CraftyMynes YouTube Series!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    @Rybye -image-
    Ferda boys

    Still not a raider?

  3. @NerdieBirdieYT @JustJams I'll check on that as soon as I can and get back to you!


  4. @JustJams What texture pack do you use?

    AdventureCraft. (:

  5. Link me up @NerdieBirdieYT?


  7. @JustJams I believe that's it!

  8. @TheForgotten20 Thanks man! What don't you like about the pack? I like it pretty well myself.

  9. @NerdieBirdieYT @TheForgotten20 Thanks man! What don't you like about the pack? I like it pretty well myself.

    it messes up the coordination between blocks IMO, and the colour too. i am confident with a default texture pack your public sotrage bouse would look much better

  10. @TheForgotten20 Hm, I may look into a faithful pack, we'll see. Thanks for the input :)

  11. Edited 7 years ago by GrinningBobcat

    @NerdieBirdieYT @TheForgotten20 Hm, I may look into a faithful pack, we'll see. Thanks for the input :)

    Maybe try Item Bound @NerdieBirdieYT

  12. Deleted 7 years ago by GrinningBobcat
  13. @GrinningBobcat Maybe try Item Bound @NerdieBirdieYT

    I propose of a new texture pack! Faithful itembound!

  14. @GrinningBobcat @Retrochewy Looking into it! :D

  15. @NerdieBirdieYT @GrinningBobcat @Retrochewy Looking into it! :D

    @Retrochewy I propose of a new texture pack! Faithful itembound!

    @Retrochewy @NerdieBirdieYT a lot of my stuff is named according to Itembound things it would be cool to see its popularity rise

  16. @GrinningBobcat My pack seems to be messing with it... I'll have to test some more, lol. Accidentally got a gigantic-looking sword and axe...

  17. Edited 7 years ago by jxo_

    When is the next video :P Your videos are actually like quite enjoyable.

  18. @JustJams Haha, thank you. (: The series will be every Monday.

  19. So there will be another one tomorrow? Awesome! Unless your time zone is different...

  20. @The3xpertGamer Yup! I'd guess around 10-15 hours from now.

  21. I really enjoyed that video! Great work!

  22. Newer ›

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