reasonable conversion rates

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 6 years ago

    @FieryPhoenix64 Id say you'd need a lot more iron for a diamond, considering how much of its in the ground compared to diamond.

    I normally can get a half stack of iron for 1 diamond so i agree with this

  3. @SadFeeling I normally can get a half stack of iron for 1 diamond so i agree with this

    Yeah, 32 iron to 1 dia sounds right.

  4. Edited 6 years ago by j____a____r____d

    Everyone knows that diamonds are useless - I mean, I have like 5 stacks of diamond blocks collecting dust and just want to trade them away.

    So we compare them to something that's actually hard to get - brick blocks. Since harvesting clay requires actual effort unlike diamonds (which just magically appear in my chest after one of these so-called "raids"), we should use brick blocks as the base item to compare other items to.

    A single piece of coal can smelt 8 red bricks and 8 iron ingots, so we know that 1 red brick = 1 iron. Then, the minimum amount of equipment needed to mine diamond is an iron pick. We can make 2 iron picks with that 8 iron, so 2 brick blocks equal 2 iron picks.

    Assuming that we mine only diamond ore with those iron picks, we can mine 502 diamonds with those 2 picks. So, 502 diamonds = 2 brick blocks = 8 iron ingots.

    TL;DR: 502 diamonds per 8 iron ingots

  5. @deyahruhd but what if you had fortune on that iron pick? Iron must be priceless!

  6. diamond to emerald 1 to 8
    iron to diamond 32 to 1
    gold to diamond 48 to 1
    Would you say this is closer?

  7. Edited 6 years ago by FieryPhoenix64

    @humfrydog diamond to emerald 1 to 8
    iron to diamond 32 to 1
    gold to diamond 48 to 1
    Would you say this is closer?

    Yeah, definitely

  8. What about lapis, redstone and coal?

  9. @deyahruhd Everyone knows that diamonds are useless - I mean, I have like 5 stacks of diamond blocks collecting dust and just want to trade them away.

    So we compare them to something that's actually hard to get - brick blocks. Since harvesting clay requires actual effort unlike diamonds (which just magically appear in my chest after one of these so-called "raids"), we should use brick blocks as the base item to compare other items to.

    A single piece of coal can smelt 8 red bricks and 8 iron ingots, so we know that 1 red brick = 1 iron. Then, the minimum amount of equipment needed to mine diamond is an iron pick. We can make 2 iron picks with that 8 iron, so 2 brick blocks equal 2 iron picks.

    Assuming that we mine only diamond ore with those iron picks, we can mine 502 diamonds with those 2 picks. So, 502 diamonds = 2 brick blocks = 8 iron ingots.

    TL;DR: 502 diamonds per 8 iron ingots

    People in life have a lot of money, does that make their money useless? No, Diamonds are the same way, its more than just an item for top gear crafting its used as currency also.

  10. @humfrydog diamond to emerald 1 to 8
    iron to diamond 32 to 1
    gold to diamond 48 to 1
    Would you say this is closer?

    I don't know about the gold though, what would you value a gold apple at? 8 gold goes into each one so is 6 gold apples=1 diamond(lets not factor in the apples)?

  11. i would say 36 iron for 1 dia and 27 gold for 1 dia is more reasonable due to iron/gold blocks, which these usually are sold in. that means 4 iron blocks = 1 dia, 3 gold blocks = 1 dia

  12. @SadFeeling People in life have a lot of money, does that make their money useless? No, Diamonds are the same way

    the same thing can be said for sea pickles
    if everyone has mending diamond gear and doesn't ever need to use diamonds to, you know, make diamond stuff then they are useless just like sea pickles omegalul

    now brick blocks are :ok_hand:, look great, hard to get, more valuable than diamonds confirmed

  13. @deyahruhd the same thing can be said for sea pickles
    if everyone has mending diamond gear and doesn't ever need to use diamonds to, you know, make diamond stuff then they are useless just like sea pickles omegalul

    now brick blocks are :ok_hand:, look great, hard to get, more valuable than diamonds confirmed

    Then go buy a god tier set of armor with 70-80 brick blocks and see how many people will take you up on that offer, clay is incredibly easy to harvest and spawns in easy to fnd areas in large quantities. I could harvest a few stacks of that in a half hour. People use diamonds to buy things, create new gear for poeple without or in need of more, and sell them for more diamonds, its the universal currency of minecraft.

  14. i made good money selling clay a couple of maps back to someone that really liked bricks

  15. @Tez1010 i made good money selling clay a couple of maps back to someone that really liked bricks

    Was that deyahrudhd by any chance?

  16. no Drachenzorn

  17. @humfrydog Ok I know this has been discussed before and people will say whatever you can get someone to pay is the amount.

    But i would like to have a serious discussion of what is considered a fair exchange rate among most regular players.

    so what i want to do is make a short list of basic exchange for reference:

    Diamonds to emeralds? rate: my opinion is 8 emeralds per 1 diamond or 1 emerald block to 1 diamond block is fair both ways.
    diamonds to iron? rate: my opinion iron might be 18 to 27 to 1 diamond
    diamonds to gold? rate: my opinion gold might be 27 to 1 diamond

    All other items i consider supply and demand.
    I just want feedback on diamonds, iron , emerald and gold exchange.
    please give constructive criticism and what you personally think is fair to both sides of the trade.

    I'm not sure for iron or gold so I won't have any input on it, however for diamond to emerald (and vice versa) it's really hard to say. My shop in particular is a good example. Mending costs me 18 emeralds to buy, and sells for 7 diamonds or 20 emeralds. With an 1:8 exchange rate that would leave mending at less than 3. Silk touch which costs me 5 emeralds to buy, and sells for 7 diamonds or 7 emeralds, by 1:8, I would have 0.875 of a diamond. That would mean I would sell for 1 diamond which is absurdly low. The higher the worth of diamonds gets, the lower the worth of goods. The cost of books (for example) becomes insanely low and makes it hard for shop owners to keep the shops open, and even harder to open new ones. Eventually the labour of shop-keeping becomes far to high for the low returns.

  18. @Th3GreenGamer I'm not sure for iron or gold so I won't have any input on it, however for diamond to emerald (and vice versa) it's really hard to say. My shop in particular is a good example. Mending costs me 18 emeralds to buy, and sells for 7 diamonds or 20 emeralds. With an 1:8 exchange rate that would leave mending at less than 3. Silk touch which costs me 5 emeralds to buy, and sells for 7 diamonds or 7 emeralds, by 1:8, I would have 0.875 of a diamond. That would mean I would sell for 1 diamond which is absurdly low. The higher the worth of diamonds gets, the lower the worth of goods. The cost of books (for example) becomes insanely low and makes it hard for shop owners to keep the shops open, and even harder to open new ones. Eventually the labour of shop-keeping becomes far to high for the low returns.

    you can get mending as low as 5 emeralds with a good librarian, keep breeding ;P

  19. greengamer you seem to have a good grasp of book costs and best prices per book, i based the 8 to 1 on 1.13 map book prices. if you can adjust that and propose it i would greatly appreciate the insight. ty in advance

  20. @humfrydog greengamer you seem to have a good grasp of book costs and best prices per book, i based the 8 to 1 on 1.13 map book prices. if you can adjust that and propose it i would greatly appreciate the insight. ty in advance

    At my shop, you can buy items with either diamonds or emerald blocks, at 1 dia / eb, if that helps

  21. Edited 6 years ago by Sofatroll

    Quite hard to determine. Keep in mind that while gold for example is less common then iron it is way easier farmable (pigmen farm) so an experienced player could easily flood the market. Iron while also being farmable via golems needs fairly more time to do so while being also more useful. Emmeralds can be easily generated using a single farmer villager + auto-pumpkin farm. Therefore Diamonds, while mending keeps the demand low, is the most valuabl ime & stable ore
    Edit: I do seriously support the idea of using clay. Once given worth .wild would be empty fairly quick so people would have to plunder their local recourses. Since not exactly being the most common building block it would remain quite stable. Contra tho is that at beginning it would be nearly impossible to give it a fix value, quite like bitcoin

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