Simulation distance

  1. 3 years ago
    Edited 3 years ago by oroJefe

    I saw this vaguely mentioned a while back, but nothing formal confirmed by staff. From testing it looks like the server's simulation-distance is set to 2 chunks, is this correct?

    I completely understand why that decision has been made if so, especially with a brand new map and all the load that new chunk generation causes. If the above is correct (and based off freezing entities I'm kinda sure it is) is there a potential for it to be gently increased at a future date? The server has been far more stable of late, and perhaps a relaxation, no matter how small, can be tested?

  2. Edited 3 years ago by CraftyMyner

    Simulation distance has not changed, there is however a system in place that freezes non important mobs past 35blocks.

  3. Thanks for confirming Crafty, I appreciate it, and again completely appreciate the need for curtailing server load where possible. Is this a temporary game design change for the server, or will it be fixed for the remainder of this map? I only ask so that I can plan future builds in mind of the range limit.

  4. If mojang is able to improve the performance of the game we will look into removing some of our systems, otherwise they will probably stay in one form or another. Let me know if there are any mobs that are really broken because of this system, we can probably ignore them.

  5. Gaurdians :P

  6. @ThePhoenix Gaurdians :P

    The system should now ignore them.

  7. bees

  8. @kachiga___ bees

    What is the issue with bees?

  9. thank you

  10. 2 years ago

    Ah that explains why my farms don't work. Bummer

  11. Would it be possible to add creepers on the ignore list? It has been messing up my farms and it seems like there is a drought of gun powder on the server currently

  12. @Bryrodee Would it be possible to add creepers on the ignore list? It has been messing up my farms and it seems like there is a drought of gun powder on the server currently

    Well my creeper farm seems to be working fine, no issues. Hit me up if u want

  13. @CraftyMyner Simulation distance has not changed, there is however a system in place that freezes non important mobs past 35blocks.

    Do villagers work past 35 blocks?

  14. @Carl_Sagan1 Do villagers work past 35 blocks?


  15. I haven't been on here in a few months now. Has creeper spawning been fixed? That was pretty much the reason I bailed, I couldn't bother if I can't fly.

  16. @PookDGuru I haven't been on here in a few months now. Has creeper spawning been fixed? That was pretty much the reason I bailed, I couldn't bother if I can't fly.

    Just buy GP, it’s super cheap.

  17. @iwarriiori Just buy GP, it’s super cheap.

    log in, I'll buy

  18. @iwarriiori Just buy GP, it’s super cheap.

    WoW 1 sTaCk FoR 2 DiAs ThAt Is SuCh A ScAm I sElL aT 1000 StAcKs PeR dIrT

  19. @jarcl_ WoW 1 sTaCk FoR 2 DiAs ThAt Is SuCh A ScAm I sElL aT 1000 StAcKs PeR dIrT

    Ill sell 1 stack of GP for 2 stacks of dirt!

  20. @ThePhoenix Ill sell 1 stack of GP for 2 stacks of dirt!

  21. Newer ›

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