Ever wanted something you have built featured in spawn? Well now is your chance!
As some of you would have seen we've been revamping spawn and we thought it would be a good idea to let players contribute to it's construction. So we are holding this competition with the winners having their builds immortalised in spawn.
Rules are very simple.
It must fit in the area we have cleared out I'll post exact dimensions later on tonight.
No one with creative can help you build it.
The time frame will be 4 weeks from Sunday.
You can build it out of whatever you want but it must be a boat.
Boat length cannot exceed 65 blocks, 25 Wide, with no height limit (Though don't go overboard (Boat Joke!!!))
Post in this thread to let us know who's interested, who's in your team or if you are solo.
You don't have to build it in water, it can be in the air, underground or on land wherever you feel comfortable building. Just remember it will be placed eventually in water.
The Administrator's will judge all the entries and the best ones will be put in spawn with some runners up placed around spawn inside the protection. You can post your builds on the forums and players can vote for them as well and we will take this into consideration.
Anyone under moderator level 3 can enter, most important of all have fun building. A prize will be given to the top design/designers.