The Economy is Undergoing Rapid Price Changes.

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  2. 8 years ago

    @jabean I feel like people are really over valuing diamonds in this discussion. They aren't at all hard to get if you put in the time to mine them; and "stockpiling" them isn't depleting the economy because they are realistically an infinitely expandable resource. If the amount of diamonds on this server was "fixed" and we all started out with a set amount and people hoarded them that would be the case but it isn't as anyone can go down to the lower Y levels and find them.
    I prefer trading diamonds as the currency of choice because of their utilitarian nature and they provide an incentive for people to trade the rarer items like shulker boxes and beacons whenever I put out a purchase request for them; people who are looking to sell these items aren't going to want emeralds, even in bulk. As one of the "rich" players on this server I happily overpay or under-price items whenever I buy/sell because I don't view them as being super rare or hard to obtain. I think a lot of people like me who spend most of their time mining end up "stockpiling" diamonds because there simply isn't really anything out there that we can't obtain through mining so we don't have any incentive to add our diamonds into circulation.
    It may be an unpopular opinion but I feel like the barter system/economy is working out really well for us compared to the last server as there aren't any OP villager trades and you're forced to negotiate with other players to get items you really want. On the last server I probably traded with other players a handful of times and did the bulk of my trading through the villagers in the TP and VIP lounges. I feel like the economy has gotten a lot better since the reset, but that is just my two cents.

    Here's a screencap from today of one of my shulker boxes that I keep in my e-chest for proof as well as the stats page showing how many blocks I've mined since the last reset. Using mending on everything has pretty much eliminated any consumption of diamonds for me so everything I get is pretty much straight profit. -image- -image-

    What you're describing here is EXACTLY the problem we're trying to solve! you might not have any use for diamonds, but players like me, who aren't rich, do. I don't have full diamond gear with mending and to me and a lot of other players diamonds are really necessary to progress in the game. emeralds however aren't necessary to progress and thus we can use them to trade. any diamonds that we obtain aren't used for trading or just looking pretty in a chest, but to make things wich we need to progress, therefor, using diamonds as currency is very inefficient and sometimes even impossible. then on the other hand, there are players like you, which just keep loads of diamonds in a chest without ever looking back to them. even if u don't want to buy stuff with it, you could still keep emeralds in there and sell the diamonds to players who actually need them.

  3. damn jabean do u only mine lol

  4. i feel like the economy is in pretty good shape, no real inflation and theres always the option of trying to negotiate prices with a resorce that isnt diamond (crazy right?)

  5. I'm emerald broke. I have more diamond than emeralds. For practicality's sake the staff would have to put into effect a emerald based economy. The government IRL gives the value of money. Staff should give the value of emerald.

  6. Why would we need to have an emerald based economy? I see not problem occuing in this barter economy.

  7. This isn't a "problem." Just treat the server's very real and dynamic economy as a real and dynamic economy.

    You could become rich by buying right now when the prices are low and selling when the prices are high...

  8. @Derndeff This isn't a "problem." Just treat the server's very real and dynamic economy as a real and dynamic economy.

    You could become rich by buying right now when the prices are low and selling when the prices are high...

    Did you even see the price increases? Prices are very high at the moment.

  9. Gunpowder is in high demand

  10. I don't understand, I don't believe.

    I thought you were stating that diamonds are worth a lot more in the original post?
    Which means if you are using diamonds as currency, everything is cheaper, and you should invest in non-diamond assets right now to sell later for high profit?

    Or are diamonds worth less now and everything else is more expensive?

  11. I think I see what you mean with "No shops currently have two-way exchanges" now.

    However, I still don't think it's too much of an issue, it's just not as profitable to mine for other resources if you expect a fair exchange into diamonds. (Go straight for the diamonds yourself if they're so valuable now)

  12. Well, it seems that we do not have a capitalist in our midst.

  13. @Ealdwine_Drasax Well, it seems that we do not have a capitalist in our midst.

    what do you mean by that? there is a very easy way to get a lot of diamonds all you need is 2 sticks 3 iron some lapis and a bit of luck to get piles of diamond

  14. @ardoasms what do you mean by that? there is a very easy way to get a lot of diamonds all you need is 2 sticks 3 iron some lapis and a bit of luck to get piles of diamond

    True that

  15. Back on the core topic of the thread, the only way to have a working currency system is to use something that has practically no value (like emeralds), but there would need to be an agreement among a majority of suppliers of how much an emerald is worth to start out with. However, this "system" would quickly collapse from the lack of trust present in anarchy.

    People won't *trust* that an emerald is worth anything, so they won't trade their valuables for something that has no real value.

    The emerald currency would almost instantly collapse without some kind of enforcement from a government. And CraftyMynes will never have a server-wide government.
    (Note that you could in theory form your own government and create your own currency, but that's not what's being discussed here)

  16. @Derndeff Back on the core topic of the thread, the only way to have a working currency system is to use something that has practically no value (like emeralds), but there would need to be an agreement among a majority of suppliers of how much an emerald is worth to start out with. However, this "system" would quickly collapse from the lack of trust present in anarchy.

    People won't *trust* that an emerald is worth anything, so they won't trade their valuables for something that has no real value.

    The emerald currency would almost instantly collapse without some kind of enforcement from a government. And CraftyMynes will never have a server-wide government.
    (Note that you could in theory form your own government and create your own currency, but that's not what's being discussed here)

    One big problem with this. CraftyMynes isn't anarchy. We have rules. You scam, you get banned. And most everyone can talk to someone else and get a fairly honest answer(except a few known bad players) of how much something is worth. That's always how we've survived in the past and it's always how we'll survive in the future. Just the other day someone messaged me and asked me how much I would value a certain trade at and I gave my honest answer to what I would buy or sell it at. Many other's would do the same. We don't need a villager custom trade for this. We don't need admin giving a set value to emeralds. We just need to do what we've always done. Be good people and a great community that can be kind to one another and produce healthy trades. And we honestly don't even need to do much conversion of what we think an emerald is worth compared to a diamond. We kinda already have it from natural villager trades and what player shops sell those items for in diamonds.
    And for those of you arguing for the point of diamond's functionality, I'm not saying stop using diamond. For expensive things, keep using diamond if you want. We don't have to only use emerald if we don't want to. I'm just saying we should be recognizing emerald for it's monetary intent and use it as such instead of relying so heavily on a resource as currency.

  17. Edited 8 years ago by Derndeff

    On the anarchy statement, I just mean that there is no government in the sense of regulation and restrictions (aside from obvious unfair play like hacking, scamming, etc.).

    But yeah, I forgot about the rough conversions that can be done through villagers, so good point.
    The emerald currency will still collapse, though.

    Anyone who doesn't have an emerald/diamond exchange system through villagers should not trust using emeralds as a valued currency. (and players will not trust this. I won't, anyway) One way you could fix this is by having an emerald/diamond exchange system that is static, either done at spawn or by a trusted player.

    But then you have the exact same issue. An emerald is just a diamond, and diamonds have a seemingly unstable value. (or at least that's the argument, right?)

    Anyway, if you believe heavily in the emerald system, why don't you start selling items for emeralds? You know roughly what they're worth, so why not start using it as a currency?

  18. I agree with the point that the diamond is too high a value to use as the basic currency unit, and indirectly inflates the value of everything else.

    I think it just takes one merchant with the resources and time to establish a baseline price of diamonds to emeralds. Then the value of emeralds would become tangible. In the past the npc Spawn merchants did this, now the active player-sellers would need to step up if this is what all the players want.

    Merchants with an assortment of book vendors and a strong business are in a great position to take this on as the emeralds seem to mostly get consumed buying book enchantments.

  19. Edited 8 years ago by Valgys

    @Derndeff Back on the core topic of the thread, the only way to have a working currency system is to use something that has practically no value (like emeralds), but there would need to be an agreement among a majority of suppliers of how much an emerald is worth to start out with. However, this "system" would quickly collapse from the lack of trust present in anarchy.

    I think this suggestion has merit. There could be a merchant alliance to form a loose value of currency. In real life situations this was done by creating the value between the merchants. IE, merchant X makes the diamond to emerald trade worth a certain value to merchant Y. Then the merchants are free to obtain the emeralds however they see fit through trades with players outside the alliance at their own rates. In a way it would be similiar to setting a prime interest rate in real life and then banks tacking on an additional, smaller fee to keep more profitable and competitive with the other banks.

  20. I've always been curious why diamonds are so highly valued since mending was introduced. I think I've used less than 4 diamond blocks for crafting since the last reset. There's half a stack of diamond blocks sitting in my echest that I doubt I'll ever use for anything except trading.
    Is this driven by pvp, losing/breaking armour? I'm genuinely curious what everyone actually does with all these diamonds to make them so valuable.

  21. @Derndeff Anyone who doesn't have an emerald/diamond exchange system through villagers should not trust using emeralds as a valued currency. (and players will not trust this. I won't, anyway) One way you could fix this is by having an emerald/diamond exchange system that is static, either done at spawn or by a trusted player.

    But then you have the exact same issue. An emerald is just a diamond, and diamonds have a seemingly unstable value. (or at least that's the argument, right?)

    Anyway, if you believe heavily in the emerald system, why don't you start selling items for emeralds? You know roughly what they're worth, so why not start using it as a currency?

    What is with you guys so desperately wanting a villager trade for emeralds to diamonds! It's never going to happen again! There's no need for it.
    If you haven't been listening, an emerald is NOT "just a diamond." They are completely different. It's comparing a dollar bill to a diamond ring. They are NOT the same. Emeralds are the official minecraft currency for in game use, but people don't like using them cause they apparently can't grow crops and go to spawn to sell them for limitless amounts of cash. All the people that complain about not having access to emeralds should really check out the trading post. There are villagers there that you can trade stuff with, like crops, which you can grow very easily and in mass quantity if you work for it. There you go. Emeralds for days! (btw, the unstable part is not the argument here. It's wanting to switch from diamond use to primarily emerald use and the arguments for/against that. The economy will always shift around. And this one is still new, so prices haven't settled yet even for diamonds because we are still getting over what prices were like before reset when diamonds weren't as valuable. They are unstable because we are still figuring out what they are worth.)
    This emerald/diamonds exchange system through villagers isn't going to happen. It can't unless we wanna live in a place where diamonds can literally be thrown away and no one will bat an eye about it, because that's what happened before reset. Everyone converted every emerald they had into diamonds and diamonds became super inflated. People scrambled to make emeralds then, cause they could buy their expensive jewelry with it. But now we've taken away your jewelry store and are asking you to pay in cash. It's tough, I get it. I was in favor of keeping the custom villagers myself. But we don't have that now and we shouldn't have it. It'll be abused by diamond horders who only hurt the economy.
    And what is this apparent issue of trust? Did you get scammed or something? Cause the people I know are trustworthy. Even the raiders and people I would never play alongside in game I am freely willing to trade with because in trading they are honest people who price things for what they are worth. The only issue is that raiders and griefers rarely do anything besides destroy, so they often don't have a desire to earn emeralds through farming or vanilla villager trading, so they'll probably still pay in diamond until they start stealing emeralds too.
    And once we do establish how much an emerald is worth for different items, there will be a monopoly unless other shops follow suit in the conversion. This then makes more shops convert to emerald trades and match the prices of other shops, creating a competitive economy based on emeralds for basic items. All it takes is a few people to open shops, even temporary shops, in order to start the movement.

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