The Grand Odyssey

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT

    Today I began my journey around the Overworld of CraftyMynes.

    The trip is a square around the 200k by 200k world, leaving me with 800k blocks to travel. The goal is to do this entire journey on "foot" (meaning only using regular running, horses, boats, etc. I do currently plan on using elytra at all.)

    I'll try to post screenshots of interesting things I find as I go! So far I've found some items from someone who died trying to go across the border (they had diamonds, a diamond sword and pick, and more!). Found some interesting places as well, such as an ice spikes biome leading into the border, as well as villages going through the border.

    This trip will take a long time, and will be included on my channel as an ongoing project. Here are some screenshots from the trip!

    Note: Small "journal" entries can be found with most images. The entries are attached to posts further down in this thread, if you care to read them.


  2. Edited 7 years ago by Hijacked96

    Hey you might find one of my older bases on your journey.

  3. Deleted 7 years ago by Fingerbib
  4. Hope you find something interesting and a place for a base perhaps? :)

  5. Should build out there create a magnificen aquaduct all around the server border then anyone coulx make the trip by boat a team could fo it a simple design really

  6. @sknup Should build out there create a magnificen aquaduct all around the server border then anyone coulx make the trip by boat a team could fo it a simple design really

    The only magnificen thing here is your stache

  7. @sknup a 2 wide aquaduct would take a team of 6 over 60+ hours (quick underestimate) each I assume due to all the terrain they would battle employing perhaps 3000 diamond shovels maybe more, several picks would have to be used also. And for what? A boat route so you could travel around the world border which would be hardly used due to low need as nearly nobody has a base there because a player could do as Nerdie is doing to find a base. Although I don't doubt it will be used but I do doubt it will be made.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by Sofatroll

    feel free to hire SC for the job. We sure have the manpower to do so lol
    I agree it doesnt make much sense tho

  9. Edited 7 years ago by MistakeMade

    Also it may need blocks to be built for low places that don't provide equal level ground for the canal which would effectively cost over 300k cobblestone and 800k water buckets (for the whole route) if you put them side by side and left a space in between each source.

  10. @sofatroll does Strangers Company have the patience and resources to do this along with willingness?

  11. Don't start a project unless you have an idea of the cost and willing to devote your time to it. Many unfinished projects are due to later realization of how tedious it actually is or due to a great lacking of resources.

  12. Covering 800k blocks with a canal is an interesting thought, but as @MistakeMade said, it's hardly practical or useful.

  13. Doing a quick test on a new world I found that by going 100 blocks with non extreme terrain building a canal along the world border took 3min 11s to both dig and build a little at y 70 it would take 7+ minutes total per 100 blocks the most tedious work being water brcause of the constant need to refill buckets by getting water from what you've already placed(infinite water source) along the way you can mine blocks for use in the canal but from what I've studied in this project is it would take perhaps 1000 hours of hard constant work in total, higher than my previous estimate (which I didn't consider water)

  14. When you get to the mountains you could tunnel which would be more tool consuming and may take longer than my estimate. I will leave it at that.

  15. Found some interesting temples, some of which were outside the border entirely! Added to screenshot list.

  16. Hardly practical or useful have you not seen my other builds

  17. @sknup you are truly a talented builder and have spent many long hours building. A canal is an entirely different story and would take massive dedication to continually repeat a building pattern for 800,000 blocks.

  18. People got way too much free time

  19. @HaloNest People got way too much free time


  20. Edited 7 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT


    The border is hard to see with this shaders pack, but the temple extends slightly outside the border. It was already raided when I found it, but still a really neat find!

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