Castle in the Hill

  1. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by Venetorem

    #ImageDump #WIP
    What I've been up to since my hiatus ended





  2. That is extraordinary work, LOVE IT! I wish I were that good at building.

  3. Aww the pics have disappeared

  4. I blame imgur

  5. @Tez1010 Aww the pics have disappeared

    ye i was questioning if it was just me who couldnt see em lol

  6. i wanna see!

  7. re-uploaded pics

    hopefully they stay this time

  8. :eyes:

  9. Looks pretty cool

  10. Looks amazing. Would love to grief it

  11. outshOtz

    19 Dec 2019 Suspended

    plz leak the coords i promise im out of tnt

  12. @outshOtz plz leak the coords i promise im out of tnt

    Its true, this is an honest man. He needs to inspect those bridge arches for stability.

  13. @outshOtz plz leak the coords i promise im out of tnt

    wow you are so honest

  14. Very well Built.

  15. cool, but built with creative xd

  16. @Schlocked cool, but built with creative xd

    also come back

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