iwarriiori's renovation services have many more reviews and customer testimonies, I'd go with them to get the results you deserve.
iwarriiori's renovation services have many more reviews and customer testimonies, I'd go with them to get the results you deserve.
Is that ron's castle?
Really nice decoration services by Boonk Gang
This was a week worth of work but I don't really care
Another satisfied customer!!!
Its said ill never be able to get redecorating service......
@Louis_Vuitton8 Its said ill never be able to get redecorating service......
Really? its quite a simple process than I can run you through. You simply send me your coords over a private conversation on this forum and BAM! It's redecorated! easy as that.
@ryanandrew123 Really? its quite a simple process than I can run you through. You simply send me your coords over a private conversation on this forum and BAM! It's redecorated! easy as that.
i'll give you my coords over a public conversation
50 -325
have fun
u can't build within 500 blocks of spawn. big liar
Another successful decoration!
@ryanandrew123 You simply send me your coords
@ryanandrew123 u can't build within 500 blocks of spawn. big liar
u asked for my player coords not my base coords, be more specific next time please thank you
Another successful decoration!
Looks nice
hey, i am also looking to salvage some bases, you wouldn t be able to, um, disclose some coords of your deco work?
by salvage i mean go over the loot you guys didnt blow to high heaven, but i can say, i respect your handywork
@boygenius149 I will keep this in mind and leave cords open next time we raid!