1. ‹ Older
  2. 6 years ago

    absolutely stunning
    this redpill was hard to swallow, but the pressing issue is that we NEED to get the truth out there

  3. So now what?

  4. Edited 6 years ago by Grendo

    Ca cest un good one

  5. why

  6. "The first bird was covered in feathers and had wings"

    You don't say...

  7. Apparently all birds are dinosaurs....

  8. Its an elite conspiricy! Theey feed beefburgers to swans, and bacon to pigs!

  9. Hitchcock was right. You can’t trust the birds, they are blood thirsty beasts.

  10. I was red pilled on Nerdie Long ago and tried to educate the sheeple. Then the Illuminatii went into full denial and even supplied a scape goat to cover up the truth!. The Truth is Out There!!!

  11. All I have to say is that I didn't do it and that is my evidence.

  12. @NerdieBirdieYT All I have to say is that I didn't do it and that is my evidence.

    to be honest i am treating this thread as more of poking fun then actuall facts, so i wouldnt take it to seriously, i am not

  13. 4 8 15 16 23 42
    It is no coincidence. They have chosen.

  14. @humfrydog to be honest i am treating this thread as more of poking fun then actuall facts, so i wouldnt take it to seriously, i am not

    I know, just messing around as well (:

    @Dennari43 4 8 15 16 23 42
    It is no coincidence. They have chosen.


  15. @Blackened_Dawn why

    my thoughts exactly

  16. IM A WHALE and nerdie is a bird sooooooo where does this leave us

  17. Nerdie = team flux confirmed :P

  18. sweats nervously

  19. @Sirchristopher10 Nerdie = team flux confirmed :P

    @NerdieBirdieYT sweats nervously

    um, should i make ye get banned somehow?

  20. We have more ! And its a big one!

  21. Hey man I'm a Certified Cleaner I don't deserve this aboose

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