Partial Server Reset!

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    @sparklez_and_pop welp forget about raiding for a while cuz most active bases are hidden really well, and are far out.

    plz no raid me

  3. @TheForgotten20 plz no raid me

    If you give me your coords I might be able to add security to your base.

  4. @TheForgotten20 plz no raid me

    I wont. I wont leak your coords or raid you i swear.

  5. Lol, you know what would be cool? If the villages I took my villagers from would actually reset in that partial reset so I can just take the same villagers all over again. These spots weren't visited for like months. :)

  6. @iDogeTwinkie Lol, you know what would be cool? If the villages I took my villagers from would actually reset in that partial reset so I can just take the same villagers all over again. These spots weren't visited for like months. :)

    If there was a village that wasn't visited for 60 days then it will turn into normal 1.12 land with no villages

  7. Edited 7 years ago by iDogeTwinkie

    @DirectXFehler If there was a village that wasn't visited for 60 days then it will turn into normal 1.12 land with no villages

    Who gave you that information?
    Because that, really, doesn't make any sense to me.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by AttackTeam

    The villages should just reset, as the world was generated for the 1.11 update (shortly after) and the terrain should be the same, but the villagers however, might be a different story.

  9. Does this include the end and nether dimensions or just overworld?

  10. only overworld and nether i think, end remains

  11. The end will be getting reset as well. However, it won't be getting cleared up to 5k

  12. Edited 7 years ago by T0rsion

    R.I.P old end grinder, and the one before that.

  13. Edited 7 years ago by Blackened_Dawn

    @AttackTeam The villages should just reset, as the world was generated for the 1.11 update (shortly after) and the terrain should be the same, but the villagers however, might be a different story.

    Yeah I'm actually wondering if the villagers will be there. I will check one of the half of dozen of villages I found and check if there's any ****** because if there is, I will just transfer them again lols.

    -edited by dawn

  14. Delayed until June 22nd

  15. Has it happened yet?

  16. @The3xpertGamer Has it happened yet?

    5k beyond is done, still have to do within 5k

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