Ricky's essential shopping plaza

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by RockinRicky2

    Hey guys I have recently been making tons of god tools and crap recently so I wanted to open this shop;

    God Sword- 7db

    God bow infinity or mending- 2db

    God fishing rod- 1db

    God pickaxe fortune or silk touch- 3db

    God axe fortune or silk touch- 4db

    God set- 9db (thorns +1db)

    God shovel fortune or silk touch- 3db

    God Elytra- 5db

    Elytra with no enchants- 4db

    Shulker boxes (colour and name can be given)- 9 Dias

    Gunpowder- 5db per stack

    Fireworks- 6db per stack

    I will be adding more so don't worry

    Thanks and enjoy!

  2. Deleted 7 years ago by MaggiAusDaKann
  3. @MaggiAusDaKann nobody buys godsets or anything like this they have all god gear.... or they make it with there own hand!

    Some people can't be bothered and thats why I made this shop... don't diss

  4. @MaggiAusDaKann nobody buys godsets or anything like this they have all god gear.... or they make it with there own hand!

    I get atleast 4 requests a week

  5. @MaggiAusDaKann nobody buys godsets or anything like this they have all god gear.... or they make it with there own hand!

    I just bought a set

  6. Hmm Call the Boys someone trying to muscle in my territory, lol But mostly my prices are still cheaper, lol congrats on the shop ricky

  7. Edited 7 years ago by Urid

    @MaggiAusDaKann nobody buys godsets or anything like this they have all god gear.... or they make it with there own hand!

    That is true for players like me who get xp to repair their gear and don't die, although a lot of players do lose their gear by either dying or it breaks. Although I don't see why this needs to be said. Also, after a good pvp battle, the durability of your gear can be almost depleted.

  8. I would like to put an order of 20 shulker boxes please. color and name is not important so thats 180 diamonds?

  9. @Dwarzal I would like to put an order of 20 shulker boxes please. color and name is not important so thats 180 diamonds?

    Order ready
    Sold! Thanks for shopping here and being the first customer

  10. If you have shulkers shells I’d be interested in buying them all at the price of 9 diamonds per pair.

  11. Edited 7 years ago by RockinRicky2

    @Valgys If you have shulkers shells I’d be interested in buying them all at the price of 9 diamonds per pair.

    Why only the shells????
    How many do you want

  12. @RockinRicky2 Why only the shells????
    How many do you want

    Shells are easier to carry around until I need the boxes

  13. @Valgys Shells are easier to carry around until I need the boxes

    Ok how many?

  14. Edited 7 years ago by Valgys

    How many do you have? we can start at 100 shells I guess

  15. @Valgys How many do you have? we can start at 100 shells I guess

    ok holy that is lot... I will need to grind but will get it ready for you

  16. That’s why I asked how many you have lol. I’m fine just buying out your existing stock

  17. @Valgys That’s why I asked how many you have lol. I’m fine just buying out your existing stock

    I want to go raiding end cities so I will get more for you

  18. @Valgys That’s why I asked how many you have lol. I’m fine just buying out your existing stock

    Sorry man I died whilst looking for end cities so your order might take a while...

    Guys don't forget I am selling god tools and armour!!!!!

  19. I'll buy a god sword, I was gonna buy a ton of God sets God sword ect. But I am looking at my wallet and I don't think I can afford that my much so just a god sword please :D

  20. Edited 7 years ago by RockinRicky2

    @TimeKing297 I'll buy a god sword, I was gonna buy a ton of God sets God sword ect. But I am looking at my wallet and I don't think I can afford that my much so just a god sword please :D

    Order ready
    Thanks for buying it!!!

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