CraftyMynes Owner AMA

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 8 years ago

    How long have you been playing minecraft?

  3. what is your least favorite part of managing the server?

  4. did you quietly delete the wtf m8 conversation? Why?

  5. @Blackened_Dawn no.


  6. @CraftyMyner how the flipping even did you make a vanilla permissions system

  7. @gilbertboys did you quietly delete the wtf m8 conversation? Why?

    I did.

    @Nysic Because reasons.

  8. @CraftyMyner Shh, please keep your mind reading to yourself *cough* *cough*.

    Once your finished that server, is it ok if any of us that have our own servers send our hackers there?

  9. @Cutebot Once your finished that server, is it ok if any of us that have our own servers send our hackers there?

    No advertising.

  10. @Cutebot @CraftyMyner how the flipping even did you make a vanilla permissions system

    Lots of hard work.

  11. @gilbertboys what is your least favorite part of managing the server?

    All the crap I have to put up with and issues that are out of control.

  12. @LeoSushi How long have you been playing minecraft?

    I think it is somewhere in here already...

    Here it is:

    @CraftyMyner Beta 1.4'ish, I bummed an account off a friend till about Release 1.6.4

  13. @gilbertboys :I


  14. That was my q answer lol

  15. @CraftyMyner do you play any other games?

  16. Deleted 8 years ago by Blackened_Dawn
  17. Crafty, do you ever plan a purpose for the radio tower?
    Have any server rules changed since the servers creation?
    Who were the original admins that came along with the creation of the server?
    What ever happened to building benjimin?
    {Besides command blocks} What is your favorite block in minecraft?
    What is your favorite building style in minecraft? {futuristic, medieval, modern etc.}

  18. So wait, do all admins have to give a yes when accepting helpers?
    What conditions must be met for a helper to go to mod, mod to admin?
    Mind posting an updated selfie on the selfie thread?
    What is least favorite block in minecraft?
    What made you want to be a boat mechanic?
    How much training do you need to be a boat mechanic?
    Who is oldest {in time on the server} active player?

  19. What would you say are the top 3 builders on the server?
    Will the VIP+ pvp arena ever be constructed? What will it be like?
    Do you ever plan on making a mechanism to make sure non VIP´s can get to the VIP lounge? or to the VIP+ lounge?

  20. Deleted 8 years ago by CraftyMyner
  21. Deleted 8 years ago by CraftyMyner
  22. Newer ›

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