To any member of team eye who cares...... i am prepared to pay you 15 dbs to give me all locations of team eye bases and or hubs. (Payment is also negotiable.) If you wish to help, dm me at Mr.FishMask#4043 on discord.
To any member of team eye who cares...... i am prepared to pay you 15 dbs to give me all locations of team eye bases and or hubs. (Payment is also negotiable.) If you wish to help, dm me at Mr.FishMask#4043 on discord.
Dm me iwarriiori#7592
jard☨#9999 I got access to all team eye operations
MrFishMask, this is going to Flop dramatically, you're going to be given garbage coords if you get something at all. 15DB is also a rather lowball offer for ALL the locations, anyone agreeing to this is just trolling.
@edward766 MrFishMask, this is going to Flop dramatically, you're going to be given garbage coords if you get something at all. 15DB is also a rather lowball offer for ALL the locations, anyone agreeing to this is just trolling.
I second this. I remember when this used to be the price of one full god set on the server.
Imagine, the real troll is the coords are real!
@01011000 I second this. I remember when this used to be the price of one full god set on the server.
We have enough diamond blocks to bribe out Team Eye 34 times according to this guy's lowball offer. Kinda sad really LOL
Id offer nothing, ill find it anyway :))
@DeJean Id offer nothing, ill find it anyway :))
Whos scared?
@MrFishMask To any member of team eye who cares...... i am prepared to pay you 15 dbs to give me all locations of team eye bases and or hubs. (Payment is also negotiable.) If you wish to help, dm me at Mr.FishMask#4043 on discord.
Wait is this serious? What are you thinking bud lol this is the most ridiculous offer actually. Team Eye is worth at least like 20 stacks of diamond blocks just because we're so notorious. Also we choose our members very well, don't think you'll be able to bribe any of them
team eyeball is worth about 15 db not 20 stacks just bc how bad they are at everything
did none of you read (prices are negotiable)??? also im poor so shut up :P
I’ll give team eye 1 dirt
@ThePhoenix I’ll give team eye 1 dirt
while we're flattered, we're happy with the payment of 2 of your heads which is less than the offer you've just given us
What happened to calling us team eyeball, or is that a Freudian slip? At least Ronjob is consistent.
Lol a head isn't worth anything... wb Team Eyebrow
Hehe, TE's base coords arent even worth anything, its. so easily accessible. What kind of base makeover will I do? Any suggestions?
@deyahruhd What happened to calling us team eyeball, or is that a Freudian slip? At least Ronjob is consistent.
half the people keep messing up with saying team eye instead of team eyeball
@DeJean Hehe, TE's base coords arent even worth anything, its. so easily accessible. What kind of base makeover will I do? Any suggestions?
ah so you must have been to all of our bases then, so please do tell us what the signs i've placed all around all say (they're all the same through every base)
I'll give you the coordinates to iwarriori's poop sock for 15 coal, take it or leave it.