100million ticks giveaway

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by javonjw

    At my 100 million ticks mark i will be giving away My everyday load out / gear named sword pick axe food pots chest gold apples . I will give it to who you all think should receive it just type in the name of the person in the post they must be a active player and don't say yourself or any of your alts. I rather this be someone who really needs the gear and will wear it and use it
    Also i will be giving away a stack worth of diamond blocks at spawn. This is kinda like a restart for me i will keep my home set but i will start off from spawn mining and stuff until i build myself up again from the ground up before i go back home i will vote before my journey and the food i get from voting will be the only thing i take to the wild with me.

  2. Nice job on 1 mil!

    I nominate @CodyJProductions because he's a great Helper and is always so kind.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by ZenithW

    I nominate @Tez1010 . I've recently returned (2days ago) from 10 months of inactivity but she's been treating me with kindness and generosity like no stranger (no pun intended), which really helped me to get back on my feet immediately (I deleted my old account so this is a fresh start for me as well). I meant, there are some other staff and players that helped me but Tez is still actively playing the game.

  4. I nominate @DeGenki because.. he wants the stuff

  5. @ZenithW you mean she lol.

  6. That's 57 days of playing nonstop. Wow

  7. When do you want nominations by? I wanna put thought into it.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by Pimple_300ping

    @NerdieBirdieYT I nominate @CodyJProductions because he's a great Helper and is always so kind.

    woah, didn't expect that lol

    ty nerdie :)

  9. @javonjw I rather this be someone who really needs the gear and will wear it

    According to you guys, wouldn’t that be @NerdieBirdieYT ?

    I nominate NerdieBirdie because quite frankly it’s the perfect gift you could ever possibly give him.

  10. I tend to think of people who have lost bases recently, such as mineseyecraft, rockinricky2, humfrydog, NDH90, and possibly waterdevil. I think Tez1010 deserves it as well, but I'm not sure it would be of much use to her

  11. @Valgys According to you guys, wouldn’t that be @NerdieBirdieYT ?

    I nominate NerdieBirdie because quite frankly it’s the perfect gift you could ever possibly give him.

    Lol, thanks mate XD Very true, apparently the god sets I currently have are a figment of my imagination, so... I'm in need, I guess? Lol.

  12. I nominate Nerdie becuase he has stayed strong through a ton of trolling :)

  13. I nominate javonjw because he's about to hit 100 million ticks he deserves it

  14. @WBlaine When do you want nominations by? I wanna put thought into it.

    i am at 93897813 there is no date i should be at 100 mill by mid December or end of month

  15. Edited 7 years ago by Cileklim

    She's always kind and reasonable

    @humfrydog is also a great choice because he's nice and he has gone through a knee replacement surgery recently

  16. @DoppyRex I nominate Nerdie becuase he has stayed strong through a ton of trolling :)

    Aw thanks bud ^-^

    @JuraraJupiter I nominate javonjw because he's about to hit 100 million ticks he deserves it

    How are you such a genius? I second this nomination.

  17. I also nominate MoonMidnight because the only times she comes online is when I'm on and never plays and just messes with me, meaning she has no decent armor (not sure if she has iron) and is most definitely in need of protection against SurfTurf.

  18. i nominate @NerdieBirdieYT bc he's cool and also the other reasons people already said

  19. I nominate @NerdieBirdieYT so that he can use the armor to take down Team Eye #GoNerdNation #DownWithTeamEye

  20. @Fingerbib i nominate @NerdieBirdieYT bc he's cool and also the other reasons people already said

    I feel loved omg thank you :$

    @deyahruhd I nominate @NerdieBirdieYT so that he can use the armor to take down Team Eye #GoNerdNation #DownWithTeamEye

    That assumes I would PvP in attempts to take them down, which is laughable. Have you seen me PvP? I'm as good at it as you are good at not talking about TE or joking about NN.

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