it we will go right to the big spawn in the overworld? ^^

  2. May I ask why?

  3. Because there isn’t anything at the other spawns, and when we wanna go from like the end to the big spawn we have to tp home first. And tping to the end spawn is dangerous, too. I think is just more useful and convenient too =)

  4. @Blackened_Dawn May I ask why?

    It makes living in the nether or end really annoying. The amount of times I have instinctually tpd to spawn just to realize I'm at the portal is too big to count. Makes getting to spawn to trade or etc take an extra 10 - 15 seconds. It's way more annoying than you'd think lol

  5. second this

  6. I agree with this suggestion, it saves time and makes teleporting more convenient :)

  7. alternatively: have a button for all 3(?) spawns

  8. @Fingerbib there are buttons for this in the book that are enabled for every VIP and above

  9. Edited 6 years ago by GrandpaCarl00

    there are buttons for this in the book that are enabled for every VIP and above

    pay to win??? i think not

    I agree with this suggestion, it'd save alot of time

  10. Now that I have released the reset information, I can tell you that the spawn teleport will take you to overworld spawn. It will be here as soon as mojang releases 1.13

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