Missing Person!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    @Cileklim @RetroSenpaii has been banned for quite a long time, she isn't dead.

  3. ..

    • Blesian
    • Haxinton
    • Migo_suave
  4. @MasaruCyri @Cileklim @RetroSenpaii has been banned for quite a long time, she isn't dead.

    oh P_P

  5. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    I haven't seen "Traviosis" in a while

  6. Hartman isnt going to come back i think , he got bored after he came back from being deployed

  7. am i missing?

  8. criaotic

    17 Jun 2016 Suspended
    Edited 8 years ago by criaotic

    @argonFiles am i missing?

    no you're on the forums 24/7.

  9. Deleted 8 years ago by r4iscool1
  10. loganthecaveman is currently online at this time

  11. yup im alive i can only get on every so often i got a new job. once a week is about all i can manage at this point

  12. anyone seen defraggedpixel around? havent seen him in a long long while

  13. @Loganthecaveman yup im alive i can only get on every so often i got a new job. once a week is about all i can manage at this point

    no, ur dead, what r u talking about

  14. Edited 8 years ago by LogantheCaveman

    exactly, new job I is dead, so i can only get on once a week or so. but i still lives in the shadows and your hearts lol

  15. @cookiestepdog I haven't seen "Traviosis" in a while

    tabaosis is what you mean and he his blesian

  16. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    @bladerunner tabaosis is what you mean and he his blesian

    No not him, Traviosis is a different player.

  17. Take fruit_lupes4 off the missing person list, also, has anyone seen Scarlosis the mod recently?

  18. Nope xD

  19. Scar has a degree to get like me, so he isn't on much but he's still staff.

  20. I'm tempted to make a full full list tomorrow of everyone notable missing since 1.8

  21. Proxeria hasn't been seen for a while ;)

  22. Newer ›

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