The Elites Faction Application

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Retrochewy

    This is an application thread for the new faction The Elites
    We are a faction that helps our members and ally factions, we help new players get the hang of the server, joining will not allow you to go to our bases, but you will be able to join the discord for more information. Once you join, you will be tested to see if you are trusty enough to enter the base. If you are inactive for more than a month without contacting us first, you will be removed from the faction and will have to reapply.

    The application format is down below




    Former factions:

    How you could help the faction:


    Why you should be accepted:


  2. Apply now!

  3. Interesting concept who is the leaders of this faction? Are you currently allied with any other factions?

  4. @humfrydog Interesting concept who is the leaders of this faction? Are you currently allied with any other factions?

    I am the leader of this faction and some allied factions do not want to be revealed

  5. Ill go ahead and reveal the list of allies myself
    Hope that helped :)

  6. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by javonjw

    @alarmgv12 Ill go ahead and reveal the list of allies myself

    Hope that helped :)

    Maybe its NN Just saying lol


  7. @javonjw Our only ally as of now is SC. (:

  8. @NerdieBirdieYT @javonjw Our only ally as of now is SC. (:

    so that means you have no allies @NerdieBirdieYT :) whats a SC

  9. Lol @javonjw XD

  10. Guys, keep in mind this is a faction application forum.

  11. @OtherGreenGamer Guys, keep in mind this is a faction application forum.

    You could've said that for the Team Eye applications or Nerdnation applications as well cause they seemed to have a lot more trolls when those came out compared to this

  12. SC dead bro

  13. Harvesting souls since 89'

  14. @javonjw Maybe its NN Just saying lol

    " rel="nofollow external">[/quote]
    F u

  15. Lock this thread I'm going solo

  16. xD

  17. Elites Faction 9/20/2017 - 9/25/2017

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