Net Neutrality

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    @Sofatroll IKR the only thing that can be objectified that depends on personal preferences is women

  3. Deleted 7 years ago by GibsonAxe
  4. Alright everyone let's get back on topic. So i found this video about net neutrality today:

    There's light in the tunnel, but it's still very dim

  5. @HaloNest stop with the bait posts, keep this thread about the topic or scatter.

  6. Yeah

  7. Oh no, only 3 days left :(

  8. Guys, there's only 2 days left. Oh no

  9. Are you going to do this everyday (lucky only 1 day is left)

  10. @alarmgv12 Are you going to do this everyday (lucky only 1 day is left)

    Yeah :(

  11. Edited 7 years ago by Pimple_300ping


  12. Quick, everyone put your internet reserves under your mattresses!

  13. Edited 7 years ago by Valgys

    The fact that these were net neutrality regulations meant they were doomed to die at the sway of the American political winds. For this to have any true staying power, it would need to be captured as a law, or better yet, a Supreme Court decision. It was inevitable, and truthfully, a necessary step in creating awareness a more permanent decision is necessary.

    This move means legislators are up next to show whether they listen to their constituents or not. It's going to get pretty interesting to say the least. In the meantime, the ISPs are likely just playing a game of chicken to see which ISP is going to go greedy and take the brunt of public ire. It's the same game the airlines played when it came to tacking on extra fees and removing meals.

    But one thing is for certain is that this more than ever proves the US is a true oligarchy, given the amount of public resistance there was to this that was ignored over the few companies set to solely profit from this.

  14. Strange comment , but fuck it reminds me of the metallica , and napster bs lmao,_Inc.

  15. @Valgys The fact that these were net neutrality regulations meant they were doomed to die at the sway of the American political winds. For this to have any true staying power, it would need to be captured as a law, or better yet, a Supreme Court decision. It was inevitable, and truthfully, a necessary step in creating awareness a more permanent decision is necessary.

    This move means legislators are up next to show whether they listen to their constituents or not. It's going to get pretty interesting to say the least. In the meantime, the ISPs are likely just playing a game of chicken to see which ISP is going to go greedy and take the brunt of public ire. It's the same game the airlines played when it came to tacking on extra fees and removing meals.

    But one thing is for certain is that this more than ever proves the US is a true oligarchy, given the amount of public resistance there was to this that was ignored over the few companies set to solely profit from this.


  16. Crap...

  17. It's all part of the ebb and flow of politics in the US. It was passed in 2015 along party lines, the political tides changed, and then it was repealed along party lines. It didn't have a long history. However, now with the repeal of the regulations, much more attention has been brought to the matter and it is being brought to courts. I think this could provide impetus make the measure into law and establish more permanence, or not. Yeah, it's a shame it was repealed, but I don't think this is simply the end of net neutrality.

  18. @Valgys The fact that these were net neutrality regulations meant they were doomed to die at the sway of the American political winds. For this to have any true staying power, it would need to be captured as a law, or better yet, a Supreme Court decision. It was inevitable, and truthfully, a necessary step in creating awareness a more permanent decision is necessary.

    This move means legislators are up next to show whether they listen to their constituents or not. It's going to get pretty interesting to say the least. In the meantime, the ISPs are likely just playing a game of chicken to see which ISP is going to go greedy and take the brunt of public ire. It's the same game the airlines played when it came to tacking on extra fees and removing meals.

    But one thing is for certain is that this more than ever proves the US is a true oligarchy, given the amount of public resistance there was to this that was ignored over the few companies set to solely profit from this.

    Time to get dual citizenship with Canada

  19. I would fit in there okay

  20. @_Haxington_

    (Ok hand emoji)

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