@Grinning_Bobcat @Nysic well that's one thing covered out of the many exploits known. thanks for informing I'm just trying to define the line of rule breaking to myself so I can do my things within it seeing that the rules page is a little too general in my book
It's the one thing stopping it, it pretty much makes staffs' decisions on these things law... Any other exploits that are allowed or will that be all? Sorry for bothering you once again and seeming like a troublesome player but I want to keep the server safe and friendly as much as you do, Honestly.
We can't explicitly list every possible situation that needs to be covered by the rules sadly hence the need for this rule.
We do try employ it as least as possible instead using rules that specifically address the issue at hand however.
No other exploits will be allowed, if they are we will inform people, feel free to ask for clarity on specific situations however.
Generally its pretty obvious what isn't and is allowed however, we aren't overly restrictive and it's easy to tell what is an exploit and what isn't.