Opinions -- Grassling and More

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  2. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by Grassling

    @R4iscool1 I gave you a very true response and what I believe to be measured response, what in my response was mocking.

    Go ahead, they will vindicate me.

    The reponse didn't solve anything. Enough players are commenting on this post that have a problem with the way staff do business that you can't deny there isn't a problem. CM is a community based server/game and if even a portion of the community is upset steps should be taken to resolve the issues people have.

  3. @Pimpcy As I said, in my opinion as a staff member the fact that he said "Harassment doesn't exist here" was a clear reference to a recent heated conversation we had where I communicated the action in a deleted thread here about you and him. We had an argument there about whether the thread was considered harassment or not and the staff as a whole decided at the time it was not harassment and therefore would not be removed. Later on upon your request and further posts with IRL info in them it was removed.
    Therefore I asked him not to say it, if it's a misunderstanding I'm sorry but I don't believe it was and I asked him to not further reference issues with staff off the forums.

  4. @Grassling The reponse didn't solve anything. Enough players are commenting on this post that have a problem with the way staff do business that you can't deny there isn't a problem. CM is a community based server/game and if even a portion of the community is upset steps should be taken to resolve the issues people have.

    So far I count 7 players, on a server which receives over a hundred a day. That's not a representative sample, as I said people with issues are the ones more likely to be vocal.
    Perhaps we will have to arrange some sort of ingame poll to determine if players really believe this.
    We can't bend the entire rule framework for hundreds of people because 7 people complain.

  5. http://prntscr.com/g8juut

    Sorry for posting 5 different screenshots here guys, but, since you deny it R4, I went ahead and went through the trouble just for you.

    &&& for everyone else, perspective might be necessary. Pimpcy and I were messing around with each other earlier in the day and I said to her in the chat something to the sorts of "id complain about harassment but the staff doesnt seem too worried about me being harassed". To which then I received a conversation from R4 about how he felt that my statement was specifically referencing an issue that the staff deleted off of the forums about a week ago, involving my ex harassing Pimpcy. R4, you might feel these screenshots are not the "damning evidence" that I should have, but the perspective, and reality, of this is you told me, and I paraphrase here "Do not mention the word harassment again, because if you do, you can be punished for it. The context does not matter in which it is spoken, as the 2nd and 3rd screenshots show, if you feel it can have ANY connection to what was said in the past, I WILL be punished & banned for using said word...

    That perspective enough of staff issues?

  6. @R4iscool1

    Not my conversation, but 7 people is still 7 people

  7. Edited 6 years ago by Grassling

    As i've stated in my fair post, other people who have/had problems with the server have been banned/left. There are more than just these 7 people and the only opposed i've seen are two staff members and an alt used to promote themselves so as it is standing I think we have a better argument. Other players may fear speaking out against the staff because they have the power. @R4iscool1

  8. @R4iscool1 Post the chat logs if you wish, I never once stated that you were banned from saying harassment in chat.

    Ahem. Read above.

    @R4iscool1 So far I count 7 players, on a server which receives over a hundred a day. That's not a representative sample, as I said people with issues are the ones more likely to be vocal.

    This post has received 290 views in 2 hours.

  9. Edited 6 years ago by r4iscool1

    Sorry can you quote where I banned you from saying harassment ?
    I don't take kindly to being slandered like that and I don't see it in the screenshots.
    If I didn't can you please retract your statement that I did.

    I explicitly said no to you in the 3rd screenshot when you said can I not say Harassment and said only if you try reference previous staff issues and try cause trouble.
    As I've said that backups exactly what I said here

    @R4iscool1 @Pimpcy As I said, in my opinion as a staff member the fact that he said "Harassment doesn't exist here" was a clear reference to a recent heated conversation we had where I communicated the action in a deleted thread here about you and him. We had an argument there about whether the thread was considered harassment or not and the staff as a whole decided at the time it was not harassment and therefore would not be removed. Later on upon your request and further posts with IRL info in them it was removed.
    Therefore I asked him not to say it, if it's a misunderstanding I'm sorry but I don't believe it was and I asked him to not further reference issues with staff off the forums.

  10. @R4iscool1 Sorry can you quote where I banned you from saying harassment ?
    I don't take kindly to being slandered like that and I don't see it in the screenshots.
    If I didn't can you please retract your statement that I did.

    I explicitly said no to you in the 3rd screenshot when you said can I not say Harassment and said only if you try reference previous staff issues and try cause trouble.

    Read the last part of the last screenshot.

  11. @NerdieBirdieYT Ahem. Read above.

    This post has received 290 views in 2 hours.

    The view counter on the forum isn't unique, so every time a new post has been made on this thread and people have refreshed to see it, it's added a view.
    I don't see how views translate into opinions either.

    Read above.

  12. 1st off R4, slander is spoken, libel is written. It would be libel, not slander, and the 5th screenshot said if I say the word harassment again, I can be punished for it. clear as day.

  13. We were in a skype call together joking off and that topic never came up
    in fact we were both just SUPER fucking thankful it got deleted idk why we would. I ended up awkwardly sitting in that call because he was distracted with that issue and it killed my mood to even play for the day.
    All because of a misunderstanding that was taken too far

  14. @R4iscool1 This post (https://forum.craftymynes.com/6425-overhaul-the-wishing-fountain/0/ ) received about 350 in nearly two weeks, and it was a suggestion that many people were actively chatting about.

    We are now at 302 views for this post.

    Just saying.

  15. -image-


  16. @SnowProper 1st off R4, slander is spoken, libel is written. It would be libel, not slander, and the 5th screenshot said if I say the word harassment again, I can be punished for it. clear as day.

    Actually slander can be used in any context, legally in some places slander is only written but if you look at the definitions it can be used otherwise.

    Yes, if you violate the rules with the usage yes you can be punished for it.
    Just like any other player, If I start making false statements about someone harassing me that harm them I can be banned.

  17. Deleted 6 years ago by GrandpaCarl00
  18. for the sake of r4's sanity I'm going to end his responses, now. Go to bed, R4. That is an order.

    As for the grassling thread, I moved it to staff eyes only for the sake of preparing a response while I go shopping and wait for the admins to view it and share their opinions before making it public with a statement.

    Nerdie - the views don't matter much other than indicated how many times a pages is opened/refreshed.

  19. @Blackened_Dawn I know that. I am just using it comparatively to show that people care about the subject.

  20. The views don't matter but I'm still waiting from a reponse to why a staff member used an alt account to back up his own argument and won't comment on the matter

  21. The moment when you have to back off ;___;

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