PVP Battle Video!

  1. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by ThePhoenix

    PVP battle between Ronjob, Edward, and myself, VS bgmg, Eli, VIP, and Doppy…
    Obviously we won, bgmg tped out multiple times, Doppy Tped out, Eli and VIP logged for 2 hours... Then had even more people come into try protect them which is sad but oh well... Ultimately we won when they logged

    PS Ignore after7mins forgot to stop recording

  2. I wish i was there ;-;

  3. It was a great fight, we kicked their butts so hard it will take them weeks to recover from the deep bruises. You guys should sit in some Ice Water, I read that it's a pretty good remedy for Bruises.
    Here is a Summary of the Fight:
    ThePhoenix was in the PvP arena, Elijah saw and Hopped in being the Brave little man he naturally is. Elijah 1v1'ed ThePhoenix for a little bit until Phoenix starting Shredding him. Then Mr. Brave Boi logged on Phoenix and in no time the PvP arena was swarming with his Associates, presumably to try to rescue him from being Grated into Powder by my man, ThePhoenix. Ron and I of course responded on scene to keep things running smoothly, soon the PvP arena filled and low and behold Elijah returns and a fight breaks out. We wiped the floor with them of course as they're eZs and soon despite outnumbering us they Fled away like Children. Doppy Escaped, Elijah's helm broke then Elijah Logged followed by VIP, bgmg escaped as well. Throughout an uncertain period of time Elijah logged on multiple times and would run for a few seconds and log again, the total log count throughout the day from the PvP arena was 10 Times for Elijah. VIP Logged Twice. The server soon began to fill with children whose loyalties lay toward Boonk Gang and LH, and soon Ron and I faced 3 Players until Elijah and VIP logged on and BritishFlag ran to supply Elijah with necessities for the fight, fortunately I pearled in and grabbed a Helmet and some other things and Mr. Brave Boi once again logged in a 5v2 situation. Halfway through the second fight ThePhoenix logged on, after fierce fighting ThePhoenix managed to escape and I unfortunately was losing HP on my armor, I checked inv and noticed my Helm had 1HP and that's when 17 minutes after the second fight had broken out I had to call it quits, after great Valiant effort I logged off the server but I was mere milliseconds late because as I pressed the button to log off my helmet shattered with a resounding crash (RIP Ushanka). Ron was left alone, fighting an angry mob of 5/6 players, after about 3 minutes ThePhoenix reappeared to save the day and potted Ron with invis and risked his own life for his companion, Ronjob after more fierce fighting managed to escape in the chaos, leaving ThePhoenix alone to face the Mob. ThePhoenix may have been alone but he was not without wits, it did not take long for ThePhoenix to outsmart these Geniuses and soon he had escaped and the fight was over. Of course, being the Infamous lEGEND that I am, Boonk and LH kept people watching over my log spot. After a prolonged wait, Ron scaled the walls of the Arena and messed with Boonk a little on Top of the arena and soon after the arena was empty allowing me to relog and escape.
    In conclusion,
    Amazing Video, Phoenix.
    I really like the part starting at 2:53 when Elijah Relogs, he gets absolutely rolled.

  4. @ThePhoenix did you not get enough of a beating in the chat yesterday? I'm just gonna say one thing : where's Edward?

  5. @bgmg @ThePhoenix did you not get enough of a beating in the chat yesterday? I'm just gonna say one thing : where's Edward?


  6. was a amazing fight gg to all of yall

  7. Edited 5 years ago by VIP653

    Wow, congratulations on posting the most boring video on the forums :/ ft. your shaking hand. But, I have to disagree that you won, your main goal was to kill Elijah which you then failed after waiting for 2 hours then continued to come back and fight despite losing to kill anyone then ran towards the end. I'm pretty sure you tp'ed out a good 4-5 times while I logged for an hour or 2 and tp"ed out once! Either way, we should defo do it again, you all know we have 2 times more manpower and resources, aha!
    PS. Finding wally edward
    Where's wally edward

  8. imagine

  9. You guys are lucky Dejean wasn’t there or else he would combo you to the moon.

  10. @iwarriiori You guys are lucky Dejean wasn’t there or else he would combo you to the moon.


  11. @Qfu imagine

    Who dis?

  12. I'm gonna go ahead and say i hope you're joking when you say you won the fight. Saying youve won the fight is something i hope you'd eventually have a chance to say, but that chance should be when you really win a fight.

    Yes you can brag about how VIP and Elijah logged on you, but to say that you beat us? That's a bare faced lie. Mr Phoenix, i'd be happy to 1v1 you with the prize being you stop talking shit. You bragged about winning the fight yesterday on the server infront if everyone, which only made everyone laugh at you, you're an embarrasment. People who have played survival for a very long time can see it, they csn see that you are nothing when it comes to PvP. Hence why you need your little toy boys to have your back and hence why you need to tp me to max height ( you died twice i didnt die once).

    I won't mock Ron or Edward, because they have the right to talk because their skill in tbe PvP department can back up their words, for you however that is the opposite. You fight people who arent well skilled in PvP, you then kill them and shout over the rooftops that you're a champion.

    Champions don't log.

    - British

  13. @BritishFlag I'm gonna go ahead and say i hope you're joking when you say you won the fight. Saying youve won the fight is something i hope you'd eventually have a chance to say, but that chance should be when you really win a fight.

    Yes you can brag about how VIP and Elijah logged on you, but to say that you beat us? That's a bare faced lie. Mr Phoenix, i'd be happy to 1v1 you with the prize being you stop talking shit. You bragged about winning the fight yesterday on the server infront if everyone, which only made everyone laugh at you, you're an embarrasment. People who have played survival for a very long time can see it, they csn see that you are nothing when it comes to PvP. Hence why you need your little toy boys to have your back and hence why you need to tp me to max height ( you died twice i didnt die once).

    I won't mock Ron or Edward, because they have the right to talk because their skill in tbe PvP department can back up their words, for you however that is the opposite. You fight people who arent well skilled in PvP, you then kill them and shout over the rooftops that you're a champion.

    Champions don't log.

    - British

    Agreed! Let's just say he fuels his own ego and uses this game to make himself feel powerful.

  14. LOL the amount of salt from you guys is funny af! #SoSalty

  15. @iwarriiori You guys are lucky Dejean wasn’t there or else he would combo you to the moon.

    Wym I beat Dejeans ass in a 1v1, I broke his helment and he had to go get another one because he cant fight a real 1v1 without cheating in what we agreed apon

  16. bruh momento

  17. 1v1 me nuketown ffa shotguns only

  18. @ThePhoenix so how's the base coming along?

  19. @BritishFlag I'm gonna go ahead and say i hope you're joking when you say you won the fight. Saying youve won the fight is something i hope you'd eventually have a chance to say, but that chance should be when you really win a fight.

    Yes you can brag about how VIP and Elijah logged on you, but to say that you beat us? That's a bare faced lie. Mr Phoenix, i'd be happy to 1v1 you with the prize being you stop talking shit. You bragged about winning the fight yesterday on the server infront if everyone, which only made everyone laugh at you, you're an embarrasment. People who have played survival for a very long time can see it, they csn see that you are nothing when it comes to PvP. Hence why you need your little toy boys to have your back and hence why you need to tp me to max height ( you died twice i didnt die once).

    I won't mock Ron or Edward, because they have the right to talk because their skill in tbe PvP department can back up their words, for you however that is the opposite. You fight people who arent well skilled in PvP, you then kill them and shout over the rooftops that you're a champion.

    Champions don't log.

    - British

    Preach it bruthur. Crafty bless you fellow patriot

  20. @MamaNeon @ThePhoenix so how's the base coming along?

    going great im pretty much finished! Hows the search?

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