CraftyMynes YouTube Series!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Episode 26 is ready for your eyes! :P


  4. Episode 27 goes over the recent forum drama regarding @humfrydog and myself.

  5. Episode 28 is up!

  6. What if anything do you have of the lands of sknup

  7. @sknup Saving that for a special episode coming soon, perhaps episode 30. ;)

  8. NerdieBirdieYT can i kill yo plzzzzzzz i want 2 so i can loooook coooooooooollllllllll

  9. Episode 29 is now a thing. Enjoy!

  10. Nerdie I challenge you to a 1.8 duel

  11. Episode 30 was a crazy livestream in the Lands of Sknup! Thanks so much for letting me see the place, and good luck in further builds!

  12. Bump because people asked

  13. :)

  14. Edited 7 years ago by NerdieBirdieYT

    Episode 31 is out, celebrating NN's six months of existence. Here's to 6 more!

  15. Episode 32 has arrived... new thumbnail style as well (:

  16. @NerdieBirdieYT Episode 32 has arrived... new thumbnail style as well (:

    Legitimately like the thumbnail look.

  17. @OtherGreenGamer Legitimately like the thumbnail look.

    Sweet! Thanks for the input! I think a simpler style is easier on the eyes and more attractive.

  18. Episode 33 is out, in which my journey around the world begins. And I'm sick. Goodnight, everyone, and don't forget to use tissues. <3

  19. Unfortunately I've been too sick to be able to commentate well, which is why there hasn't been an episode 34 yet. Hopefully there will be one Friday, but that might be pushing it. I am feeling a bit better today, so we'll see.

    I'm curious as to what you all want to see in the future. What would interest you? Do you have any big ideas for episode 50? Which type of videos do you like the best (raids, building, NN updates, exploring, etc)?

  20. @NerdieBirdieYT Unfortunately I've been too sick to be able to commentate well, which is why there hasn't been an episode 34 yet. Hopefully there will be one Friday, but that might be pushing it. I am feeling a bit better today, so we'll see.

    I'm curious as to what you all want to see in the future. What would interest you? Do you have any big ideas for episode 50? Which type of videos do you like the best (raids, building, NN updates, exploring, etc)?

    Blow up your base for episode 50

  21. A hunger games/survival arena activity? People have tried before and it would be hard to assure it goes as planned, but could be fun. That or build the biggest possible statue of me!

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