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  2. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by 2Chill

    @R4iscool1 Ultimately it's harmful and unfair to just reset for the sake of a small number of users who wish to explore temples and mansions. Especially since the problem would reoccur in a couple of months again, a small minority should not dictate the servers direction I'm.
    The majority of players want to keep their builds and should be allowed too, unless there is serious reasons we need to reset.

    @R4iscool1 I think reducing the size would be a bad idea, craftymynes is not a solely grief/raid server, plenty of players in fact I'd say most of the regular playerbase just want to build and be part of the community, decreasing the size of the map which makes it harder to do so would he a bad idea. Sure Map size would be reduced but it wouldn't have an affect on lag anymore than there is less chunks being generated.

    Doing the maths as well would show that players would constantly be running into each other at 30k, consider the average player Base which can be said to encompass 100 square blocks though many far exceed that, within a 90k area there can only be 450 of the 200 block squared patches for building. That's less than our player Base.

    I don't see ant reason to sacrifice some of the community nature to make it more risky and therefore more fun to a small minority of the playerbase.

    Question , where is the numbers to go with those two statements, while i do agree it is most likely true , those two statements about small minority and the majority i just don't see where you are getting your census from or what not , but i am interested to see , as staff its easy for us to say most want this most dont want this etc etc , who did you ask exactly , and also as you said on someones thread before , you can't go by a few post on the forums ... i assume you still stand by that , so but on some of the other points you made i can see the risk you referred to change sometimes can be scary and i don't expect the size to change at all , but it's always nice to play devil's advocate to get the ball rolling and just see what people actually think , i don't think with 50k by 50k it would be that hard to hide lol ...i have had lots of bases at 40k - or 50k as i played a very very very lot , and they havent been raided , unless you count that one incident with artemis(he got banned and leaked our cords ) , i think there is something to be said for more player interaction and it would spice things up a bit , but as we both know we are just speaking thoughts or oppions i guess , people do join knowing its a raid and grief server , but i agree anything under 50k would be unfair to those "strictly builders " .

    @R4iscool1 Interesting so it seems there is a whole host of issues with generation at the moment, I assumed that it was one bug that only affect Mansions. Rather disappointing but not surprising coming from Mojang.
    It definitely makes it rather pointless to reset if we will be beset by the exact same bugs.

    Agreed i have found end citys also with chest already broken and the items laying on the floor where the chest should be as i saw someone else mention but i don't see how reseting as you said is going to help anything considering ongoing mojang bugs.

  3. Deleted 7 years ago by r4iscool1
  4. @R4iscool1 Doing the maths as well would show that players would constantly be running into each other at 30k, consider the average player Base which can be said to encompass 100 square blocks though many far exceed that, within a 90k area there can only be 450 of the 200 block squared patches for building. That's less than our player Base.

    Your maths is a bit off, a 30k wide map has space for 4.5 million 200 square block bases. I'd be surprised if that's less than the player base.

  5. @2Chill Agreed i have found end citys also with chest already broken and the items laying on the floor where the chest should be as i saw someone else mention but i don't see how reseting as you said is going to help anything considering ongoing mojang bugs.

    If you want these bugs fixed please please make an account on the bug tracker and upvote the issues so they get the attention they need.
    I often respond to threads complaining about bugs with links to the relevant bug on the bug tracker, All too often I get the feeling that these go ignored because people can't be bothered to follow the link. If you want bugs to be fixed you need to bring them to the attention of the developers, whining on the forum of a single minecraft server accomplishes very little.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by 2Chill

    @NutjobBob If you want these bugs fixed please please make an account on the bug tracker and upvote the issues so they get the attention they need.
    I often respond to threads complaining about bugs with links to the relevant bug on the bug tracker, All too often I get the feeling that these go ignored because people can't be bothered to follow the link. If you want bugs to be fixed you need to bring them to the attention of the developers, whining on the forum of a single Minecraft server accomplishes very little.

    yes of course , i didn't even realize it was a issue , as this is the first i have actually seen about it ,i have no experience with the mansion issue but as far as end cities goes i don't see what it has really hurt its usually 1 or 2 broken chest but all the items are still there and can easily be picked up, everything seems to spawn in fine besides a chest or two randomly , ethier way its not the way it was intended to be so i upvoted it , the mansion issues people have stated seem to be worse than the end ones , also i was told by someone else the end city chest problem has been ongoing since before 1.12 so idk .

    p.s. upvote this one also as it seems to directly respond to the mansion and end issue .


    just to show i voted ;] -image-


  7. Edited 7 years ago by NutjobBob

    Ayy nice :)

    @2Chill p.s. upvote this one also as it seems to directly respond to the mansion and end issue .

    That's the one I posted about yesterday in the mansion thread. If you read the comments someone gives a fix Crafty could implement to make the mansions generate again. I'm hoping he saw it in the other thread :)

  8. @NutjobBob Ayy nice :)

    That's the one I posted about yesterday in the mansion thread. If you read the comments someone gives a fix Crafty could implement to make the mansions generate again. I'm hoping he saw it in the other thread :)

    oh i see, hm interesting .

  9. Resets not only happen for corruption issues, the last reset was because the economy was messed up, and I believe there was once a reset because of a hacker.
    (yeah, didn't read)

  10. Edited 7 years ago by r4iscool1

    @2Chill Question , where is the numbers to go with those two statements, while i do agree it is most likely true , those two statements about small minority and the majority i just don't see where you are getting your census from or what not , but i am interested to see , as staff its easy for us to say most want this most dont want this etc etc , who did you ask exactly , and also as you said on someones thread before , you can't go by a few post on the forums ... i assume you still stand by that , so but on some of the other points you made i can see the risk you referred to change sometimes can be scary and i don't expect the size to change at all , but it's always nice to play devil's advocate to get the ball rolling and just see what people actually think , i don't think with 50k by 50k it would be that hard to hide lol ...i have had lots of bases at 40k - or 50k as i played a very very very lot , and they havent been raided , unless you count that one incident with artemis(he got banned and leaked our cords ) , i think there is something to be said for more player interaction and it would spice things up a bit , but as we both know we are just speaking thoughts or oppions i guess , people do join knowing its a raid and grief server , but i agree anything under 50k would be unfair to those "strictly builders " .

    I'm just speaking from my opinion and having watched hundreds of players who spend there time primarily building or having fun other ways, I don't think it's a really disputable concept that play on CM tends to be geared more towards building and community than raiding.
    Just look at how many raid/grief facs there is compared to building facs for example.
    PVPer's constantly complain that there is little pvp on the server.
    It's pretty disingenuous to claim otherwise IMO.

    I mean if you want we can ask players what they believe if you want via a poll but do you honestly think the majority of players that comprise this community would want the likelihood of being raided to be higher ?
    I don't believe this is a forum sentiment either for example just ask in chat.

    Having a base at 50k is different in a map that is 100k big, a 50k map has 4 times less space to hide in therefore they have to search 4 times less space to find you. That increases the chances of you being found at 50k a lot. It's not comparable, people would be searching the 50k radius constantly.
    I mean sure if you hide underground and are good at it, you would probably be fine but the majority of long term builds aren't underground from my experience and people don't want them to be raided.
    I don't think added pvp and grief would benefit the community personally, I don't see how it adds to the nature of the community, all it would add is further arguing and rage quitting. Which doesn't benefit the community IMO unless you want CM to become more like an anarchy server.

  11. @NutjobBob Your maths is a bit off, a 30k wide map has space for 4.5 million 200 square block bases. I'd be surprised if that's less than the player base.

    Yeah ikr was still asleep when I did this. We are talking about a space 44.45 times smaller than the current map, 30K is regarded as the minimum safe distance by many on this server(In fact many say even more).
    At that sort of distance from my own experience in servers with that map size it become feasible to search the map in a grid pattern, especially if you don't include the 10k of RTP.

  12. Edited 7 years ago by 2Chill

    @R4iscool1 I'm just speaking from my opinion and having watched hundreds of players who spend there time primarily building or having fun other ways, I don't think it's a really disputable concept that play on CM tends to be geared more towards building and community than raiding.
    Just look at how many raid/grief facs there is compared to building facs for example.
    PVPer's constantly complain that there is little pvp on the server.
    It's pretty disingenuous to claim otherwise IMO.

    I mean if you want we can ask players what they believe if you want via a poll but do you honestly think the majority of players that comprise this community would want the likelihood of being raided to be higher ?
    I don't believe this is a forum sentiment either for example just ask in chat.

    Having a base at 50k is different in a map that is 100k big, a 50k map has 4 times less space to hide in therefore they have to search 4 times less space to find you. That increases the chances of you being found at 50k a lot. It's not comparable, people would be searching the 50k radius constantly.
    I mean sure if you hide underground and are good at it, you would probably be fine but the majority of long term builds aren't underground from my experience and people don't want them to be raided.
    I don't think added pvp and grief would benefit the community personally, I don't see how it adds to the nature of the community, all it would add is further arguing and rage quitting. Which doesn't benefit the community IMO unless you want CM to become more like an anarchy server.

    @2Chill Question, where is the numbers to go with those two statements, while I do agree it is most likely true

    ^ this should have settled all of what you just said :D
    i was just asking cause you were saying it like you already had some solid evidence (maybe a misinterpretation) and i was curious as i do not other than a few peoples comments here and there , never did I disagree i even said i do agree it is most likely true, but i don't know 100% so that's the best i can honestly say, also the majority of players don't even have forum accounts sadly which we know for a fact based on forum statistics, in the past people have said polls don't matter and can't be believed we tried that before with the mob griefing thread i believe , but we both know its easy to manipulate with vpn's etc, i think we can both agree it's best if we had more of the community with forum accounts to get a really broad view of other peoples thoughts, since they are tied to a minecraft account , i am sure you would have some people using alts and what not but not as bad of manipulation as a poll , i think.

    "I don't believe this is a forum sentiment either for example just ask in chat."
    ^ on this point i actually don't think enough people tend to care ethier way until a announcement is made one way or the other as we have seen on other changes in the past,.

    I mean personally i joined knowing it was a raid and grief server and was no lifing it for like 6 months straight , as mostly everyone knows , was never raided or griefed or found , and i wasn't but like 50 k out i am pretty sure, it was an underground and above ground build , but i tend to notice people only seem to care or complain when they get raided or griefed , its a double edged sword ,as far as rage quitting , i would like to think most people are bigger than that and would pick themselves up and rebuild, as i have seen people say the reason they play on a raid and grief server is that it adds to the risk (which i am sure varies on who the person is ), and makes it more interesting , i don't think it would become like an anarchy server that is a pretty big stretch , we have rules , and would still have rules, pretty sure if the size of the map was reduced we wouldn't reduce the rules or get rid of them , i am guessing you are making reference to the chat becoming anarchy and people arguing a lot , because of getting raided or griefed i have no real proof that would be the case but i would tend to agree it would happen a good bit of the time , but as long as they keep it within the rules and dont make it a 10 minute thing it wouldn't be a huge issue , though as i said in my previous post i don't see the map getting reduced i would almost say its nil that it will happen , but maybe one day who knows, it would be very interesting and spice things up a bit imo ,nevertheless i think its nice to have a discussion about things and put ideas on the table, but at the end of the day i am just playing the devil's advocate, but anyway guess the map size is a bit off the op's topic .

  13. I don't see how that changes anything I said, I was just explaining where my viewpoint came from like I asked.
    Where this a controversial issue, yes it would be hard to see where the playerbase stood but I think in this case it would be quite easy to prove beyond reasonable doubt whether or not the majority of the community wants this.

    Like I said, it's not comparable, you are hiding in a 4 times smaller space at 50k on such a map, the actual coordinates don't mean anything since they aren't relative really provided they aren't close to spawn, it's the fact they have 4 times less space to search for you that means your rate of encounter will raise by a large factor.
    When you look at the player stats and retention rate of new players I don't think it's reasonable to expect a whole load of players to stay when they get raided, regulars maybe but not the outer playerbase.
    I'm more referencing the arguing and nature of the community becoming less close knit and more faction like with people not interacting with each other and greater player turnover. I don't think this would benefit CM in anyway, I'm here personally these days for the community not watching drama and arguing between players 24/7.

  14. i can personally say that no one i have ever spoken to has been raided when they are at least 20k out due to a random chance encounter. raids happen because coords get leaked

  15. Well personally from my watching I've seen it a number of times, players out there tend to be newish to the community, I used to do a lot of successful raiding back then before my staff days too.
    Ultimately though comparisons about how it doesn't happen on a map 4 times the size aren't hugely relevant since people do hunt for raids past 20k without leaks and they do succeed and it becomes quite practical to do so in a 30k map or even a 50k one.

  16. This is actually a really interesting subject.

    As a person who prefers to be able to base relatively safely without being raided every day, I can say that a 50k border would be.... dangerous to like-minded people. Unless that map size would allow the world to never reset, I don't like the idea of shrinking the world. Compared to other servers, we already have a small border, and as @R4iscool1 mentioned, CM is definitely not a raiding-obsessed server. Are there trolls and people who play solely to raid? Absolutely. But you'll get those people in any raiding server. The majority of us like the relative peace that the current border allows.

    Another thing: with a 50k border, out can basically say bye-bye to large above-ground builds.

  17. @CraftyMyner A progressive increase is world size would probably piss people off

    What if it wasn't that much of an increase, like 10k more blocks? or would that throw something off?

  18. I think 100k would be as large as I would go.

  19. Edited 7 years ago by GrandpaCarl00

    100k sounds nice to me, It's good for exploring and base building. I think people keep forgetting CM isn't soley a raiding and griefing server, heck, they'res only select people who even actively engage in such things.

    I'd say keep it 100k, but I wouldn't mind a 10k block increase to 110k. Shrinking to like 60-30k Is in much more favor to the raiders/greifers/trolls of the server and is unfair to the rest of the population who isn't interested in raiding or greifing; better call CM a full-on raiding server at that point, but hey, that's my opinion.

  20. Edited 7 years ago by AttackTeam

    @craftymyner when the next map reset inevitably happens, could custom advancements be somehow implemented?

  21. It's not easy to implement them in a multiplayer world

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