Selling iwarriiori's head

  1. 4 years ago

    Probably the only one that'll exist on this map.

    Current bid: 128 DB

  2. Fake news

  3. Fake

  4. fake

  5. fake

  6. oh wait

  7. fake

  8. real

  9. ^ can confirm, have seen it myself

  10. fake

  11. Screenshot? xD

  12. Fake news! Please lock the thread, this is nothing but slander and character assassination.

  13. Fake

  14. @SeverusSn1pe Fake

    can confirm, @iwarriiori is a fake!

  15. @Unconstrained can confirm, @iwarriiori is a fake!

    iwarriiori is real. Who are you again?

  16. Burger King Randy's trying to be like the legend Pacatrack but they won't even come close! Sad!

  17. Real!

  18. I’ll buy. 1db

  19. @WBlaine I’ll buy. 1db

    you have a deal. meet at x 58763 z -13598 at 3 am UTC+08:00?

  20. @Unconstrained you have a deal. meet at x 58763 z -13598 at 3 am UTC+08:00?


  21. Newer ›

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