I've put up a star wars themed mod, that's my fav
I've put up a star wars themed mod, that's my fav
Tinkers' Construct ^_^
@EnderConstructor Tinkers' Construct ^_^
Gotta agree with that :D
So we have:
A handful of visual nuts.
A couple of astronauts
A couple of Tinkerers
A person who did not read the original post
Someone who wants to... Ride animals?
And a Thaumturge
open blocks
Optifine. :>
@cookiestepdog Optifine. :>
thank god for optifine :P
i like that one that shows recipies for everything on the right side of your inventory screen, i just dont know the name for it
@ardoasms is it the not egnough items mod
@ardoasms i like that one that shows recipies for everything on the right side of your inventory screen, i just dont know the name for it
Thats a good mod. I like the schematica mod. One of the most useful mods ever.
@ardoasms Too Many Items is the mod I think your thinking of
MCMMO was pretty fun
looked at this, it is really cool
@BenjoBanjo7 A couple of astronauts
TO SPACE!!!!! :D
My favorite mod is : <insert mod ign here>
idk probably mo creatures back in the day
That was damn good in 1.7.10 @Pimpcy