1.9 Base Protection

  1. 9 years ago

    With the new way I have done the command blocks on the 1.9 server, it is very easy for me to tag a player or a group of players to allow only them to mine in an area. This is not full protection, it's adventure mode, this means that players can still access chests, only your buildings are safe. I know that this is a griefing and raiding server, but I would like to take advantage of my new systems capabilities. What would you guys think of protection for your base? How much would it cost? I propose this, bases under protection would all be in the same place, accessible by all players, you would not be able to store items there as players would be able to access inventories in adventure mode, depending on the sever bill, you could get a bigger area that would never expire. I would likely also have to remove all inventory items from players to avoid them from hiding items in the ground. This would mean no hoppers, droppers, chests, dispensers and the like. What do you guys think, would you be ok with allowing chests? Would you care if it was not accessible by everyone? Other thoughts?

    - Crafty

  2. I think this would be a very good way to encourage VIP+ monthly donations.
    A 19x19 publicly accessible plot in which they can build stuff.

    Although there would need to be restriction on what blocks are used.
    For example nothing more expensive that quartz.

  3. I like this idea personally, it'd be like a show off area for things you want to build. If inventory for each player would be cleared upon entering having a set of buttons along a wall with different types of item so people aren't strapped for resources would be good. So only items that are in the area can be used with nothing going in or out. Could see some incredible bases go up that you would know could not be griefed.

  4. I like the idea of clearing invs on enter and exit, this solves the issues with players getting shit, although they could still ender chest it.

  5. Since this is a griefing and raiding server no matter what we do we should not allow people to store stuff in there protected area as it would just become infinite ender chests.

    I personally would not like bases in the wild to be protected but setup a plot area kinda like creative servers but little bit smaller plots. Have small little roads in between each plot and have all player plots all in one area.

    That being said a protected building area seems like a big perk and I think people should have to donate to get it. I also have another idea to make the plots more interesting that I stole from a prison server I used to play on. Have a limited number of plots and rent the plots out for like a month. If the person doesn't pay the next months rent the plot is put up for sale for the first person that wants it. Before giving it to them you would wipe the plot of course.

  6. Yeah the plots would be a donating perk, and the way to avoid having people store items in the plot area would be have no echests in that area. If they aren't in there no one can access their echest.

  7. I think that protection of like a secondary town (with just the buildings) being protected would be awesome. I like to travel out into the wilds but after you make it so far it would be nice to have a refuge so deep into the world.
    Maybe not personal area bases but a second sanctuary type of town, where assholes couldn't kill the villagers (like spawn) out about 50K/65/50k. or maybe even indestructible railways leading out to the N,S,E&W to the 50k marks. Just a thought.

  8. If I were to utilize this adventure mode space, I'd most likely want to build some kind of redstone creation instead of a house. Hoppers, droppers, and such are excluded due to hiding inventory which would limit redstone timers and much more. If chest were still allowed, wouldn't it be just as easy to put a block on top of a chest to lock it? I guess some things will have to be discouraged with rules instead of commands. Interesting idea, i suppose i could take it of leave it depending on how restricted it gets.

  9. Well if we just make it impossible to remove items from that area with /clear, then you could technically have anything you want there. Just as long as the player's inventory is cleared and you can't get or craft an ender chest.

  10. I am personally not for this. I joined the server and found it solely due to it being a complete vanilla server with very few restrictions. Outsmart or be outsmarted.

    If these changes went through, I don't think I would continue on this server as I'm interested in the hardcore player against player experience.

    With that said, I do think Janisdg is onto something. I would actually enjoy the idea of sanctuary towns. Areas like spawn just varied and in different locations. But those would be ran and upkept by the server.

    Maybe make each admin a different figurehead to each one? :P

  11. To be clear, you would not be able to keep anything from the area, everyone would be able to access it, and no one would be able to protect their main base.

  12. It would be a good reward for donations, though I'm conflicted on this decision. Whatever you decide Crafty.

  13. If you really don't want people abusing moving items in and out, why not just make a separate server. There's so many ways for stuff inside the protected area to affect the outside and visa versa, even under the requirements that you give. The only way I can see this working is if the players building in this protected area are trusted to not break the rules. Further, this doesn't seam to be in keeping with the vanilla survival with raiding, greifing, and pvp theme of the server.

    The closest viable idea that I can think of which I would support would be for a VIP/VIP+ built spawn location. The location would only be allowed to build stuff like at spawn. Enchantment room, Maybe some way to get food, etc. , lot's of really beautiful structures. Even with this it's unclear who get's to decided what's built there.

    On a separate note clearing inventory sounds really annoying. It's already frustrating when I loose my epearls entering the parkour, or lava buckets when entering spawn.

  14. seems like a p2w scenario

  15. Edited 9 years ago by r4iscool1

    I think you guys need to read crafties post.

    This is solely for building pretty things, all plots will be located next to eachother at a preset location. Probably right beside the VIP lounge.

    Every single Item will be cleared upon entry and Upon exit meaning there will be no effect on the server as a whole.
    Enderchests will not be available in the area either.

    It is not P2W. Nor will there be any possible way to affect the outside server. It would be essentially its own world.

  16. @R4iscool1 I think you guys need to read crafties post.

    I did. I read it last night and waited until the morning to respond.

  17. Edited 9 years ago by Atheod

    Make it expensive for base protection, requiring $ donation, obsidian blocks, diamond blocks, gold blocks, emerald blocks, or other forms of costs.

    Make it a monthly cost that needs repeated, that way if somebody neglects their costs or play time their base will become open to attack.

    Make it available only to VIP and VIP+

    Also the more area you want to protect and guard, the more expensive anti-grief should cost.

    These are my opinion/vote on the matter.

  18. Yes, this is what I'm planning, server bills would get you protection, when your server bill is up, you will lose the protection. You will get plenty of notice.

  19. The bigger the bill the more area you would get.

  20. Here is a proposal for in-game cost per month:

    4x4 Chunk protection (64 by 64 blocks) = 4 obsidian stacks (256 pieces), 4 diamond blocks
    8x8 Chunk = 8 obby stacks, 8 diamond blocks
    16x16 Chunk = 12 obby stacks, 16 diamond blocks

    Price cost could rise or lower based on how popular anti-grief becomes.

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