1. 6 years ago

    Hello everyone, sadly, we have run out of storage on our 1tb production SSD and have started running low on our backup system.

    To help with lag and free up some space for further expansion, we are going to clean up old chunks. Unlike the last partial reset, there should be no corruption or messed up structures. No bases or builds loaded in the last few months should be lost, however, you should make sure to load up anything that you want to keep.

    The partial reset will take place 10 days from now on the 14th of March, please let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Is it going to revert it back to the origional chunks that the seed would spawn in?

  3. Also does this affect the nether and the end?

  4. Is there a specified time frame for old chunks that will be reset? Somewhere around 4-6 months im assuming?

  5. @FieryPhoenix64 Is it going to revert it back to the origional chunks that the seed would spawn in?


    @FieryPhoenix64 Also does this affect the nether and the end?


    @iwarriiori Is there a specified time frame for old chunks that will be reset? Somewhere around 4-6 months im assuming?

    Yes, looking at 3-5 months depending on how much space would be freed up.

  6. Will the partial reset function like the old one? / you have to go to a specific chunk in this amount of time in order to preserve it, or new chunks all together will overwrite the old ones?

  7. Edited 6 years ago by CraftyMyner

    @GrandpaCarl00 Will the partial reset function like the old one? / you have to go to a specific chunk in this amount of time in order to preserve it, or new chunks all together will overwrite the old ones?

    It will be based on the time since each chunk was last touched, so if you want to keep something that hasn’t been touched in more than 3 months, be sure to go there and walk around a bit/break/place some blocks.

  8. This is a good thing because all villages will actually reset and will become the 1.14 ones.

    One question tho, does this mean I'm gonna lose my villagers I currently have?

  9. Dont think villagers in recently loaded chunks will be affected

  10. Edited 6 years ago by hekmo

    Will there be any special consideration given to flight paths? Like I flew out and made a new base right now, would it delete the path I took despite having just loaded those chunks? Having the path deleted would solve any issues with people tracing paths of loaded chunks.

  11. @hekmo Will there be any special consideration given to flight paths? Like I flew out and made a new base right now, would it delete the path I took despite having just loaded those chunks? Having the path deleted would solve any issues with people tracing paths of loaded chunks.

    It’s based on the date the last time the file was modified. So if you made the base just now, it would still exist. However, if you made the base like 5 months ago, and no one has flown that path since, it would be reset.

  12. Shit just seen this i got a lot of ground to cover today

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