The Shout-Out Section

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for having a lot of nicknames

  3. Shoutout for @_Humanoid_ for pushing his bike half way to his tent

  4. shout-out to @_Humanoid_ for having a tent

  5. Shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for shouting out to @_Humanoid_

  6. shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for being shouted out to

  7. Shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for going camping with a tent

  8. Shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for having 2 underscores

  9. Shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for tasting like chicken

  10. Edited 7 years ago by BaronBattleBread

    Shout-out to @SharpSerac for being the jester of Craftymynes

  11. Shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for winning the royal election of CraftyMynes

  12. @javonjw Shout-out to @SharpSerac for being the king of Craftymynes

    Thanks Javon it's great to finally get some recognition for my achievements here

  13. @SharpSerac Thanks Javon it's great to finally get some recognition for my achievements here

    as your first act, what is the king of craftymynes to decree first?

  14. Shout out to @_Humanoid_ for asking the important questions.

  15. Shout out to @_Humanoid_ for being shouted out to by @WBlaine for asking the important questions.

  16. Shout out to @_Humanoid_ for making everyone shout out to @_Humanoid_

  17. @Cileklim Shout out to @_Humanoid_ for making everyone shout out to @_Humanoid_

    I didnt ask for the beautiful meme! It was struck upon me! lol

  18. Shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for becoming CM's greatest meme

  19. Edited 7 years ago by Julipukki

    Shout out to @_Humanoid_ for losing his beloved horse "Free Real Estate"

  20. Shout out to ErinDwight for dealing with my stupid rear, and allowing me onto his plot to live.

  21. Shoutout to @_Humanoid_ for having a horse named "Free Real Estate"

  22. Newer ›

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