Bet you guys didn't know Cody was my younger brother lol, see the resemblance?
Bet you guys didn't know Cody was my younger brother lol, see the resemblance?
Soviet it looks like you are looking into my soul
I see it now Soviet.
haha @sovietsuperman, I can see it a little bit :D
Lol what do u guys honk I look like?
a tiny blue man
well little smurf men are always shirtless you're just sticking to your attributes ;pp
hello from the other side
wanna trade hats m8im kidding no i like mine
saderlani = YungLean
@Nejie I am staring into your soul lol
What the fuck you guys all looks so serious D:
Hello, yes, this is Doge :D
ewww Doge! XD
Yeah thats AP0C XD
you! yes you! install a light bulb or three