Enough is enough

  1. 3 months ago

    Minecraft is and should be a fun game.

    Sadly a number of players don't seem to get that, and have been making life difficult for staff and miserable for other players. As a result of their behavior we have had many regular players go to another server. These players aren't bored with minecraft, they are fed up with the toxic atmosphere that these players have brought to our server.

    As a result we have banned a number of players on both the server and discord to give us a break.

    They have been making unpleasant references about others under the guise of a joke. Deliberately baiting a player to go over the line to get banned. Harassing staff over recent rule changes. Generally disrespecting staff. Making targeted posts in the forum. Whining to staff and reporting each other.

    It really isn't that hard to Be respectful to other players and Practice good chat etiquette

    Trying to keep the peace has been hugely stressful for Crafty and the staff. Running this server and moderating it fairly is actually far from easy. We do our best and all the staff give their time and effort for free for the good of everyone.

    This behavior has to stop and those of you banned need to either learn to play nicely in this virtual sandbox or go find somewhere else to play.

    Just because we allow griefing and raiding does not mean you can come on this server and behave like rude children. Nor does PVP mean you have a god given right to jump in on whoever is in the arenas.

    Litematica is allowed and pie ray is not. Get over it.

    It is a huge privilege for me to be an admin on this server - I love meeting people from all over the world. I don't enjoy banning anyone. My chat door is always open.

    If you are prepared to put your animosity to other players aside and come back then that's great and I look forward to seeing you back on the server.



  2. Edited 3 months ago by GrandpaCarl00

    I haven't actively been on the server in quite sometime, but I do have my own my opinions over hearing how things have been going over the last few years, and especially the last handful of months. Just because I'm not really around does not mean I ever stopped watching. And I think that applies to the older community members as well who might be looking for a reason to rejoin the server who should be considered valuable community members if they care enough to stay up to date on the server and what has been going on with it.

    I'm going to say this as impartial as I can. Speaking from my own experience as a staff member from other servers, running a server of any kind is never a walk in the party and staff are on fair grounds to defend their rules-- and sometimes must do tough decisions to maintain the health of the community. Community balance is a huge key, and it can be a substantial hurdle to upkeep that.

    And honestly, I think the state of the community is really telling at the moment if Dawn out of all people got banned from the discord server.

    I do think some of the community could benefit from taking a step back, but I think that seriously applies to the staff team aswell, and Tez, this response just does highlight my issues with the staff at the moment, and especially some of the newer staff members that has joined in recent time. I'm not saying this word by word verbatim, but so many of the responses from staff members just boil down to either ''you're wrong we're right you're just being immature & or your thoughts and opinions don't matter because you're not an active participant on the server'' and it just comes off as condescending. Double read some of these responses if you doubt me.

    If there is this much community discourse going, I think something bigger is going on then just a problem with the community itself.

  3. I remember you, and your girlfriend at the time.

    I see you have only been on the server very briefly. So therefore your comments are based mainly on the forum.

    We have had a number of posts whose main intention was entirely to stir up trouble for a particular player from people that haven't played on the server for years.

    This one: https://forum.craftymynes.com/10474-unfair-staff-and-inconsistent-rules
    this one: https://forum.craftymynes.com/10476-pvp-arena-safety

  4. Edited 3 months ago by GrandpaCarl00

    I have no idea where you're getting the girlfriend part from. You're thinking of someone else.

    And no, it's not just limited to the forum. It's stuff from in the discord server and game itself. It's a universal observation of the relationship between staff and the community.

  5. Yes i was thinking of someone else. But i did remember your pic from selfies.

    This however is not really a discussion thread. More a declaration that we will not put up with their nonsense

  6. outshOtz

    Nov 10 Suspended

    can we all stop fighting and just get along please !!!

  7. Absolutely

  8. It's a shame it's come to this. Perhaps there was more malice in the teasing I've received that I fully realized.

    To be perfectly honest, I've wanted to speak up about this far sooner, but I felt as if I wouldn't be heard. Add to that the fact that I've been so busy with IRL stuff, I don't know who's done what or what's been said. I don't exactly have time to read pages upon pages of chat logs and forum posts to get up to speed. So apologies if my post seems uninformed.

    I know I've been targeted by some people here, but I want to be clear that I have no animosity towards anyone. It's all part of the game and it keeps my perspective fresh.

    Here's hoping for a better way forward


  9. Edited 3 months ago by birdfrock

    " fed up with the toxic atmosphere"
    which is why I left and went elsewhere. Unfortunately that group of people have also migrated to the server I went to, and now is becoming toxic as well.

  10. @birdfrock " fed up with the toxic atmosphere"
    which is why I left and went elsewhere. Unfortunately that group of people have also migrated to the server I went to, and now is becoming toxic as well.

    That’s unfortunate

  11. @Tez1010 Minecraft is and should be a fun game.

    Sadly a number of players don't seem to get that, and have been making life difficult for staff and miserable for other players. As a result of their behavior we have had many regular players go to another server. These players aren't bored with minecraft, they are fed up with the toxic atmosphere that these players have brought to our server.

    As a result we have banned a number of players on both the server and discord to give us a break.

    They have been making unpleasant references about others under the guise of a joke. Deliberately baiting a player to go over the line to get banned. Harassing staff over recent rule changes. Generally disrespecting staff. Making targeted posts in the forum. Whining to staff and reporting each other.

    It really isn't that hard to Be respectful to other players and Practice good chat etiquette

    Trying to keep the peace has been hugely stressful for Crafty and the staff. Running this server and moderating it fairly is actually far from easy. We do our best and all the staff give their time and effort for free for the good of everyone.

    This behavior has to stop and those of you banned need to either learn to play nicely in this virtual sandbox or go find somewhere else to play.

    Just because we allow griefing and raiding does not mean you can come on this server and behave like rude children. Nor does PVP mean you have a god given right to jump in on whoever is in the arenas.

    Litematica is allowed and pie ray is not. Get over it.

    It is a huge privilege for me to be an admin on this server - I love meeting people from all over the world. I don't enjoy banning anyone. My chat door is always open.

    If you are prepared to put your animosity to other players aside and come back then that's great and I look forward to seeing you back on the server.



    Can't say I agree with some of the recent rulings and reasoning behind them as I don't see some of them aligning with our core values. But I love my server! Long live Craftymynes! 10 more years. 10 more years!!

  12. Deleted last week by Tez1010

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