Fluxated back at it again

  1. 8 years ago


  2. Blesian

    30 May 2016 Suspended


  3. That didn't take long

  4. lol

  5. Wait i fail to see what you mean. Is that his alt or what am i missing lol.

  6. it is his alt, yes, @FishW

  7. @Beedobi it is his alt, yes, @FishW

    Thank you for the clarification! Who goes on a server they are banned from with an alt that is clearly his lol

  8. Me. :P

  9. @The_Green_Gamer Me. :P

    Lol i didnt mean it like that

  10. A lot of people do that as it is allowed @FishW

  11. @iwarriiori A lot of people do that as it is allowed @FishW

    Yea I know if someone hacks they can return on an alt provided they follow the rules. What I mean is I inferred from several posts that this Fluxated guy is not welcomed here no matter what name he has.

    Allow me to rephrase it i didnt mean

    @FishW Thank you for the clarification! Who goes on a server they are banned from with an alt that is clearly his lol

    I meant more of who would come on a server with an alt that is clearly his when appears he is not welcomed here under any banner. Sorry for the mix up/controversy i mean no disrespect to anyone :)

  12. Dang, I had no idea that was fluxated! I hate him.

  13. criaotic

    31 May 2016 Suspended

    lol the backlash be like.

  14. -image-

  15. C'mon guys lets give Blesian his fair chance. Bygones, eh?

  16. @MagnaOpera C'mon guys lets give Blesian his fair chance. Bygones, eh?

    pff, no, he killed penguincommander

  17. @PenguinMytyMJ pff, no, he killed penguincommander

    :o Caw..
    Was it an orca plot?

  18. I have spotted Blesian bearing a Penguin shield...

  19. Depends the severity of the offenses he had in the past:

    • extremely severe: he gets IP-banned so he can never come back even if its with a different name
    • Severe: his first account its banned, but if he gets another account, unfortunately for us, that account is free to play in the server as long as follows the rules.

    Each ban is analyzed prior the decision of doing so and supported Always with proof.

  20. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    I got something interesting for ya'll.
    Today when I wanted to get some exp i stumbled into Blesian aka Fluxated, I was lucky since he didnt notice me. Here we can see him having almost 10x the ammount of entities that is allowed per player, I'm pretty sure he reached and exceeded the 1000 mark but I couldnt prove that since my game was freezing after about 950 (my lap top isnt that strong). I'm sure he did since this was going on for at least 5 more minutes until i could move again. It's a little bit hard to see, but if you look closely you can definitly say that its Blesian.
    here's the direct link so that you guys can zoom

  21. 8 years ago
    Deleted 8 years ago by Nysic
  22. Edited 8 years ago by Sofatroll

    I know it's not bannable, thats why I didnt made a report thread. I asked Dawn about that before. Anyway, I posted the screen here just to crack the thin ice you're standing on and to give people one more reason to hate you. You know I was on your side, but you fucked up again and again. You gave me enough reason to join the hate train. Your betrayal cannot be forgiven.

  23. Edited 8 years ago by FishW

    The hate is real. It is kinda disappointing as I read your ban appeal and it seemed like you maybe halfway cared(or were atleast smart enough to act like it) but it appears like i was wrong.

    But either way thanks @Sofatroll for the coords maybe someone will raid that place up.

  24. @FishW But either way thanks @Sofatroll for the coords maybe someone will raid that place up.

    If you look closely you see that I made the coords unreadable

  25. Look at "Block:" and "Chunk" they tell me where you are ;)

  26. And also 0fps dang thats bad.

  27. Even if I dont have the power to read coords from that, I must tell you that farm is more or less semi-public.
    I didnt build it, but raiding it would have no sense.

  28. Edited 8 years ago by FishW

    @Sofatroll Even if I dont have the power to read coords from that, I must tell you that farm is more or less semi-public.
    I didnt build it, but raiding it would have no sense.

    Thats why i mentioned the coords. Was because I didn't want it to get raided by a certain "Team". Not because I was planning on raiding it. I might use it as its intended purpose at some point if I find an end portal but i rarely raid base's who i know are in use. Best of luck.

  29. Changed it anyway.

  30. Edited 8 years ago by JDAKandEEK

    those coords are readable lol
    Edit: next time use a pencil instead of the paintbrush

  31. Edited 8 years ago by FishW

    @Sofatroll Changed it anyway.

    Thank you! Also I can still tell the biome but that doesn't matter a bunch.

  32. Sorry for causing you trouble on a report made to help the server just didnt want you to get raided lol

  33. Deleted 8 years ago by GibsonAxe
  34. Deleted 8 years ago by GibsonAxe
  35. Lol that noob is still waiting for me to log on so he can "trap" me lmao :P

  36. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

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