@GrinningBobcat I mean maybe non-Minecraft games could be done? or maybe try to collect heads and set up a permanent base in the end or nether or something idk
That's always something to consider, and I'll certainly keep thinking about games besides MC, but for now I'm just wondering what to do on CM specifically. I do already have a permanent base in rhe End, too :)
@MistakeMade Video Idea. Interview a random russian guy.
XD I love it.
@MisterChris717 Make a series called: Last Monday I Asked You
Where you read our comments/ submisions about the topic you picked.
Not a bad idea, but I'm not sure many people would participate, and it has little to do with CM, as I could just as easily answer questions in a vlog.
@Fingerbib please video of a worm
Best idea yet! XD
@javonjw Get into pvp and at least people might be able to watch you gradually get good i know you said you don't pvp but hey thats something new something different. I was kinda thinking the same there is not much to do on the server but build build and build but that gets boring and i am not much into building anyways i would come on the server for the people and the community the server needs something to spice it up a little and lately it just seems to be full of trolls and hackers
PvP just doesn't interest me much on here. It may make for a couple interesting episodes, but just like building, it gets old quickly. Hopefully NNAT will be able to get the server more involved again in the near future.