What are you Thankful for?

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by MistakeMade

    Happy Thanksgiving to all in the US. I would like to ask all of what are some things that you're most thankful for? I'll start with saying im thankful for my family who loves me even though at times I've caused them grief. I'm thankful I have the privilege to live in an outstanding country where I know I'm free and can wake up without worry that freedom was lost overnight. I'm thankful for the people of the military who keep us safe from people who would like to harm us. I'm thankful for the police force who protect us in our sleep. I'm thankful for the Fire Department who protect our possessions and lives. I'm thankful that I have all that I need and a lot that I want. Overall I'm thankful to be alive.

  2. I'm thankful that we don't celebrate thanksgiving over here in europe.

  3. I'm thankful for the family I get to spend today with, for the time I have to enjoy Thanksgiving off from school, and for all the friends from around the world I've made because of you guys. Even though a lot of people don't celebrate Thanksgiving, or it's on a different day than in America, there's so much to be thankful for year round. I know I wouldn't be the person I am today if not for the good people of this community making me who I am today, for my friends and family I've found here. Thank you guys for being so awesome. :)

  4. @Sofatroll I'm thankful that we don't celebrate thanksgiving over here in europe.


  5. i really dont know what i am thankful for, there is so much to be thankful for i live in a nice place and have good family and go to a good school. but there so much to be thankful for.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Retrochewy

    I'm thankful for no school and no homework over break

  7. @Sofatroll I'm thankful that we don't celebrate thanksgiving over here in europe.

    im thankful for when we left your lame country

  8. @TimeKing297 im thankful for when we left your lame country

    ayee lmao
    europe is my favourite country

  9. England is my city.

  10. London is my... village, or something

  11. I'm thankful for all birbs. They give me motivation to live each and every day. Chickens are the greatest birb in existence and I hope to someday be a chicken.

    In all seriousness, though, I'm so thankful for @MoonMidnight . She and I met quite a long time ago on another server. We made a video together about me being "tested" to see if I could join her faction, and after that video we became fast friends. Now I can't imagine life without her. She legitimately makes every day worth living, even with my mental disorders, even though I have bad days, even when things aren't going well. I can always talk to her and she will do whatever it takes to help me, and I do the same for her. She's absolutely gorgeous and so, so loving. I don't deserve to have her in my life, but I'm unbelievably thankful that she is.

  12. I'm also greatful for my great family, this great country, and the ability to follow my passions! My family is sooo suportive and fun to have around. Each one is unique and a blast to have around. And we know we are together, making memories, and so close. Its something truly special. As for my country and being able to follow me passions that is such an amazing opportunity. Without that I would of never met the great people of CM, and NN. So many good, amazing people that have taught me lessons without them even knowing. Amazing experiences and so much to be thankful for! ^^

  13. I feel bad for the turkeys, I'm greatful that I dont have to celebrate it over here.

  14. Being an avid hunter I don't feel bad for animals. I feel bad for dogs being eaten around the world as well as horses and a few other animals. If the family has nothing to eat other than that I find it justified if they ate a dog. Other animals such as turkey and deer are overall fun to hunt and taste good as well and I find nothing wrong with eating turkeys as an everday meal even when you have other things to eat. My favorite meat would be beef as it tastes the best to me. I love hunting and in fact deer season is currently open so I've been hunting deer now. :)

  15. Dogs aren't eaten all around the world, only on a specific date in the far east, and it is about to be abolished.

  16. @halonest im sorry. I meant around as in on the oppoding side of the side I live on.

  17. I'm thankful that the only reason we're not all dead is because of the mutual destruction assured by everybody having nuclear weapons.

  18. skrillex

  19. I am also thankful that Skrillex is no longer relevant

  20. @ButterChully I am also thankful that Skrillex is no longer relevant


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