The Selfie Thread!!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    am i invisible?

  3. lol soviets being a whiteknight

  4. Deleted 2 years ago by Mabzino
  5. Deleted 6 years ago by Pimpcy
  6. Did u just
    Was that ghost town

  7. hella yahhh

  8. @sovietsuperman cool shirt

  9. @Pimpcy I use to listen to them all the time

  10. Edited 8 years ago by Cellexya


    @Pimpcy Our glasses match!
    ( don't mind them being crooked, I had to super glue them xD)

  11. -image-
    @Cellexya @Pimpcy you two are so gorgeous I swear
    And I actually tried to look nice today omf

  12. abby lookin all glam

  13. I was so proud of my makeup today @iiTzzJojooo

  14. xD , I have to say you did a good job @afritz9500

  15. Edited 8 years ago by CactusOwnage

    Did a good job Andy

  16. Thanks guys xD

  17. andy? wtf xD

  18. @afritz9500 Sometimes I wish I still had long hair, so pretty!

  19. @Cellexya Awwww thanks! But sometimes it's a pain >.<

  20. @afritz9500 I cut mine short because of the baby XD Too much pulling

  21. This thread is 100% abby now.

  22. Newer ›

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