Unfair staff and inconsistent rules

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 4 months ago
    Edited 4 months ago by j____a____r____d

    @ThePhoenix You can't help Mojangs shit game code.

    Yes you can, I have already said the solution was to go semi vanilla in the past, there are community polls where many active players have agreed with the change to semi vanilla because the game was genuinely turning to pure dogwater performance-wise, they have been ignored and brushed aside with the response "it's too much work, I have to fix boats."

    I have made the case to use a Fabric server which is exactly one-to-one with the vanilla server software by design when no mods are installed, meaning that in principle Crafty could switch to a Fabric jar in a single day and still use the existing command block/panel systems, forego the "pure vanilla status," and install optimization mods later which increase the performance of lighting updates on the server, mob AI, etc... "fixing Mojang's shit game code" so to speak. The response was "it's too much work."

    In the times that Crafty has responded to requests for semi vanilla he has stated "it is too much work to switch to semi vanilla, I have done it before and everything breaks," which again it shouldn't break command blocks, panel systems, etc if he used Fabric, as it's specifically engineered to not patch the vanilla server any more than is required by its installed mods. As in, if there are no Fabric mods installed on the Fabric server (especially the Fabric API), it performs no patches to the vanilla server, and functions identically to it. He has never addressed that point in particular.


    Regardless, I quit playing because I felt like the staff wasn't listening to my listed grievances. I've watched CM stumble since then, and reach horrible lows of 1-2 active players, with coping excuses like "it's a school weekday, kids won't be playing" or "everyone moved on from Minecraft." The fact is that everyone in the past has moved on from CM.

    This could have been fixed if there was a more active involvement from staff in the direction of this server. I still don't see any sign of activity that signifies anyone actually seizing the helm of the server and bringing it somewhere new, it has mostly been minor things like "let's pardon everyone who used minimaps or Lunar client," or "we're going to approve a bunch of QoL mods and turn the server into a weird optional plugin-like modded vanilla experience" or "let's make 3 new channels in the Discord and delete the other random ones."

    These things all benefit an existing community, not one that has hemorrhaged players for years and years, and suddenly was revived due to a Minecraft update. Considering that Mojang is now planning to do tiny "drops" of like 1-2 features instead of huge overhauls like before, this does not spell out good for the future of the community.

    Other things that heavily persuade me that the server isn't heading in the right direction are the incredibly strange staff decisions being made like... you know... banning pie chart for its use as an xray yet allowing Litematica despite its potential use as an xray. I've used the pie chart in my own modded servers specifically to debug rendering issues and low FPS in order to triage things to a single thing or mod, it has legitimate use as a profiling tool if you know how to use it. So then why is having the pie chart up bannable, but having Litematica isn't?

    Or that in the 10th anniversary post, Crafty basically directly admits the server doesn't pull in enough donations for him to not pay for it out of pocket, i.e. it's financially infeasible:

    @CraftyMyner Over the past few years I couldn't bring myself to joke around as the topic just seemed too real. The numbers were down and I was paying out of pocket for the majority of the server. When I saw the 10th birthday coming up, it all caught up with me, I realized I can't keep doing this forever.

    Then proceeds to start a store-wide sale ushering the existing players to buy ranks -- the subtext and optics there aren't great.

  3. Edited 4 months ago by CommanderCat_

    @SharpSerac Some of you may know who I am. I've been a player on the server since about 1.8, longer than many of the people that have even stuck around. I've been a part of the community longer than even some admins. I'll be the first to say, things have really gone to shit. Inconsistent rules about mods and vanilla features, staff abusing their powers for their own gain, and a declining player base are all plaguing this server.

    To start off, I was the one named "wiz" in the discord server that CommanderCat banned. He did so because he didn't like what I had to say about him abusing his power to kick me for pretty much no reason.

    It's not hard to imagine that a server where staff kick/ban people who do/say things that they PERSONALLY don't like would be struggling, but this is where things are at.

    The server is raiding/griefing, yet ban someone for lavacasting an unprotected area. Makes sense.

    Cheating isn't allowed, yet allow a mod that is essentially x-ray. Makes sense.

    Oh no, you can't use a vanilla client feature because that's basically x-ray. Makes sense.

    Don't you dare call out a staff member for anything, including posting a transphobic gif, or you WILL be punished. Makes sense. Hell, you'll even get kicked for talking about Ben 10, the animated show (thanks Tez).

    I took it to the forums, CommanderCat. Are you going to lock this thread? Delete it? Ban my forum account? I'm just doing what you said to do.

    It's a Minecraft server at the end of the day, so I really don't care. But CraftyMynes used to be something special to me. And it looks like it's going to die a slow and painful death the way things are going right now. Incredibly unfortunate that this is the state of the server.

    Firstly, thanks for changing the title of this post from "Corrupt staff" to "Unfair staff and inconsistent rules" You're entitled to your opinion but the server has not "gone to shit" We have had the highest most consistent player numbers this map in years. "staff absuing powers for their own gain" is a pretty large accusation with absolutely 0 foundation. A player gets banned. And that benefits the staff in what way? In discord I kicked you and told you to stop the conversation. You continued to troll and disobey that so you got banned. I don't see how that is in any way an abuse of power. You were told to stop. You didn't and then were punished for it. I literally cannot word it any simpler for you. It has nothing to do with what staff PERSONALLY do or don't like it is what the rules dictate. You have been here long enough to know the rules and cannot feign ignorance in that regard. Raiding and Greifing is allowed. But when areas in survival were griefed with the purpose of disrupting server operations that is an issue. When massive casts bombing out the server TPS are made repeatedly after requests to stop, that is an issue. You are not giving proper context. Issues with pieray and litematica are discussed thoroughly among staff you incessantly arguing about it and making a scene on the discord is not helping that matter in any way. The gif had 20 words flashing in a second I apologize for not seeing every word within that gif from just looking up cope gifs. It was deleted immediately after I was made aware. Taking it to the forums is what you are supposed to do. I don't know why you seem to think I'm mad that you posted on forums when it's what I asked you to do in the first place, several times in fact. You seem to have a very biased opinion of me. I have just followed the rules as they're written and upheld them with the best interest of the server in mind. I don't understand your feelings against me as we have barely spoken to eachother over the past 4 years. I told you to make this post as a discussion why would I lock it or ban your forum account? I'm not going to say that even though you haven't had any interaction with the server in many years that you don't have a right to have an opinion on it, but if you look at the stats, the server is not dying. It has had the best player retention, interaction and overall numbers in years. This is the direction the server has taken and I am sorry that you do not agree but it certainly isn't killing the userbase. This server is also incredibly special to me. That is why I have been an active member for many years and a part of the staff team for the past 4. You should maybe hop on the server and play for a bit instead of posting pessimistic forum posts every few months about how the server is dying while it continues to do well in spite of you.

  4. outshOtz

    Oct 21 Suspended

    ThePhoenix definitely doesn't help the issue of every thread getting locked by replying to every single thread with a million little comments, most of the time irrelevant to what was even said, just for the sake of arguing. It clogs nearly every thread that gets posted, and dilutes the original conversation into something childish and unproductive, but I digress.

    After spending 10 years playing this server off and on, it hurts me to think of how little my opinion matters. It appears to me the current staff team tends to care little for anybody's point of view but their own. They value being right above enforcing the rules in an unbiased and fair way. Perhaps it is only a couple of the mods/admins who behave in this manner, but they seem to always get their way so as far as I'm concerned they are all culpable.

    One example specifically is CommanderCat, who I believe is not only biased, but borderline hypocritical. -image-



    When he wants to start an argument, or throw shots in main chat its all fine and well, but say anything unfavorable about him and receive a staff warning. This is just one example of what I believe to be a toxic pattern emerging in this most recent wave of future admins. They value rules only when it is convenient to them, and when it allows them to push an agenda. Players have been using pieray for years, with no issues whatsoever, but conveniently when a player CommanderCat does not like uses it it's now a bannable offense. I will not speak on the lavacasting event as obviously I am biased in the matter, but if you think for yourself about it I am sure we will reach many of the same conclusions. He issues mutes, kicks, and bans not when it is fair and deserved, but when he disagrees with what has been done/said. Sometimes these such actions align with the rules of the server, other times not so much. He has strayed so far from the rules with his antics that CraftyMyner has had to implement a new rule allowing moderators to create and enforce their own rules at any given whim. Answer me these two questions; How are we supposed to follow every rule when so many are unwritten, created and enforced by one mod? How are other mods supposed to enforce rules created by other mods that they may not agree with, or even have any knowledge of existence?

    Though advertised as a vanilla pvp/grief server, it seems as though the staff team is attempting to steer the server away from all three of these labels. Players are being punished for griefing, moderators are private messaging players telling them who/who not to trust, and mods are being approved for use that completely alter the vanilla gameplay. My team and I have been told to stop interacting with new players, and to stop griefing people, because they are afraid they might quit. They are worried that we will steer new players away with our antics, and as the old players slowly quit playing, eventually there will be nobody left. What they do not understand is there is no peace and prosperity without conflict. No new player wants to join a dead server, where nobody talks in chat and everybody keeps to themselves. At that point they may as well play singleplayer. The server is advertised as pvp and grief friendly, if new players join and see the opposite they will not stay long. Perhaps it's nothing but anecdotal evidence, but during the past little while I have been active on the server again I have seen many new players come and go, and I have noticed a pattern. The players we interacted with, whether in a positive or negative way stayed much more frequently than the ones we left alone. Obvious as it may sound, people watch drama tv shows for one reason: The drama. Drama, and conflict as a whole is inherently entertaining. Of course people form friendships, and build beautiful things, but at its core this server has always centered around the fact that all of that could be taken from you at any second. Thus, you must remain vigilant. I truly believe without these aspects this server is nothing. And yet the staff push constantly to move away from that, and shun raiders, insult pvpers, and do everything in their power to make sure anybody with that playstyle stays far away from the server.

    CommanderCat may think the server is doing exceptionally well, but this is all comparative. He has not seen the player counts we have seen previous to his arrival to this server. Sure, maybe 13 players online during peak hours is good compared to when there was 2, but not compared to when there was 40. At one point in time you would be hard-pressed to find any less than 20 people on at any given time. The fact of the matter is the server is dying. The staff act as they have been, and it continues to die. Obviously, something isn't working. The issue is they refuse to even consider any stance other than the one they have so adamantly taken, so nothing will change, and the numbers will continue to dwindle until there is nobody left.

  5. Edited 4 months ago by j____a____r____d

    @CommanderCat_ but if you look at the stats, the server is not dying. It has had the best player retention, interaction and overall numbers in years. This is the direction the server has taken and I am sorry that you do not agree but it certainly isn't killing the userbase.

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc . The increase in playerbase was not due to the change in direction towards an anti-griefing, anti-raiding experience, and everything to do with the fact that Mojang just released an update that adds new mobs, weapons, and overhauls the existing combat with a new "raiding" trial experience.

    The server was doing abysmally poor until the update was released which brought in a wave of returning players, and you can observe this pattern happen with every single major update before -- the difference between then and now is that you had players from the previous updates still interested in continuing to play long afterwards.

    I guarantee that as soon as Mojang switches to the "drops" system, people will continue to drop, and nobody is going to come back to CraftyMynes solely because Mojang doubled the space of a bundle or they changed how swords work.

  6. Edited 4 months ago by SharpSerac

    @CommanderCat_ Firstly, thanks for changing the title of this post from "Corrupt staff" to "Unfair staff and inconsistent rules" You're entitled to your opinion but the server has not "gone to shit" We have had the highest most consistent player numbers this map in years. "staff absuing powers for their own gain" is a pretty large accusation with absolutely 0 foundation. A player gets banned. And that benefits the staff in what way? In discord I kicked you and told you to stop the conversation. You continued to troll and disobey that so you got banned. I don't see how that is in any way an abuse of power. You were told to stop. You didn't and then were punished for it. I literally cannot word it any simpler for you. It has nothing to do with what staff PERSONALLY do or don't like it is what the rules dictate. You have been here long enough to know the rules and cannot feign ignorance in that regard. Raiding and Greifing is allowed. But when areas in survival were griefed with the purpose of disrupting server operations that is an issue. When massive casts bombing out the server TPS are made repeatedly after requests to stop, that is an issue. You are not giving proper context. Issues with pieray and litematica are discussed thoroughly among staff you incessantly arguing about it and making a scene on the discord is not helping that matter in any way. The gif had 20 words flashing in a second I apologize for not seeing every word within that gif from just looking up cope gifs. It was deleted immediately after I was made aware. Taking it to the forums is what you are supposed to do. I don't know why you seem to think I'm mad that you posted on forums when it's what I asked you to do in the first place, several times in fact. You seem to have a very biased opinion of me. I have just followed the rules as they're written and upheld them with the best interest of the server in mind. I don't understand your feelings against me as we have barely spoken to eachother over the past 4 years. I told you to make this post as a discussion why would I lock it or ban your forum account? I'm not going to say that even though you haven't had any interaction with the server in many years that you don't have a right to have an opinion on it, but if you look at the stats, the server is not dying. It has had the best player retention, interaction and overall numbers in years. This is the direction the server has taken and I am sorry that you do not agree but it certainly isn't killing the userbase. This server is also incredibly special to me. That is why I have been an active member for many years and a part of the staff team for the past 4. You should maybe hop on the server and play for a bit instead of posting pessimistic forum posts every few months about how the server is dying while it continues to do well in spite of you.

    I'm going to go through everything point by point so as to not leave anything out here.

    Sure the server may be having its highest player count in years, but for years it's also been extremely low. It's a shell of what it once was, which to many of the older players stings. I also completely agree with what @j____a____r____d has said above.

    As for saying "staff abusing for their gain" I really should have said "staff abusing their powers in general." Which actually ties in with the point of you kicking and then banning me from the discord. Both you and Phoenix were being antagonistic towards us with your "cope and seethe" memes (which, by the way for a mod 3 to be addressing players this way is concerningly braindead and unproductive) while I and others went back and forth with him. You did not warn me of anything before kicking me. You may have told others to stop, but you did so after kicking me. I would imagine that there are other ways, as a discord admin, you could have stopped the conversation, but you singled me out and kicked me and when I came back to voice my opinion on the unjust kick, I was banned. You seem to dislike it when someone has the gall to question your authority, given our brief interaction, and that's when I would say you stepped over into abuse.

    Moving on to lavacasting, I don't believe it causes any sort of lag, otherwise it would not be allowed by Crafty. I'm having trouble understanding when you said "But when areas in survival were griefed with the purpose of disrupting server operations that is an issue." I wonder how griefing disrupts server operations when griefing is not only allowed, but explicitly advertised? If you take a look at this thread here, you'll actually see Crafty himself mention that lava buckets were removed to protect against lavacasting. I guess that that was no longer the case, seeing as how it was lavacasted. You only told gotmojoreck he couldn't lavacast 0,0 (a specific set of coordinates) and not spawn city (different than the 0,0 coordinates) and banned him for it, when it isn't even a "server operation" concern, it was Crafty not wanting spawn to look desolate. It looks like an admin had to take over for you in replying to his ban appeal for whatever reason, which I'm curious to know the reason for.

    As for "Issues with pieray and litematica are discussed thoroughly among staff" apparently they are not, as demonstrated in a video by Casey Fluffbat how it could be used for cheating where you said it is "not at all applicable" as if it isn't the same as pieray (protip: they function essentially the same) and yet Litematica is still allowed.

    The reason for me believing that my forum account would be banned or my thread locked/deleted is because this is what I have dealt with in the past from other staff that seemingly were cut from the same cloth as you. I mean, after all, you did ban me for saying that you kicking me was an abuse of power. Would any of the other staff have done that? Seeing the reply from @outshOtz has only reinforced that this would have been the response had I not called it out in advance. I'll admit I'm no psychic and can't prove that, but you can see how one could believe it wasn't outside the realm of possibility.

  7. To add onto my previous reply, I will say that you did bring up a "whataboutism" concerning the ability to use Litematica to x-ray. The point of preventing the use of mods is to stop any attempt to cheat. Yet you say "Me banning litematica isn't going to stop people from using x-ray" as if that somehow fixes the issue of players having the ability to cheat using a mod that is expressly allowed. The players want consistency in the rules, yet you don't seem to be understanding of that concern.

  8. To add even FURTHER, I did tell you that the gif you posted was transphobic, and even @mentioned you in that message. Your gif went undeleted until I posted in the player reports channel, when finally your gif was deleted. Strangely enough, you also deleted my report for some reason, seemingly to hide it.

    Seems a bit unfair for you to quickly kick and ban me for what is essentially me not seeing your message (You still sent your warnings AFTER you kicked me initially) when literally the exact same thing happened with us in reversed roles.

  9. Edited 4 months ago by CommanderCat_

    @outshOtz ThePhoenix definitely doesn't help the issue of every thread getting locked by replying to every single thread with a million little comments, most of the time irrelevant to what was even said, just for the sake of arguing. It clogs nearly every thread that gets posted, and dilutes the original conversation into something childish and unproductive, but I digress.

    After spending 10 years playing this server off and on, it hurts me to think of how little my opinion matters. It appears to me the current staff team tends to care little for anybody's point of view but their own. They value being right above enforcing the rules in an unbiased and fair way. Perhaps it is only a couple of the mods/admins who behave in this manner, but they seem to always get their way so as far as I'm concerned they are all culpable.

    One example specifically is CommanderCat, who I believe is not only biased, but borderline hypocritical. -image-



    When he wants to start an argument, or throw shots in main chat its all fine and well, but say anything unfavorable about him and receive a staff warning. This is just one example of what I believe to be a toxic pattern emerging in this most recent wave of future admins. They value rules only when it is convenient to them, and when it allows them to push an agenda. Players have been using pieray for years, with no issues whatsoever, but conveniently when a player CommanderCat does not like uses it it's now a bannable offense. I will not speak on the lavacasting event as obviously I am biased in the matter, but if you think for yourself about it I am sure we will reach many of the same conclusions. He issues mutes, kicks, and bans not when it is fair and deserved, but when he disagrees with what has been done/said. Sometimes these such actions align with the rules of the server, other times not so much. He has strayed so far from the rules with his antics that CraftyMyner has had to implement a new rule allowing moderators to create and enforce their own rules at any given whim. Answer me these two questions; How are we supposed to follow every rule when so many are unwritten, created and enforced by one mod? How are other mods supposed to enforce rules created by other mods that they may not agree with, or even have any knowledge of existence?

    Though advertised as a vanilla pvp/grief server, it seems as though the staff team is attempting to steer the server away from all three of these labels. Players are being punished for griefing, moderators are private messaging players telling them who/who not to trust, and mods are being approved for use that completely alter the vanilla gameplay. My team and I have been told to stop interacting with new players, and to stop griefing people, because they are afraid they might quit. They are worried that we will steer new players away with our antics, and as the old players slowly quit playing, eventually there will be nobody left. What they do not understand is there is no peace and prosperity without conflict. No new player wants to join a dead server, where nobody talks in chat and everybody keeps to themselves. At that point they may as well play singleplayer. The server is advertised as pvp and grief friendly, if new players join and see the opposite they will not stay long. Perhaps it's nothing but anecdotal evidence, but during the past little while I have been active on the server again I have seen many new players come and go, and I have noticed a pattern. The players we interacted with, whether in a positive or negative way stayed much more frequently than the ones we left alone. Obvious as it may sound, people watch drama tv shows for one reason: The drama. Drama, and conflict as a whole is inherently entertaining. Of course people form friendships, and build beautiful things, but at its core this server has always centered around the fact that all of that could be taken from you at any second. Thus, you must remain vigilant. I truly believe without these aspects this server is nothing. And yet the staff push constantly to move away from that, and shun raiders, insult pvpers, and do everything in their power to make sure anybody with that playstyle stays far away from the server.

    CommanderCat may think the server is doing exceptionally well, but this is all comparative. He has not seen the player counts we have seen previous to his arrival to this server. Sure, maybe 13 players online during peak hours is good compared to when there was 2, but not compared to when there was 40. At one point in time you would be hard-pressed to find any less than 20 people on at any given time. The fact of the matter is the server is dying. The staff act as they have been, and it continues to die. Obviously, something isn't working. The issue is they refuse to even consider any stance other than the one they have so adamantly taken, so nothing will change, and the numbers will continue to dwindle until there is nobody left.

    Wow. Okay your opinion matters, it always has and always will. There are just better ways to share your opinion than rants on discord that quickly resort into 300+ message arguments between many players that just turns into slinging insults at one another. There are so many blatant lies and misconstructions in this post it is unreal. You are neglecting to post context on purpose. The context for the first image is here: You went and sent Konzee a trick tp after I sent him a teleport request in an underhanded attempt to get to our base in order to get coords and raid it. I think that is a perfectly reasonable reason to call you an ass. It was a dick move and you know it.


    The second image is my opinion. I'm allowed to have that. That was a response to a player who got insided and raided by one of your teamates, who'm was in his own words "Was super cool and trustworthy. He would never raid me." Your group responds on "faction" posts on forums and talk to new players in game with the sole purpose of insiding them and ruining their experience on the server. Please prove me wrong.
    The third image context is your group shitalking me that entire day over me enforcing the rules, and when you start throwing out baseless accusations attacking my character on the server i've been staffing for over 4 years I'm going to give you a warning for staff disrespect. I can only take so many insults being thrown at me. But heavens I use the warning feature!1!!!11!! truly deplorable behavior. Tyrannical even.

    Pieray was used for years. It came into the spotlight after I banned VIP for x-ray after he was using pieray in an uninformed way so that looked extremely suspicious. He has since been unbanned and in order to stop any further confusion it was forbidden. Please show me examples of where I have punished one person but let another get away with that same thing. Most people aren't breaking the rules. It isn't a bias for punishing the only people that are breaking the rules who just so happen to be in a group.
    And super importantly ****** The rule of staff being able to modify, add, and patch rules has been on the site for YEARS. Showing how little you actually care and that you have not read the rules in quite some time. It wasn't something Crafty threw on there recently to cover my ass or something.
    You asked "How are we supposed to follow every rule when so many are unwritten, created and enforced by one mod? How are other mods supposed to enforce rules created by other mods that they may not agree with, or even have any knowledge of existence?" That's super duper simple. YOU DO WHAT THEY SAY. I told you verbally several times to not cast there and yet you continued again and again. And were punished for it. If you simply do what is asked then you're fine. And as for other mods knowing what "modified" rules to enforce do you think we are nomads? That we don't communicate at all? This is such a weird point to make as though the staff team does not communicate amongst themselves.
    Again. you are misconstruing things to abhorrent levels. Punishments for griefing were made for casts that severely impacted the servers TPs. Not just for the sake of griefing. You know this. If I pm a player that I see you actively grooming with the intent to inside and raid, bedtrap, and/or fuck with them until they leave the server I'm going to warn them. You're not mad because my warnings are untrue. You're mad because you don't get the chance to fuck with them. That says a lot more about you than myself.
    You seem hardset on believing that old players are going to leave no matter what, so why bully new players off the server in order to kill the server faster? It makes no sense. Your actions do cause new players to quit and you know this. You want to know positive player interaction that keeps players playing? Actually helping them and being kind. Sure maybe some stay longer because the get killed and drama or whatever, but I'd wager a LOT more would stay a LOT longer if they weren't bullied. Goes to say its not like that's not allowed, but I have the server interest in mind and player retention is the top of that list. You bullying new players negatively effects player retention.
    You have used these same "server is dying" talking points for years. The server is going to continue to do well no matter how much pessimism you want to shed towards the situation. It's true that we're not at 40 players on constantly, but do you honestly believe that your antics are going to somehow attract more players? "The future is now old man" It isn't the same server it was 10 years ago. You have to accept that. The moment you do that you can start enjoying the server like everyone has been this entire time.

  10. @SharpSerac I'm going to go through everything point by point so as to not leave anything out here.

    Sure the server may be having its highest player count in years, but for years it's also been extremely low. It's a shell of what it once was, which to many of the older players stings. I also completely agree with what @j____a____r____d has said above.

    As for saying "staff abusing for their gain" I really should have said "staff abusing their powers in general." Which actually ties in with the point of you kicking and then banning me from the discord. Both you and Phoenix were being antagonistic towards us with your "cope and seethe" memes (which, by the way for a mod 3 to be addressing players this way is concerningly braindead and unproductive) while I and others went back and forth with him. You did not warn me of anything before kicking me. You may have told others to stop, but you did so after kicking me. I would imagine that there are other ways, as a discord admin, you could have stopped the conversation, but you singled me out and kicked me and when I came back to voice my opinion on the unjust kick, I was banned. You seem to dislike it when someone has the gall to question your authority, given our brief interaction, and that's when I would say you stepped over into abuse.

    Moving on to lavacasting, I don't believe it causes any sort of lag, otherwise it would not be allowed by Crafty. I'm having trouble understanding when you said "But when areas in survival were griefed with the purpose of disrupting server operations that is an issue." I wonder how griefing disrupts server operations when griefing is not only allowed, but explicitly advertised? If you take a look at this thread here, you'll actually see Crafty himself mention that lava buckets were removed to protect against lavacasting. I guess that that was no longer the case, seeing as how it was lavacasted. You only told gotmojoreck he couldn't lavacast 0,0 (a specific set of coordinates) and not spawn city (different than the 0,0 coordinates) and banned him for it, when it isn't even a "server operation" concern, it was Crafty not wanting spawn to look desolate. It looks like an admin had to take over for you in replying to his ban appeal for whatever reason, which I'm curious to know the reason for.

    As for "Issues with pieray and litematica are discussed thoroughly among staff" apparently they are not, as demonstrated in a video by Casey Fluffbat how it could be used for cheating where you said it is "not at all applicable" as if it isn't the same as pieray (protip: they function essentially the same) and yet Litematica is still allowed.

    The reason for me believing that my forum account would be banned or my thread locked/deleted is because this is what I have dealt with in the past from other staff that seemingly were cut from the same cloth as you. I mean, after all, you did ban me for saying that you kicking me was an abuse of power. Would any of the other staff have done that? Seeing the reply from @outshOtz has only reinforced that this would have been the response had I not called it out in advance. I'll admit I'm no psychic and can't prove that, but you can see how one could believe it wasn't outside the realm of possibility.

    I posted a meme. Christ i'm a monster. A meme was very nice considering what was being said about and to me. I did warn you. I told yall to stop the conversation. You came back spouting the same BS so I banned. Well within my rights and the rules of the discord. You should read them sometime. Casts don't cause lag? Are you being serious? If not this is a very poorly worded joke. Crafty allows casting in moderation. Stuff that doesn't tank the server TPS. The griefing in 0,0 effected the ability for players to teleport to spawn after dying without a bed. Instead they spawned at 0,0 and could get farmed there indefinitely. I don't expect you to know the details of stuff like that but I'm surprised you think I'm lying about the server operations and cannot take my word for anything. A commandline was broken and lavacasting was available for a very short time and the entire thing was casted before it could be fixed. It was never allowed, was a bug that is now fixed. Gotmojoreck fully understood the connotation of what I was saying. And even if he didn't I told him to stop making massive casts, he continued to make one a few hours later. Told him again to stop. He did it AGAIN this time with the largest most lag inducing cast yet. And was banned for it. The situation was discussed amongst the admins and after they made their decision they replied to the post. I know you seem to think there's some hidden meaning behind that but I promise you there isn't. They literally just wanted to respond to it, is that wrong?
    As for the pieray litematica thing. It's being discussed. I know that you're not privvy to those conversations so it might seem like nothing is being done but this stuff doesn't get worked out in an hour dude. Be patient, go outside, touch some grass and we'll get back to you.

  11. @CommanderCat_

    Sir, this is an advertised griefing and raiding server, it will be treated as such by its long term players. If you do not want people bullying and "grooming" (LOL) players into being bed trapped or accepting teleports or whatever, ban griefing/raiding/PvP outside of the arena with your powers of inventing rules on the fly whenever necessary, and completely change the vote site branding/rules of the server to state it's no longer a griefing/raiding/PvP server.

    You can take the server into a new direction of love care and compassion all you want, I don't care, but you don't get to do that and simultaneously advertise that there's factions gameplay with raiding, griefing, and PvP too.

    Us oldies can piss off to another server that better represents the old CM experience, which is what you clearly seem to want since you have a clear disdain for the old playerbase that formed the original identity of this server, and you can have 8-14 people building things with Litematica, and everyone will be happy.

  12. @SharpSerac To add even FURTHER, I did tell you that the gif you posted was transphobic, and even @mentioned you in that message. Your gif went undeleted until I posted in the player reports channel, when finally your gif was deleted. Strangely enough, you also deleted my report for some reason, seemingly to hide it.

    Seems a bit unfair for you to quickly kick and ban me for what is essentially me not seeing your message (You still sent your warnings AFTER you kicked me initially) when literally the exact same thing happened with us in reversed roles.

    There was like what? 60 seconds between your warning? dude I was busy with the 8 other people arguing. I'm sorry I wasn't on top of your message and @ in the first 5 seconds. It was deleted and dealt with and the report deleted, with a link to a post that doesn't exist. I don't see an issue with that. You cannot compare the two as you were WARNED. And then IGNORED that WARNING.

  13. @j____a____r____d Sir, this is an advertised griefing and raiding server, it will be treated as such by its long term players. If you do not want people bullying and "grooming" (LOL) players into being bed trapped or accepting teleports or whatever, ban griefing/raiding/PvP outside of the arena with your powers of inventing rules on the fly whenever necessary, and completely change the vote site branding/rules of the server to state it's no longer a griefing/raiding/PvP server.

    You can take the server into a new direction of love care and compassion all you want, I don't care, but you don't get to do that and simultaneously advertise that there's factions gameplay with raiding, griefing, and PvP too.

    Us oldies can piss off to another server that better represents the old CM experience, which is what you clearly seem to want since you have a clear disdain for the old playerbase that formed the original identity of this server, and you can have 8-14 people building things with Litematica, and everyone will be happy.

    There are plenty of old players who have adjusted to the server with flying colors. The server is still a griefing and raiding server. Happens all the time. The difference is when it is done in excess and for the malicious purpose of getting new players off of the server. Which I have personally seen done time and time and time again.

  14. Edited 4 months ago by j____a____r____d

    @CommanderCat_ There are plenty of old players who have adjusted to the server with flying colors. The server is still a griefing and raiding server. Happens all the time. The difference is when it is done in excess and for the malicious purpose of getting new players off of the server. Which I have personally seen done time and time and time again.

    Got it, so you can arbitrary determine "excess griefing and raiding" and punish people for it, meaning griefing and raiding isn't allowed unless you say so.

    Sorry, if I join a server that says "raiding and griefing are allowed everywhere expect spawn" I expect to be able to steal some dude's shit if he based 5000 blocks of .spawn. If he cries about it to you and you suddenly decide it's not okay then I'm not allowed to raid whatever structures I find, that's false advertisement. You can't have your cake and eat it too, but apparently you think you can because you want to create a curated, coddled anti-griefing experience but also entice new players in with "raiding and griefing gameplay." That is simply contradictory.

    Also, by "old players," you mean builders lol. Of course builders can quickly adjust to new rules that prohibit raiding and griefing. Not every old player is a griefer in a griefing clan.

  15. @j____a____r____d Got it, so you can arbitrary determine "excess griefing and raiding" and punish people for it, meaning griefing and raiding isn't allowed unless you say so.

    Sorry, if I join a server that says "raiding and griefing are allowed everywhere expect spawn" I expect to be able to steal some dude's shit if he based 5000 blocks of .spawn. If he cries about it to you and you suddenly decide it's not okay then I'm not allowed to raid whatever structures I find, that's false advertisement. You can't have your cake and eat it too, but apparently you think you can because you want to create a curated, coddled anti-griefing experience but also entice new players in with "raiding and griefing gameplay." That is simply contradictory.

    Also, by "old players," you mean builders lol. Of course builders can quickly adjust to new rules that prohibit raiding and griefing. Not every old player is a griefer in a griefing clan.

    dude. Are reading the same messages i'm typing? Actual genuine question no bs. When did i say you couldn't raid someone dude 5k out of spawn. No one has ever been raided and then cried to me about it to punish people. This is either some wierd headcannon you have or just complete delusion. YOU'RE ALLOWED TO RAID AND GRIEF. Just don't take down the server TPS when doing it! Is that seriously so hard to comprehend? I feel like a broken record.

  16. Edited 4 months ago by SharpSerac

    I'm only going to respond to a couple points because I need sleep.

    @CommanderCat_ I posted a meme. Christ i'm a monster. A meme was very nice considering what was being said about and to me. I did warn you. I told yall to stop the conversation. You came back spouting the same BS so I banned.

    Please point to anything I said that was disrespectful to you. I do not believe I was being that way at all.

    @CommanderCat_ There was like what? 60 seconds between your warning? dude I was busy with the 8 other people arguing. I'm sorry I wasn't on top of your message and @ in the first 5 seconds. It was deleted and dealt with and the report deleted, with a link to a post that doesn't exist. I don't see an issue with that. You cannot compare the two as you were WARNED. And then IGNORED that WARNING.

    This is quite literally "rules for thee but not for me" as you have essentially explained what I explained, yet I am banned. If you have the logs, I would request you post them as I explicitly said you warned me to stop AFTER you already kicked me, and the reason you banned me was because I said you abused your power when you did so.

    In any case, you expect me to find it reasonable for you to leave that gif up for a period of 2-3 minutes, ignoring what I said to you about it, but then not extend that same leeway to me, even when I couldn't read your warning (which wasn't even specifically directed at me, how the hell would I even know about it) until AFTER I had to join back?

  17. Edited 4 months ago by j____a____r____d


    @CommanderCat_ Punishments for griefing were made for casts that severely impacted the servers TPs. If I pm a player that I see you actively grooming with the intent to inside and raid, bedtrap, and/or fuck with them until they leave the server I'm going to warn them. You're not mad because my warnings are untrue. You're mad because you don't get the chance to fuck with them. That says a lot more about you than myself.

    Your actions do cause new players to quit and you know this. You want to know positive player interaction that keeps players playing? Actually helping them and being kind. Sure maybe some stay longer because the get killed and drama or whatever, but I'd wager a LOT more would stay a LOT longer if they weren't bullied.

    You bullying new players negatively effects player retention.

    Insanely huge lavacasts have been made on the server before with no issue from the staff, I particularly remember the previous spawn city one being extremely egregious, ugly, and huge. You are now suddenly taking an issue with it because of "performance" (let's keep in mind Crafty's explanation on why lavacasts are laggy is blatantly false, they are simply provably quadratic in growth with respect to cast height as opposed to exponential) when historically lavacasts were removed because they made the surrounding spawn area ugly and not enticing to new players.

    Raiding and griefing, additionally, inherently impacts these "new players" you're desperate to protect. This "holier than thou" opinion that you take as head mod/unpaid jannie/whatever the title is nowadays, since it seems like mod "number status" means jack anymore, reflects exactly the direction the server is being taken in. Many old players from griefing/PvP clans who have joined before you agree with this observation.

    I will be glad to move on to another server/community once you honestly reflect that this server's values, going forward, is to stop trolls from "grooming" (LOL) new players into being trolled and promote "positive player interaction" via "helping them and being kind." These things do not spell "raiding and griefing is allowed."

  18. We need more people like ThePheonix to enforce the rules like a staff member when they're not around!

  19. Good morning to you all. I think everyone has had their say now.

    I can assure you I have read all of this thread.

    With regard to the decision to ban pie-ray many comments were taken into account including Caseys and that of a notorious griefer, which surprisingly was in favour of a ban.

    As far as inconsistent rules is concerned that decision was to clear that up and from time to time we have to update the rules. All changes are thoroughly discussed in admin and shared with staff. It can be difficult to make sure everyone is up to date, and I would suggest that those who criticize actually try running a server themselves.

    Going through the above there is both a lot of nonsense and some valid points.

    As far as the many mods we have accepted are concerned, well yes to some extent they are not vanilla essence, but neither is this server. This is definitely vanilla with bells and whistles. There are a huge no of conveniences Crafty has added that we all enjoy and make the server more fun. Homes and tps to name the most important two. Litematica is probably the most contentious and yes you could copy a large area and check it. I am sure we will be reviewing its use in due course.

    The lavacast subject. As someone who has cleared numerous lavacasts over the years, yes you are correct in that we generally take them in our stride. However in the case of the recent cast this was part of a continuing run of disrespect to staff and players including myself and the ban was discussed and authorized by me. I take my hat off to @outshotz for a perfect standing on the line with the cast stopping pretty well exactly at the line indicating the permanently loaded chunks.

    Anyway there is no particular rule against lava casts being done from time to time, however repeatedly doing it when requested to stop does come under the rules. It is very tedious clearing them.

    Discord. It was clear that two of you were only driving the nonsense on discord as part of your evening's entertainment since neither of you play on the server. I had already kicked you for this. And don't say that you were only discussing the comic. I am sure you knew perfectly well what I meant when I said move on. You would have been banned much earlier by me but sadly I had to leave your nonsense going because it was bedtime in the UK. Oh and sorry I don't happen to remember exactly which team eye discord name is whose.

    Well yes you are part of the history of CM but if you are so fond of it then perhaps you can show it in a more positive way. And so are the many builders for you to hunt.

    Yes it is a griefing and raiding server and people were having fun hiding their bases or building far out. Casey and other have been having fun trying to find them. I've had many bases destroyed and have no problem with it. It's part of the game. And yes you do need to be a certain degree of robust for CM. Fine.

    We have been running with good numbers and whilst I know it isn't the same as when I first started when there were regularly double the number, it has been great fun. The numbers actually dropped when two players not in this discussion joined, one banned for the 911 minecraft video, with compos and other fun players moving to VC. The clash between phoenix and the group has been a nightmare and staff have worked hard not to take sides in it. I am sure this has also affected player retention.

    As far as I am concerned you can bomb each other bases all you like, not an issue, but in chat you have to behave like civilized members of the human race, regardless of whether you like each other or not. That includes discord and this forum.

    If anyone wishes to take any of this up further eg Litematica start a single topic thread on it and stick to the topic keeping the personal stuff out. You are all adults - you can do it!



    And yes as you predicted this thread will now be locked. Not because we don't want to hear your views but because of the aggressive and personal nature of many of the posts. I will for the time being not suspend anyone in the hope that you can manage to have sensible single topic discussions.

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