My computer sucks..
So, here's my selfie!
My computer sucks..
So, here's my selfie!
@Tweakerzoid My computer sucks..
So, here's my selfie!
Woahhhh ! Looking good tweak !
@Tweakerzoid My computer sucks..
So, here's my selfie!
What are you holding? XD
@Laineyyz What are you holding? XD
looks like a chicken nugget :P
@Chips_The_Gamer looks like a chicken nugget :P
Its actually a quail egg and smoked sausage with a crust (kinda like a chicken nugget). XD
@Tweakerzoid Ah. A fancy chicken nugget. Nice.
Hehe! Nobody will ever know what I look like! > : )
(a.k.a I have no clue how to post images that aren't from google)
Upload them on imgur and share the link @octiclmpulse
I wish I could somehow post pictures straight from my phone to here but that's like a mission motherfucking impossible :/
debating if i should post my selfie *tempting*
go for it @ZenithW
Don't let your dreams stay dreams, just do it!
I like chicken :D
I swear I was working the day this picture was taken. :D
This too...
...and this...
...well in this one I was in a toilet so I wasn't working...kinda lel =D
I'm usually a hard worker you guys. :>
Except that I need a haircut so bad... O.o
Too much Adidas in your life :P
7.8/10 - Too much Adidas...
I'm sorry , I'll leave
but before I go Imma post when i dye my hair which is gonna be after it grows back out ;P