Today I began my journey around the Overworld of CraftyMynes.
The trip is a square around the 200k by 200k world, leaving me with 800k blocks to travel. The goal is to do this entire journey on "foot" (meaning only using regular running, horses, boats, etc. I do currently plan on using elytra at all.)
I'll try to post screenshots of interesting things I find as I go! So far I've found some items from someone who died trying to go across the border (they had diamonds, a diamond sword and pick, and more!). Found some interesting places as well, such as an ice spikes biome leading into the border, as well as villages going through the border.
This trip will take a long time, and will be included on my channel as an ongoing project. Here are some screenshots from the trip!
Note: Small "journal" entries can be found with most images. The entries are attached to posts further down in this thread, if you care to read them.