Hi, it's MisterChris717 with map art!
1 DB per map!
Order Now!
Hi, it's MisterChris717 with map art!
1 DB per map!
Order Now!
I'll buy one!
ill take one!
would you also provide custom designs? for a good payment of course ;)
How do you make these maps please?
Why would he tell you when he can sell you the map?
Make sure you click on the bottom most download link and make sure when you are using the program to switch it to 2d mode. It will look worse but be much easier to build. Also sometimes removing the dithering also helps it look nice.
@Carl_Sagan1 How do you make these maps please?
Oh, i just make them in a creative world
Then make them in the server
@banaanzxcvbnm @MisterChris717 i think i've seen this map when i was exploring the world. Did you make it on top of an ocean. it might have been some1 else build but it was an wip creeper
No, no. It was in the beach desert.