Humfrydog's Suspension bridges base build

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by humfrydog

    A few photos of my build so far. Nearly everything you see I did without the use of beacons or other players. The few exceptions are the !st SKNUP tower built by him and the SKNUP bowl still under construction. The base features 12 suspension bridges built with iron rods,4 SKNUP towers, 3 spiral staircases going underwater inside glass tubes down to skeleton grinder, zombie grinder, dual spider grinder and underground mine and other places, 1 giant bone block skeleton statue, a zombie statue, a guardian grinder and tons of underwater lighting highlighting the bridge base supports. Also there is a light house and submarine being built by a friend, a sheep and cow farm. plus much more to be built.









  2. this looks really nice and impressive keep it up xD

  3. Great job with the bridges! Also like the zombie and skeleton :)

  4. Wow I really like how those suspension bridges look with the use of the iron bars.

  5. ty, i used oh so much iron, lol like 20 stacks of iron blocks, lol

  6. great job i like the dramatic lighting

  7. :^)

  8. you gonna try and start a contest with sknup to see who can build a bigger base? or have you just bought into the defense method of building so big that it aint worth the effort to destroy?

  9. Hi , i was stalking you last night at this base and have for awhile :P , this is in my personal thoughts the best base so far on craftymynes , has a very futuristic feel to it .

    cheers .

  10. Love the bridges, makes my straight wood plank bridges look like childs play :P Great job 8D

  11. Bridges are so great oh my god, OMG ITS COMING OOOOOOOO

  12. Sorry for the post above, shit happens. High five? Anyway the bridges are indeed amazing.

  13. Very nice base indeed :)

  14. I can see you are a very talented builder, humfrydog.

  15. thank you all for your kind comments, I've went crazy building, I hope if anyone finds it they don't grief it. I am happy to share my grinders and any supplies left in chest. I just love to build. Anything of value I keep in shulker boxes in my enderchest. all that's left out is building materials and extra food, lol There is a submarine being built plus multiple statues of spiders to go above spider grinder glass tube, several guardian and elder guardian statues above the grinder. Also a magma block skull spewing lava on a nearby island is planned, lol I think I need builder rehab, lol

  16. Woah holy shit these look good. I love the idea of suspension bridges, I'd love to see these in person sometime. All my bridges have been wooden, cause I'm too lazy and wood is easy to get.

  17. Very nice! I agree, this is something I'd like to see in person one day. I like the usage of the sea lanterns :) I also hope this place will not be griefed, I would find that a bit sad. Is it wool and hardened clay you used for the zombie?

  18. @Merilwen015 Very nice! I agree, this is something I'd like to see in person one day. I like the usage of the sea lanterns :) I also hope this place will not be griefed, I would find that a bit sad. Is it wool and hardened clay you used for the zombie?

    yes exactly correct

  19. Edited 8 years ago by humfrydog

    A few pictures of the castle so far....


  20. Edited 8 years ago by Mayorga

    @humfrydog A few pictures of the castle so far....


    Built by yours truly, @Humfrydog and I :) ( still work in progress my doods )

  21. Newer ›

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