J&B Community Project completed

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by CraftyMyner

    Community Porject J&B arena has been completed : go to nether spawn for more info ! The build is availble to all in order to have access to a speical build for skull grinding / blazes ect.... as it is a community build pls dont greif and take care of it ! Here are a few pictures.

    Building this truly was an epic adventure with a dozen players combining creativity and ingenuity to complete the build and merge it with spawn. We all hope your appreciate it and hope that this community project inspires other to ask the community for help without fear to build along with others.




  2. Links and pictures not working

  3. Do be careful. As I am sure you understand, if something is public, there is a 99% chance that it will be griefed. I suggest a community effort to keep it functional, if possible.

  4. - Edited to fix pictures

  5. Deleted 6 years ago by BoneChi11er
  6. bgmg you're great my dude, but given what they did to the grinder in 1.9, I would bet Team Eye will grief this within a month.

  7. @Th3GreenGamer bgmg you're great my dude, but given what they did to the grinder in 1.9, I would bet Team Eye will grief this within a month.


  8. Edited 6 years ago by javonjw

    Most of us actually respect community builds / projects other then killing anyone that shows up when @JKELLER4000 was making those builds right outside of nether spawn we never griefed it

  9. Edited 6 years ago by bgmg

    Well this build was built in a common effort of around 15 players and is in no way hidden. May you choose to greif it that would simply be sad but eh... what can I do

  10. This is a lovely build and while the intention to make it available to the community is great, I would most definitely be on the watch out for griefers. Let me know if you need any help maintaining it :)

  11. Looks nice!

  12. I tried going to this earlier, I got to the end of the orange tunnel and couldnt work out where to go next. Where is it?

  13. i think the grinder at the end was taken down

  14. Oh.

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