@R4iscool1 Ultimately it's harmful and unfair to just reset for the sake of a small number of users who wish to explore temples and mansions. Especially since the problem would reoccur in a couple of months again, a small minority should not dictate the servers direction I'm.
The majority of players want to keep their builds and should be allowed too, unless there is serious reasons we need to reset.
@R4iscool1 I think reducing the size would be a bad idea, craftymynes is not a solely grief/raid server, plenty of players in fact I'd say most of the regular playerbase just want to build and be part of the community, decreasing the size of the map which makes it harder to do so would he a bad idea. Sure Map size would be reduced but it wouldn't have an affect on lag anymore than there is less chunks being generated.
Doing the maths as well would show that players would constantly be running into each other at 30k, consider the average player Base which can be said to encompass 100 square blocks though many far exceed that, within a 90k area there can only be 450 of the 200 block squared patches for building. That's less than our player Base.
I don't see ant reason to sacrifice some of the community nature to make it more risky and therefore more fun to a small minority of the playerbase.
Question , where is the numbers to go with those two statements, while i do agree it is most likely true , those two statements about small minority and the majority i just don't see where you are getting your census from or what not , but i am interested to see , as staff its easy for us to say most want this most dont want this etc etc , who did you ask exactly , and also as you said on someones thread before , you can't go by a few post on the forums ... i assume you still stand by that , so but on some of the other points you made i can see the risk you referred to change sometimes can be scary and i don't expect the size to change at all , but it's always nice to play devil's advocate to get the ball rolling and just see what people actually think , i don't think with 50k by 50k it would be that hard to hide lol ...i have had lots of bases at 40k - or 50k as i played a very very very lot , and they havent been raided , unless you count that one incident with artemis(he got banned and leaked our cords ) , i think there is something to be said for more player interaction and it would spice things up a bit , but as we both know we are just speaking thoughts or oppions i guess , people do join knowing its a raid and grief server , but i agree anything under 50k would be unfair to those "strictly builders " .
@R4iscool1 Interesting so it seems there is a whole host of issues with generation at the moment, I assumed that it was one bug that only affect Mansions. Rather disappointing but not surprising coming from Mojang.
It definitely makes it rather pointless to reset if we will be beset by the exact same bugs.
Agreed i have found end citys also with chest already broken and the items laying on the floor where the chest should be as i saw someone else mention but i don't see how reseting as you said is going to help anything considering ongoing mojang bugs.