Humfry's House of Color and Other stuff

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by humfrydog


    Item: Price:
    concrete powder-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 diamond per stack
    concrete solid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 diamonds per stack
    Terracotta -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 diamonds per stack
    Glazed Terracotta -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 diamond per 16
    observer blocks---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 diamonds per stack
    pistons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 diamonds per stack
    sticky pistons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 diamonds per stack
    redstone repeaters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 diamond per stack
    redstone comparitors --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 diamond per stack
    redstone torches -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 diamond per 2 stacks
    droppers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 diamond per 2 stacks
    dispensers------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 diamond per 1 stack
    hoppers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 diamond blocks per stack
    netherwart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 diamond per 3 stacks
    cactus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 diamond per 3 stacks
    oak wood logs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 diamond per stack
    spruce wood logs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 diamond per stack
    mending books -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 diamonds per book
    unbreaking 3 books ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 diamonds per book
    god pick silk or fortune 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40 diamonds
    god set protect 4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------120 diamonds
    god set projectile, blast or fire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------100 diamonds
    cobwebs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 to 6 diamonds per stack

    ink sacs-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 diamonds per stack
    prismarine shards-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 diamonds per stack prismarine crystals----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 diamonds per stack prismarine blocks------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2diamonds per stack prismarine bricks-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 diamonds per stack
    dark prismarine bricks-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 diamonds per stack
    Sea lanterns --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 diamonds per stack cooked fish ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 diamonds per 4 stacks
    Update to prismarine costs due to ink cost

  2. heyy :D glad to be the first customer!

    I'd like to buy 6 stacks of lime concrete thanks :D

  3. ok I will get online now

  4. Cheap shop

  5. Best shop on the forum tbh

  6. just remember I am a secondary source for books and concrete, Squid is primary on concrete or terracoota and othergreengamer is primary on books and god gear, I am mainly a backup when they are not available. Their shops were up first and we have an agreement I wont steal business just handle overflow or when they are offline. Are prices are the same and I wont undercut them. Just trying to provide a service to friends and players. I too buy from them when I am off on a project, lol.

  7. concrete solid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 diamonds per stack

    hello, i would like you to fill my order :D
    i want 5 stacks of each of the 16 colors of concrete solid
    which is 80 stacks total at 2 diamonds each 160 diamonds? :D

    lemme know when its ready and i can come over and make a pickup .

  8. your order is ready in 3 shulker chests, please bring exchange chests or return empty's
    thank you

  9. I would like to order ten stacks of each of prismarine blocks, dark prismarine, and the prismarine blocks.

  10. order ready

  11. @humfrydog order ready

    Got my full order , fast and easy thanks for the great service !

  12. Workin like a dog!

  13. having a sale ask me!!

  14. House of color 2.0 coming soon!!!

  15. Cant wait :)

  16. Saaame, I need that concrete :P

  17. minesy

    26 Oct 2017 Suspended

    Nowce can't wait!

  18. Are you going to add wool and carpets?

  19. @MisterChris717 Are you going to add wool and carpets?

    It is a possibility ,I have some small quantities on hand. I have access to small sheep farm orders can be filled.

  20. Humfry can i buy a fortune god pick

  21. Newer ›

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