1.9 Villager Trade Info

  1. 9 years ago

    I'm very interested in what the 1.9 villager trades will be. Any chance that I can get involved in the planning? I tried to get the conversation rolling with my trade proposal (updated) . Can we please have public info from @baronbattlebread or whoever is organizing the villager trades on what the plan is. Once the server is open and people are actively trading it may be too late for players to give feedback and for adjustments to be made.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who is very intersted in what the new villager trades will be. There's been many posts on this topic before this one on the forum.

  2. Baron is making the trades now and im sure he will take into account players opinions.
    However i dont think it will be released before the server opens

  3. I took players opinsions into consideration, and now that the main out is over, i need a bit more. Obviously there are things i cant allow right now, like golden apples in the trade, or eletra yet, But i would like an eye on what ive done and what players think of it. what could be, what shouldnt be, what players might like in the future and what you think of the emerald core trading.

  4. I can always make adjustments. thats the fun of commandblocks :P

  5. i feel like trading chorus fruit, beats, paper, melons and pumpkins for emeralds and also adding some enchanted diamond picks for emeralds

  6. Oolfa

    7 Mar 2016 Suspended

    Blaze rods would be dope. And ghast tears

  7. blaze rods i second that

  8. IMO, do not make blaze rods a common trade. The server should keep things 'harder' and more tedious then everybody having access to everything 24-7. Make people go find a blaze spawner in the nether. Make them get it through trading with others.

    *The more player interaction, the better the server develops.*

    Ghast tears are a pain in the butt to get, however. IMO keep the good stuff out of the auto trade zones. Let the economy rest in the players' hands.

  9. God apples shouldn't be added; people can already book home just from the regen of food.

  10. I agree with atheod.
    There is already a thriving player market in resources like blaze rods and ghast tears. Offering these in trade kinda ruins that.
    Or at least make them quite expensive in line with their rarity and usefulness.

  11. Yes, I agree with R4. Steps like this making the life cycle of the game much shorter is what killed the 1.8 economy. The game cycle should be as long as possible, so that not only the economy is preserved, but people see enjoyment through progression.

    And from a pvp standpoint, the new 1.9 system makes it extremely tedious and drawn out to kill someone with anything p2+, due to the immense regen and also due to the fact that the sword cooldown is longer than the immunity period (0.5 vs 0.63) causing people to get hit much less often; not only that but people quite regularly miss with their charged hit, meaning that sometimes damage is only dealt every 1.26 seconds. Making p4 a common resource subtly through steps like this would reduce pvp to nothing.

  12. Hi Barron, Thanks for opening up the discussion. I'd love to see some of the crafting guild trades come back, particularly the paper -> book trade. I'd also love to see armor salvaging trades, that turn armor back into it's crafting ingredients.

    I agree with @Atheod and @R4iscool1 about holding off on blaze rods and ghast tears, although I think we should eventually have a dragons breath trade in vip (just not at the moment).

  13. tsu

    7 Mar 2016 Suspended

    @Mabzino once everyone gets prot 4 there will be no pvp deaths. every fight I've had with someone in prot 4 so far it lasted 6+ minutes and neither of us died. Plus on the new map the arena is basically the only place you can pvp since the end has too many adventure mode spots and spawn protection goes out 200 blocks past spawn.

  14. Is taking out the weapon cool-down a possible option?

  15. its a possible option but i doubt crafty would ever take it off

  16. tsu

    7 Mar 2016 Suspended

    @iwarriiori you gotta embrace the new pvp

  17. @tsu your're turning into one of them

  18. @iwarriiori @tsu your're turning into one of them

    "One of us!" (Well,Them)

  19. 1.8 is still available if you don't like the new style

  20. Nobody is on the 1.8 server.

  21. Newer ›

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