Kill Arena Loggers and Add Delay on Teleports

  1. 7 years ago

    I think that the current punishment for PVP logging in the arena is not harsh enough. It's the only place in the server where us PVPers really have something specifically for us and nothing stops people from abusing the log out button other than a superficial label. I think that by entering the arena, you should be risking something, and arena loggers currently do not risk anything. I know that this would not be that hard to implement since there are commands that can tell when someone logs out while in combat.

    In addition, teleports should also have delay added to them to make it harder to escape. Right now they are instant as long as you have full health. This change would just make it harder to get out of the arena (and other places in the map) without fighting, as it should be. A delay of about 5 seconds would be fair.

  2. i think its okay with the pvp logging

  3. @MaggiAusDaKann i think its okay with the pvp logging

    you keep saying that what does that mean lmao

  4. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    I think he's suggesting it's not much of an issue and I agree.

    Certainly, I would be against Teleport delays, this isn't really a PVP server as has been discussed before so adding something just to appease a small group of users at the detriment of the rest of the server is not something I believe should be done.
    We already have the combat tag in the arena for this purpose. There's no need to add to world outside spawn.

    As for logging, this discussion has been had too which lead to the introduction of the combat tag, however the whole premise of killing people upon logging while debatable, I and many others find flawed, due to the fact people quite often timeout of CM and dealing with restarts could be troublesome though probably not unfixable.
    Then there's another school of thought of whom think that the PVP arena, shouldn't bear any risk at all.

  5. @R4iscool1 I think he's suggesting it's not much of an issue and I agree.

    it's not much of an issue because it doesn't affect him, he's not a pvper

    @R4iscool1 Certainly, I would be against Teleport delays, this isn't really a PVP server as has been discussed before so adding something just to appease a small group of users at the detriment of the rest of the server is not something I believe should be done.

    instant teleports are cheaty, if you're falling into the void you can instantly teleport and not die, adding a delay would change this to make it more fair and less cheaty.

    @R4iscool1 Certainly, I would be against Teleport delays, this isn't really a PVP server as has been discussed before so adding something just to appease a small group of users at the detriment of the rest of the server is not something I believe should be done.

    [quote=76139:@R4iscool1]We already have the combat tag in the arena for this purpose. There's no need to add to world outside spawn.

    combat tag has no real repercussions, everyone forgets that you're a logger and moves on. there should be consequences, it is called a "pvp arena" not a "log arena"

    @R4iscool1 Certainly, I would be against Teleport delays, this isn't really a PVP server as has been discussed before so adding something just to appease a small group of users at the detriment of the rest of the server is not something I believe should be done.

    as stated before, it's a serverwide delay on teleports. every server has delays to prevent abusing the teleportation system, why would you want people to be able to abuse this system?

    @R4iscool1 As for logging, this discussion has been had too which lead to the introduction of the combat tag, however the whole premise of killing people upon logging while debatable, I and many others find flawed, due to the fact people quite often timeout of CM and dealing with restarts could be troublesome though probably not unfixable.

    as stated before, combat tag does absolutely nothing. it was something to try to keep us pvpers from complaining but it wasn't implemented properly. the arena would essentially be the exact same without the combat tag. the chances of being disconnected mid fight are miniscule. here's a tip: if you have a shit connection, don't go in the pvp arena. it's that simple.

    @R4iscool1 Then there's another school of thought of whom think that the PVP arena, shouldn't bear any risk at all.

    the server where pvp, raiding, and griefing are all enabled and people think the one place where pvpers have in the server should be keep inventory? why not just add plots where people can't grief or raid? i'm sure people would love that, or does it take away from the "pvp raiding and griefing" on the server?

  6. the pvp arena isn't vital for anyone to play on the server. making it so you can't log off while in combat there won't be the end of the world for the entire server. so i ask why are you against this change r4?

  7. @SharpSerac it's not much of an issue because it doesn't affect him, he's not a pvper

    According to whom?
    Are you the authority on defining who is a pvper?
    Anyway, your suggestions affect the server as a whole, therefore, anyones opinion is valid.

    @SharpSerac instant teleports are cheaty, if you're falling into the void you can instantly teleport and not die, adding a delay would change this to make it more fair and less cheaty.

    I don't find them cheaty in any way and I don't think people would be here if they found them very objectionable. I see no issue.

    @SharpSerac combat tag has no real repercussions, everyone forgets that you're a logger and moves on. there should be consequences, it is called a "pvp arena" not a "log arena"

    I don't think people forget, they just don't care because it's not a PVP server and adding something that would make it harder for them just to counter this isn't something people would want I think.

    @SharpSerac as stated before, it's a serverwide delay on teleports. every server has delays to prevent abusing the teleportation system, why would you want people to be able to abuse this system?

    I don't see it as abuse, and no every server does not have a delay on teleports. It's an option in bukkit configs the default of which is off. I think people see it as a perfectly valid system and I certainly don't see how adding a delay would benefit anyone but a minority while annoying everyone else.

    @SharpSerac as stated before, combat tag does absolutely nothing. it was something to try to keep us pvpers from complaining but it wasn't implemented properly. the arena would essentially be the exact same without the combat tag. the chances of being disconnected mid fight are miniscule. here's a tip: if you have a shit connection, don't go in the pvp arena. it's that simple.

    It only does nothing because no one cares if anyone logs, it's not an issue on the majority of players radars. I don't see how it wasn't implemented properly either, it was implemented exactly as Crafty wanted.
    Just because you don't experience regular timeouts, doesn't mean other users mainly in other countries don't.
    Okay, so you are saying the Arena should only be for those with good connections?

    @SharpSerac the server where pvp, raiding, and griefing are all enabled and people think the one place where pvpers have in the server should be keep inventory? why not just add plots where people can't grief or raid? i'm sure people would love that, or does it take away from the "pvp raiding and griefing" on the server?

    Once again, this isn't a pvp or raid server it just happens to have it enabled, mainly due to the fact having a vanilla server otherwise is next to impossible.
    PVPers have the whole outside world, some people think there should be a spot where they can fight without worrying about being outgeared or losing all their items which is fair enough, it's just as valid as your own uses.

  8. @SharpSerac the pvp arena isn't vital for anyone to play on the server. making it so you can't log off while in combat there won't be the end of the world for the entire server. so i ask why are you against this change r4?

    I'm not really hugely against that one, hence why I mentioned it was debatable. I do however think everyone should be considered not just the suggestors view of how things should be.
    Other players need to be considered.

  9. so why are you against adding a delay on teleports? how would it be detrimental to the server other than the fact that it's change to something that has been this way for a while?

  10. Without getting into a possible heated debate or anything, I would like to hear your suggestions as to what you think should be done to 'punish' pvp loggers. Hearing suggestion as to how you would like this to be changed can't hurt.

    In all fairness, all players on the server deserve to have a say in this matter. It may be true that pvpers will receive the brunt of a change, but that doesn't mean the other players won't see the effects.

    Personally I don't see a problem with pvp logging, but the effects may also affect non pvp/pve situations. I may be wrong as I don't know what the solution will be, assuming Crafty decides to make a change.

    As for the delayed warps, I don't see any problem with adding a delay. That isn't to say that I wish for a delay on them, I just don't have a problem with adding them.

  11. I've seen this same discussion many times and the results are always the same. Nothing much changes. You know why? Because most of the people who play on this server aren't interested in the aggressive sort of pvp you enjoy. Again, you are a small percentage of a massive community and the server accommodates the masses. We aren't neglecting pvpers, but it isn't right to anger the majority just to appease a singular group. I'm not trying to start a fight, and none of this is personally addressed towards you, so I don't want to be roped into a fight of personality. These are just the facts, and as much as it seems unfair to you, it's for the best for the community as a whole.

    @SharpSerac here's a tip: if you have a shit connection, don't go in the pvp arena. it's that simple.

    That ostracizes a lot of people, some of whom are pvpers who "thrive off their shit connections." The pvp arena is supposed to be a controlled environment for people to choose to pvp. Anyone has a right to be in there, bad connection or not. We can't seclude people because they can't connect that well to the server all the time.

  12. @SharpSerac so why are you against adding a delay on teleports? how would it be detrimental to the server other than the fact that it's change to something that has been this way for a while?

    Well how it would it benefit the server?
    I think it would be a detriment to the playerbase who like the way it is currently for the most part and wouldn't want change.

  13. @Dennari43 That ostracizes a lot of people, some of whom are pvpers who "thrive off their shit connections." The pvp arena is supposed to be a controlled environment for people to choose to pvp. Anyone has a right to be in there, bad connection or not. We can't seclude people because they can't connect that well to the server all the time.

    i never said they can't go in there, but if you have a shit connection you risk getting disconnected and losing your items.

    @R4iscool1 Well how it would it benefit the server?
    I think it would be a detriment to the playerbase who like the way it is currently for the most part and wouldn't want change.

    it would make things more fair, if you fall into the void you'd die. there wouldn't be any way to get out of that. there shouldn't be any way to get out of that before you die unless you have elytra

    @Venetorem Without getting into a possible heated debate or anything, I would like to hear your suggestions as to what you think should be done to 'punish' pvp loggers. Hearing suggestion as to how you would like this to be changed can't hurt.

    In all fairness, all players on the server deserve to have a say in this matter. It may be true that pvpers will receive the brunt of a change, but that doesn't mean the other players won't see the effects.

    Personally I don't see a problem with pvp logging, but the effects may also affect non pvp/pve situations. I may be wrong as I don't know what the solution will be, assuming Crafty decides to make a change.

    As for the delayed warps, I don't see any problem with adding a delay. That isn't to say that I wish for a delay on them, I just don't have a problem with adding them.

    you could either give the logger's head to all those in the arena, or you could kill them when they log back in again. there should be some sort of punishment because it is a pvp arena, it's a place where you're supposed to pvp, it's in the name

  14. @SharpSerac i never said they can't go in there, but if you have a shit connection you risk getting disconnected and losing your items.

    The arena should be for all, not just those who have good connections to the server, we shouldn't just cater to one group.

    @SharpSerac it would make things more fair, if you fall into the void you'd die. there wouldn't be any way to get out of that. there shouldn't be any way to get out of that before you die unless you have elytra

    That's just an opinion, I don't really have an issue with that and I think the majority of players you ask wouldn't have an issue with it either. Nothing unfair about it in my mind, everyone has access to a book.

    @SharpSerac you could either give the logger's head to all those in the arena, or you could kill them when they log back in again. there should be some sort of punishment because it is a pvp arena, it's a place where you're supposed to pvp, it's in the name

    Some would view logging to be an acceptable part of PVP.

  15. Also I feel as tho if the 1v1 arena became a thing, we'd see less logging. Most people log because someone they didn't expect to see in a fight enters the arena. If they were allowed their 1v1 they wanted without interference, there might be less logging. Granted, this won't solve all logging situations, but I think it could minimize the amount of logging.

  16. if anything just add to the pvp arena if you log your body stay there for few seconds maybe 20 to 30

  17. you could either give the logger's head to all those in the arena, or you could kill them when they log back in again. there should be some sort of punishment because it is a pvp arena, it's a place where you're supposed to pvp, it's in the name

    I don't think that it should be an automatic head, since you aren't guaranteed a head on a kill. I'm not throwing the idea out entirely, but there may be something worth expanding upon.

    I also think that insta-kill upon logging is a little harsh. Maybe taking damage instead of insta-death would be better. If you're logging because you're low health then it wouldn't make a difference, but if it's to avoid fighting someone you don't wish to fight, and not to avoid imminent death, then insta-kill might not be the best course of action.

    @Dennari43 Also I feel as tho if the 1v1 arena became a thing, we'd see less logging. Most people log because someone they didn't expect to see in a fight enters the arena. If they were allowed their 1v1 they wanted without interference, there might be less logging. Granted, this won't solve all logging situations, but I think it could minimize the amount of logging.

    Although I haven't done much more than skim through that conversation, I do like the idea of a separate 1v1 arena, assuming it's worked upon and done so properly.

  18. @R4iscool1 The arena should be for all, not just those who have good connections to the server, we shouldn't just cater to one group.

    it is for all, adding a prevention for logging applies for everyone so it isn't catering to one group.

    @R4iscool1 Some would view logging to be an acceptable part of PVP.

    yeah, player vs player involves actively abusing logging out, which is why all pvp servers prevent you from logging out in combat.

    there's way too much to respond to here and i'm lazy

  19. @SharpSerac it is for all, adding a prevention for logging applies for everyone so it isn't catering to one group.

    Yes it is, you are creating a detriment to one group of users to cater to another. Everyone should be able to use the arena in my opinion as equally as possible.

    @SharpSerac yeah, player vs player involves actively abusing logging out, which is why all pvp servers prevent you from logging out in combat.

    I don't know about all pvp servers but we aren't a pvp server and it's all an opinion. Some see that as a good part of CM others clearly don't. Others would like not to lose any items and many don't care at all.

  20. I would suggest that log punishments will only be implemented into the arena ; As it's their own risk of jumping down , pvper or not pvper lol

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